BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI -- A man who was injured in a fatal shooting Sunday in Hancock County remained hospitalized Monday while authorities combed the crime scene for more clues and interviewed the victim's family
The case was one of two fatal shootings on the Coast over the weekend.
In Biloxi, police said they were trying to confirm a motive for the slaying of 22-year-old Jason M. Davis. Police charged his brother, 21-year-old Raymond Morris Davis, with murder after a shooting at their home in rural Woolmarket around 9 p.m. Friday.
In the Hancock County case, Joe Beall, 43, remained in serious condition Monday at Garden Park Medical Center in Gulfport after he was shot early Sunday at his home on Mississippi 53.
Authorities said they found Jimmy R. Roberds, 44, of Diamondhead, dead at Beall's home after Angela Beall called 911 to report a man had kidnapped her and shot her husband.
Angela Beall was at a Christmas party with Roberds in Louisiana on Saturday night when he held a gun to her head, forced her inside her Corvette and said he was taking her home so he could kill her husband, said Bob Lambert, criminal investigator for the Hancock County Sheriff's Department.
Joe Beall was awakened out of a dead sleep when Roberds reportedly kicked in the door of his home north of the Necaise community, Lambert said.
Beall apparently grabbed a gun, and his wife grabbed a cell phone from inside the house and ran outside to call for
No charges have been filed in Roberds' death.
"It may have been self-defense," said Lambert. "We still don't know the relationship between Mrs. Bealls and Mr. Roberds."
Technicians from the state Crime Lab are expected to return to the couple's home today to finish collecting evidence, Lambert said.
In the Biloxi shooting, the Davis brothers were apparently arguing at their home on Michael Street when Raymond Davis shot his brother several times, Coroner Gary Hargrove said. Jason Davis died of a gunshot wound to the head, and was found near the back door.
Police said they will not release further details on the case.
"That will have to come out when it goes to trial," said Capt. Rick Kirk, criminal investigator.
Jason Davis worked at Lighthouse Marble Works in Woolmarket, where his supervisor, Derrick Kendall, described him as "a real easy-going and helpful guy. It took everybody here by surprise."
Robin Fitzgerald can be reached at 896-2307
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