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Americans are a minority in this country

by Mark Donges


Americans are far and few between these days, and they are misinformed.

We suffer from delusion about those that live amongst us. We have a belief that people are intelligent and will respond to intelligent dialog. This is a major miscalculation our side made. Over 50% of this country refuse to listen to logical discourse. Such words are pearls before swine. The fact is people are stupid, ignorant sheeple who believe what they want regardless of the reality of the situation. They are the product of a public school system that is so badly flawed graduating seniors can't read their own diplomas.

I believe we are past the time to debate these issues and that we are in serious jeopardy of losing this WAR, and make no mistake, we are at war. "They" think so, shouldn't we? If you will recall, the DEs (Domestic Enemy) strategy in most cases has been a bit of "rope a dope" with us in the role of dope. The rope will surely follow.

I am way beyond worry at this point. I can see the end and it ain't pretty. Most likely people will simply give in. Oh, there are those among us who are extremely smart, articulate, connected and confident. I throw no stones at them. They are doing what they believe to be right, trying to breathe life back into a corpse. Try as I might, I just can't arrive at the same conclusions. I can't find it in myself to be optimistic. A bureaucracy has far too much inertia when dealing with an issue of this magnitude. The BoR (Bill of Rights) is a major issue, not some little used, seldom applicable bit of legislative fancy.


Even if Governor Bush is finally elected, will he repeal the unconstitutional laws on the books? No. Will he disband the BATF? No. Will he prevent the systematic destruction of the foundation of our nation? No. "Why not," you ask? Please refer to my comments on the massive inertia associated with bureaucracy and that 50% of this nation doesn't have a clue which end is up. That's why!

This problem is beyond the scope of the legislative arts to rectify. Period.

Hey, as long as hunters can have their rifles, even if they are checked into an armory until needed, no problem! Right? Can't you see it now?

No one is willing to actually fight for their rights anymore either. We'll not commit murder. We're too civilized for that. We always wait for the other guy to throw the first punch. Then we think twice before we respond. Well, if the DEs play their cards right, nipping away at our flank, and not throwing what we perceive to be that punch, they'll be successful and we'll soon find ourselves very much alone in a corner. The Bible says you can't murder, but it does authorize killing. The Constitution authorizes the use of force to throw off a tyrannical government. Think we'll use that moral and legal authority?

Instead we debate until hell freezes over in the hopes that hot air will some how convince the socialist party that they have overstepped their bounds. Perhaps the fury of our breath will make them cower and depart our shores. So far halitosis is the worst we've hurled against them. I fear it will be the most. Unfortunately, we seem to be tolerant of their existence in our country, a concept I can't grip. Would you tolerate a member of your household that continuously tried to set you home ablaze? Damn straight you wouldn't!

The reason the Constitution is so effective is because, like the Bible, it deals with mans predisposition to sin. It is as true today as it was the day it was signed. Technology is a load of horse pucky in the discussion, but a favorite of those who, if they had a brain, would take it out and play with it. Flintlocks vs. M-16. All the same. Actually, I would argue that in today's world, an American needs a much larger advantage than the farmer had in the 1700's. Technology combined with our own tax dollars has seen to it that the government can inspect our intestines at will.

A guy once told me that our biggest mistake after the Revolutionary war was to not kill the Tories. I can see the wisdom of his words played out in Florida.

Watching the recount is almost hypnotic. I find myself saying "they can't be that stupid can they?" over and over. You see, I suffer from delusional thinking too.

The Clinton regime is in fact above the law, and the Democrat party and Mainstream Republicans have made it so.

It is true, you know: people do get the kind of leadership they deserve.


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