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Circle the Wagons

by Dennis Jackson
November 2000

Even though I am only an student of American history I can safely conclude that the early American pioneers that settled our west could not have been of the Republican political persuasion.

In those days of travel protected only by their number these pioneers, in times of peril would circle their wagons as a means of protection from attack by the hostile indigenous peoples of the prairie.

If we fast forward one hundred and fifty years we will recognize the modern day “pioneers” circling their wagons for their mutual protection.  These modern day pioneers are called Democrats.  Compare the current events and the actions of the Democrats with the actions (or inactions) of the Republicans.

In the last 3 years we have seen the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives resign under pressure from the Democrats in the House.  There was hardly a peep from fellow Republicans in defense of Speaker Newt Gingrich.  However, when Democrat President Bill Clinton defiled and dishonored the office of President, the Democrats “circled the wagons” in his defense, and prevailed even with a minority in both houses of Congress.

During this Presidential campaign cycle, the American public was lied to by Algore and his apologists, without objection by the complicit liberal media, or even the Republicans.

Take for example the claim that the left has been spouting: 

“Governor Bush signed into law a bill allowing people to carry guns in amusement parks and churches”. 

Even high level Democrat operatives have used this lie.  Under Texas Government Code, Chapter 411(b), (5) & (6), UNLAWFUL CARRYING OF FIREARMS BY LICENSE HOLDER:

 A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun…

(5) in an amusement park; or

(6) on the premises of a church, synagogue, or other established place of worship.

The truth always seems to be elusive to the Democrats, who believe that a lie is more effective than the truth when it is repeated often enough.  But I blame the Republicans and media for not calling them on it!

The Democrats claim the lofty prize as being the saviors of women, yet they defile those women who do not share the same view of Party domination of our country, or their leftist agenda.  I am sure that Ms. Harris, Secretary of State for the State of Florida understands that now that she has been added to the list of Democrat victims like Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones.

The shameless behavior of the Democrats in this Presidential election is another example of their ability to stick together in the face of overwhelming opposition to their nefarious deeds.  The Democrats have controlled the election in Florida, and possibly other places, in ways that are contrary to our laws and the will of the people.  Wherever they can’t control the outcome of an election by their lies and deception, they turn to the corrupt and partisan courts to do their bidding.

There are claims that this election has been fraught with voter fraud, intimidation and interference with the electoral process;  Military absentee ballots have been withheld from voters stationed overseas;  Absentee ballots that were received were arbitrarily disqualified for the most mundane of reasons since the military was most likely to vote against Algore.  The claim that 2.5 million illegal aliens were allowed to vote in our election is to me the most serious.  The Republicans remain silent on the issue of voting by those who are in this country illegally, or have not established citizenship, for fear of being called “racist or bigoted”.  “Circle the wagons”, you IDIOTS!  Someone needs to stand up for the rule of law!  Remember Nixon?  He didn’t speak up when all those dead people in Chicago voted for Kennedy.

The behavior of the Democrats since they have invaded the shores of Florida is outrageous.  The Democrats have taken advantage of the lack of civic responsibility of the residents of Florida.  Every person in the United States has the right to vote.  With that right comes the responsibility to understand the candidates, issues and the ballot.  The Democrats, led by Secretary Bill Daley, (talk about corruption of blood) has tried to claim that voters who did not punch their ballot all the way through, is really a vote, or a dimple on the ballot is a vote. 

The Democrats would even use the claim that a vote for Bush is really a vote for Gore because the voter didn’t clearly understand the candidates.  Every jurisdiction that uses the same voting system that some districts in Florida use have basically the same rules and disqualifies any ballots that do not meet the requirements.  It is the responsibility of the voter to understand the rules.  Not the job of the courts to define the rules after the fact.

This election has given the American people new words to add to our lexicon.  How many of us, before this election, ever heard of a “chad”, (Hell, it’s not even in my spellcheck) or “pregnant chads”, or “dimpled chads”?  After the impeachment of Bill Clinton, I am still trying to define what “is” is.

You have not heard or seen the Republicans banding together for mutual protection to either enforce the federal election laws, or bring these charges to the light of day through the media or the courts.  History will judge both parties harshly over this election.  Whoever ends up with the votes needed to become our President will not have a mandate from the voters. There will be hard feelings and animosity and either candidate would become an “illegitimate” President.

If the Democrats succeed in subverting this election by manipulating the outcome and denying a fundamental right of the people, we should next expect to line up at the nearest “Loyalty Enforcement Center” to turn in our firearms and forfeit our other fundamental rights.

Whatever the outcome of this election, fully 51% of our citizens will not be represented and will therefore be ungovernable.  I am not necessarily a supporter of Governor Bush, but I am strongly ANTI-GORE!  In any event, if Algore steals this Presidency, he WILL NOT be my President! Nor will I accept his choice for Vice President. This guy looks and sounds like a character in the stage version of Alice in Wonderland! Then again if Algore does not steal this election, he is unworthy of being called a true Democrat!

This election has become a wakeup call for all Americans to become more involved in the political process.  It is no longer acceptable for a person to seek the highest office in the land, the office should seek out the man.  We can’t sit around and bemoan the lack of suitable candidates then choose to not cast a vote. We need to ensure that we have suitable candidates for all public offices.  That is the only way that we will end up with candidates for the higher offices that will be qualified and will capture the imagination of the people and raise our nation to the stature that it truly deserves.

I refer to this as “trickle up” politics.  It is not enough to assume that if we elect a righteous candidate to the highest office it will affect the quality of candidates for local offices.  On the contrary, we need to choose candidates for local offices that will influence the quality of candidates higher up.  In that way, the American people will be empowered in the political process and the political parties and politicians will finally understand and respect the power of “We the people”.


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The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. — THOMAS JEFFERSON

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