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Newslinks for 12/23/2013

Piers Morgan shows as much contempt for First Amendment as he does for Second
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... You are free to pick and support your side or to ignore the whole sorry mess. In Morgan’s fascist world, that choice would be taken from you. Let’s prove that together." ...

Random Thoughts On Fags and Gun Nuts
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The recent flap about Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson’s comments on homosexuality got me thinking. While I don’t share Robertson’s belief that being gay is a sin – at all – I support his right to be wrong, in public. That said, the remarks themselves were inexcusably crass. Vagina vs. anus? Really? Robertson must have known that this comment would inflame both homosexuals and heterosexuals. To what end (so to speak)? It’s certainly not the kind of language I’d expect from a 'true Christian'; someone who loves the sinner but hates the sin. Nope. The comment was needlessly, heedlessly insensitive. And it reminds me of nothing so much as the comments I’ve heard as a gun guy. Or should I say 'gun nut' . . ." ...

Myths about mass murder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There are a lot of things we think we know about mass shootings: that they come about when mentally unstable individuals suddenly snap; that there are more and more of them every year; that smarter and stricter laws can help prevent them."

"A new article in the journal Homicide Studies says that all of those assumptions are wrong."

"In the article ... criminologists James Alan Fox and Monica J. DeLateur examine existing research and data to refute 11 common assumptions about mass murder ... [I]f we're going to have a national conversation about mass shootings ... then it might as well be based on data rather than assumptions."

"The biggest myth they claim to bust? The idea that mass murder in America is on the rise. ..." ...

Colorado: New Gun Laws Didn't Stop the Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Colorado’s gun laws made the news last week following a shooting at Arapahoe High School in the city of Centennial. One student was injured in an 80-second attack involving five gunshots and one Molotov cocktail."

"Shooter Karl Pierson then killed himself with a 12-gauge pump action shotgun that he had legally purchased (As an 18-year-old he would not have been able to legally purchase a handgun). He was reported to have been cornered by an armed deputy on the school grounds before the suicide." ...

'Assault weapon' bans punish the disabled--and everyone else
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that 'More disabled people oppose assault-weapon restrictions.' The reason for that opposition is that the very same ergonomic features (pistol grip stocks, vertical foregrips, etc.) that the gun ban jihadists (the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, for example) demonize as 'too lethal' for ownership by mere private citizens can make the difference between a physically disabled person being able to exercise his Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms, and abject disarmament. From the LA Times article:" ...

Noting link between forced disarmament, genocide does not 'trivialize Holocaust'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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or Bearing Arms a week ago, Bob Owens reported that Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop is putting the city's police officers at risk by choosing firearm and ammunition vendors based not on the quality of the products they offer, suitability for the department's needs, and cost, but on the vendors' answers to his misguided "social responsibilities" questionnaire that must be filled out before any bid is considered." ...

"NRA board member Scott Bach is now drawing fire for expressing surprise ... that Mayor Fulop could be so rabidly anti-gun, given the fact that his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. Predictably, the 'progressives' cannot contain themselves, and are in full-throated anguished bleating meltdown mode. ..." ...

Arapahoe High School Student’s Father Calls for Guns In Schools
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"James Viser, the father of a student at Arapahoe High School in Centennial Colorado, posted the following comment underneath our article Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: WE ARE ALL CLAIRE’S MOTHER:

"My son is an Arapahoe HS student, and no parent should experience what we did. The parents of Claire Davis have it much worse than all of us. I was astounded by MDA’s response. They clearly have no idea of how Coloradans view gun rights and who is responsible for the tragedy. ... The ONLY thing that stood between the gunman last Friday and my son (and others) was good guy Deputy Sheriff James Englert. I owe him a personal debt of gratitude. One that Claire’s parents acknowledged in their actual statement here . . ." ...

‘Gee dad, a Winchester’: Vintage gun adverts from an era when a weapon for your child made the perfect Christmas gift
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For those stuck for a gift idea in 1960s America, the solution seems simple: get a gun."

"Or at least that's according to the weapon manufacturers, who tried to cash on on festive spending with these outdated adverts."

"Taken from magazines and newspapers these retro images present rifles as the perfect gift for children, teenagers and adults." ...

Submitter's Note: Oh those halcyon days of yesteryear . . .

The Christmas Gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A police chief friend sent this along from the UK."

"What evoked horror in the Brits who published that, evoked nostalgia in me…and, undoubtedly, in many of the men and women of the well-established English shooting community. I don’t just remember those old ads…I remember opening guns under the Christmas tree. I think the coolest Christmas present I ever received was my first Colt .45 automatic pistol, at age twelve. (Yeah, I know, but even Colt called it 'automatic' instead of 'semi-automatic.') The same was true for my kids’ generation, at least in my family and my circles." ...

Gear Review: AIMTech Laser Training System
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There’s only one way to become a better shooter: you need to pull the trigger. A lot. And while some of that needs to be live fire, more and more people are recommending that the majority of your trigger pulling should be done in the comfort of your own home with an unloaded firearm. Dry fire practice is the quickest way to acclimate yourself to a new firearm or improve your skills, and it’s dirt cheap as well. But while it’s nice to point your gun in the general direction of a notional target and squeeze that trigger, it would be even better if there was some way to know when you actually hit the target. Enter the AIMTech Systems Laser Training System . . ." ...

New From Ruger: LCRx
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Do you know why the Ruger LCR has one of the best if not the best trigger of any snubbie on planet Earth (Smith weenies need not comment)? 'Its double-action-only trigger pull is uniquely engineered with a patented Ruger® friction reducing cam fire control system. The trigger pull force on the LCR® builds gradually and peaks later in the trigger stroke, resulting in a trigger pull that feels much lighter than it actually is. This results in more controllable double-action shooting, even among those who find traditional double-action-only triggers difficult to operate.' ... Quite why you’d want a hammer on a gun that was born for deep concealment and CQB—save range fun—is beyond me. But there it is. And I want one . . ." ...

FOSSCAD Unveils 3D Printable 75 Round Drum Magazine for AR-15 Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As 3D printing becomes more mainstream and accessible, it’s no wonder that more and more gun parts are being designed to be printed on a standard 3D printer. Specifically those gun parts that keep gun control activists up at night fearing for the future. Today’s new 3D printable part is a 75 round drum magazine designed in the style of the old Romanian AK magazines but compatible with the AR-15 rifle. Needless to say, this completely circumvents any magazine restrictions that certain governments have instituted and allows a private citizen to print their own extremely high capacity magazine from the comfort of their own home. Suck on THAT, Feinstein. Semi-presser after the jump . . ." ...

Battle Rifle Co. Announces Spring AR-15 Fashion Lineup
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When it comes to gun fashion, the AR-15 is definitely This Year’s Girl. In fact, she’s been This Year’s Girl for at least a decade, strutting the runways and showing off the latest in rifle styles and accessories. I’m sure we’ll see a lot of her at Fashion Week the SHOT Show wearing every conceivable manner of rail, grip, stock, trigger and optic. Battle Rifle Company is previewing its Spring 2014 line ahead of the show, with a handful of ARs that might appeal to tactically fashion-conscious shooter . . ." ...

New from Arsenal: SLR-104UR “Krink” AK Rifles in 5.45×39
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There’s just something awesome about a Krink. The AK-47 pattern (or, more accurately AK-74 in this case) is pretty nifty to begin with, but make it pocket size and it gets even cooler. It used to be that you needed to get a kit and build your own Krink from the receiver on up, but Arsenal has started making factory rifles with the proper gas system length and sight radius that all you need to do is get your tax stamp and then procure yourself a hacksaw. It gets better — the front sight gas block is already threaded for the typical Krink muzzle device, so when the barrel is short enough, it’ll all just work. It’s so sweet that I might just have to buy one myself. Make the jump for the presser . . ." ...

When the Right to Bear Arms Includes the Mentally Ill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The Russo case highlights a central, unresolved issue in the debate over balancing public safety and the Second Amendment right to bear arms: just how powerless law enforcement can be when it comes to keeping firearms out of the hands of people who are mentally ill."

"... Most states simply adhere to the federal standard, banning gun possession only after someone is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility or designated as mentally ill or incompetent after a court proceeding or other formal legal process. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So the Times thinks revoking a person's civil rights should not require some sort of "formal legal process"?

Gun owners increasingly expected to cater to irrational fears of hoplophobes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. News and World Report noted Monday that the Obama administration, perhaps frustrated at its inability to impose yet more restrictive gun regulation through the legislative process, is once again doing everything it can by executive diktat. This time, the infringement on that which shall not be infringed is to come via proposed new regulations barring hunters and target shooters from millions of acres of public land." ...

"With candor that has likely not endeared him to his superiors, a Department of the Interior official freely admits that the idea here is not to make anyone safer:" ...

Which mothers to follow, those with the mayors or the ones with guns?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday’s announcement that Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) has merged with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDAGSA) came 24 hours after a local Fox station in Cincinnati reported about the rising number of women – including moms – who are arming themselves, and it causes a dilemma: Which moms should the country believe?"

"MAIG, with about a thousand members and MDAGSA, claiming an estimated 130,000 members, may have some formidable opposition, according to statistics provided by WXIX/Fox19 reporter Hagit Limor in Wednesday’s investigative piece." ...

Bang! You're dead!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Using the Second Amendment as an excuse for anybody and his nutty grandmother to possess a gun is the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time. This strongly held opinion of mine was exacerbated by the third Colorado shooting, of course. I am sick of hearing experts opine earnestly about the need for better mental health screening. The truth is that you can’t necessarily tell when an otherwise sensible-sounding person will crack." ...

"Equally stupid, in my strongly held opinion, is the usefulness of background checks of whatever kind. Worthless for the same reasons. Also note that the Second Amendment does not even specify who may own a gun. ..." ...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ Website Still Hosted by the City of New York
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Well over six months ago we pointed out that Mayors Against Illegal Guns was using NYC resources to host their website. Now that it’s December and the mayor is on his way out the door, you’d think that Bloomberg would have stopped using taxpayer funds and resources to further his personal political campaign against a constitutionally protected civil right. But three seconds of looking into the issue proves otherwise . . ." ...

Claire Davis is latest innocent victim of America’s obsession with guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The ugly truth is that America’s unhealthy obsession with guns has claimed the life of another innocent young woman."

"Officials announced Saturday that Claire Davis, 17, died of wounds she suffered when shot by a classmate on Dec. 13 at Arapahoe High School in suburban Denver."

"Her senseless death is another indictment of the priorities set by far too many gun zealots in this country."

"They are more interested in 'protecting' the Second Amendment than they are in protecting the thousands of people who are victims of firearms-related incidents each year." ...

Law enforcement officials must enforce laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Since when do county sheriffs get to decide which state laws they will enforce? Furthermore, when did they become the arbiters of what is or isn’t constitutional?"

"Ask the citizens of Colorado (I used to be one) who are now confronted by rebellious elected 'law' officers who say they aren’t going to enforce a package of new gun controls that makes their state one of the saner and possibly safer venues in the nation. They consider the new statutes vague and a violation of the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. In fact, all but seven of the state’s 62 sheriffs signed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the new statues." ...

AZ: Regulation is permitted, needed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The letter 'Newtown shouldn’t end a right' (Opinions, Wednesday) perpetuates the myth that the Second Amendment granted an individual right."

"Back in 1789, when the amendment was ratified, the words 'to bear arms' meant one thing and one thing only — to serve in a military capacity. In modern times, (U.S. vs. Miller, 1939) the Supreme Court upheld that long-standing view." ...

Need a last minute Christmas gift? How about a $12,000 3D printed gun?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I'm not sure if people are champing at the bit for this deal, but if you're a gun collector and you want to be the only one on the proverbial block, here's your chance."

"The first company to produce a working version of a metal semi-automatic pistol with a 3D printer is offering to sell them as a collector's piece for $11,900."

"Solid Concepts ... first unveiled the gun last month. The pistol is a replica of the storied .45-caliber, M1911 semi-automatic that served as the U.S. military's standard-issue sidearm for more than 70 years. Solid Concepts demonstrated the gun by initially firing 50 rounds with it. Since then, the company said it has fired nearly 2,000 rounds through the pistola without a single malfunction." ...

James Porter, NRA President, In his own words
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In May of 2013 James Porter was elected President of the NRA. Mr. Porter is an experienced lawyer who served as a trustee on the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, which supports and helps coordinate lawsuits that protect the Second Amendment. Mr. Porter was also the NRA’s “First Vice President” and he chaired the board of directors during a period when they intensified their focus on defending the Second Amendment in court." ...

"To better understand who this man is and where he will take the NRA it is best to study his own words. The following are quotes from the many speeches and public statements he has recently given concerning the NRA, the administration in Washington and gun control efforts across the nation." ...

Owning firearm requires responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A lawful citizen of the United States has the right to own a firearm. This right is guaranteed by the second amendment to the Constitution. The second amendment was established to allow citizens to have firearms not only to survive in the wilderness, but to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic. The right to keep and bear arms is a trust placed on the citizens of the United States, and with this trust, comes much responsibility."

"One responsibility is the safe handling of a firearm. ..." ...

Cable Channels Get in Line to Pick Up 'Duck Dynasty'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cable networks are getting in line to pick up 'Duck Dynasty' should the A&E Channel follow through with its threat to suspend the Robertson family's patriarch from the hit program in next year's season."

"The Hunt Channel and Pursuit Channel are the front-runners should the show get the axe, TMZ reports."

"'We believe in the Second Amendment and freedom of speech ... A&E needs to put on their big boy pants, and if they don't like the programming, they need to either let [the show] go or shut up and pay them,' said Merrill Sport, owner of the popular Hunt Channel." ...

AL: Alabama Woman Shoots Ex-Boyfriend Who Broke In and Was Hiding in Her Basement
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Birmingham, AL woman went to her basement to have a smoke."

"There she was confronted by her ex-boyfriend, who apparently had broken into the home and was hiding in the basement."

"The intruder allegedly assaulted the woman, took her cell phone, and destroyed it."

"Fearing for her safety, the woman drew a gun from her pocket and fired at the suspect, striking him once in the leg."

"The suspect then fled the home, but dropped his cell phone in the process. The woman used the phone to call 911." ...

OH: Cleveland homeowner shoots 2 suspects in home invasion (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Cleveland homeowner shot two intruders who attempted to rob him during a violent home invasion early Tuesday morning."

"Police say the two suspects approached the 24-year-old homeowner in the driveway of his house on Rudyard just before 2:30 a.m. The suspects took the owner into the house where he was beaten and pistol-whipped."

"During the confrontation, the homeowner was able to obtain his personal weapon and fired at both suspects, hitting both." ...

NH: Concealed Carrier Pulls Gun on Car Jacker – "You’re either a victim or you’re not, I chose not to be a victim" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A New Hampshire concealed carrier made a very simple point when speaking to the media, 'You’re either a victim or you’re not, I chose not to be a victim.'"

"Refuse to be a victim. It’s a theme we see in most of our defensive gun uses here."

"According to CBS Boston, Paul Jensen, 52, was sitting in the drivers seat of his car when an unknown man entered the car through the passenger door."

"Acting on instinct, and his refuse to be a victim mentality, Jensen drew his concealed handgun and pointed it at the suspect’s head until police arrived."

"The suspect was arrested and admitted to trying to steal the car." ...

Arrests in deadly N.J. mall carjacking that gun laws didn’t prevent
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Four men have been arrested last night and this morning in connection with last Sunday’s deadly New Jersey mall carjacking that could become yet another launch pad for gun control in a state already drowning in anti-gun regulations."

"New Jersey has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, but no death penalty. None of those gun laws seem to have worked to stop a senseless killing." ...

Mall Shooting Proves New Jersey’s Anti-Carry Laws Make State Less Safe, Says Fiamingo
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A leading Garden State Gun rights advocate told Guns & Patriots New Jersey state laws that prohibit gun owners the right to carry firearms in public puts lives in danger and penalizes innocent citizens."

"'Criminals in this state realize that anybody they attack is a defenseless victim,' said Frank Jack Fiamingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society. NJ2AS promotes the free exercise of Second Amendment protected-rights within the community and New Jersey Legislature."

"Except for a few narrowly-defined exceptions, no one is able to properly defend their lives outside of their homes, he said. 'If you live in New Jersey the criminal already knows you are a victim; the criminal already knows you are not armed.'" ...

How do we Know Guns Save Lives?
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"I know it is the Holidays, but put on your detective hat for a second. How do we know guns save lives? We know a gun was used when the criminal was shot by the victim. Then evidence is pretty obvious in that case. The same situation isn’t clear if the attack stops before shots are fired. That confusion explains why the self-defense statistics are inconsistent from report to report. We can’t even define what we mean by using a gun in self-defense. Do guns stop crime or not? Well, Sherlock, what do you think? Here are some recent examples to test you." ...

Submitter's Note: We don't have a definition of defensive gun use. We'd hate to need a gun and not have it, but we'd love to have a firearm and not have to fire it in self-defense. No shots fired often means the situation isn't counted as self-defense at all.

GA: School District Approves Keeping AR15s (Colt 6920) on School Property
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Gainesville, GA Board of Education has finally concluded a nearly year long debate with a final vote."

"The school has decided that the three schools in its districts will have Colt 6920 AR-15 rifles on campus."

"The rifles will be accessible to the school resource officer only and will be kept in a biometric safe."

"Most people involved in the discussion supported the move, which would give on the scene resource officers a better ability to more safely take longer range shots in an active shooter scenario." ...

Manchin on more gun control: This could be “difficult”
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On CNN’s morning chat festival with host (and 2012 debate moderator nightmare) Candy Crowley, West Virginia Democrat – and Renowned Moderate – Joe Manchin was trotted out for the usual end of the year opinion roundup. As usual, Crowley got Manchin to opine on the possibilities of a new gun control bill making it through the Senate in 2014. Displaying a sudden grasp of the realities of the situation, Manchin admitted that things might not be looking exactly rosy on that front." ...

CO: Q-Poll: Colorado Governor Hickenlooper In Big Trouble
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After Colorado’s Democratic legislators rammed through their knee-jerk magazine ban last year, angry Centennial State voters kicked two of the bastards out of office and forced a third to resign before she was voted out, too. A recent Quinnipiac University poll suggests that Democratic governor John Hickenlooper is feeling the heat of gun owners’ wrath as well. In an ominous signal of his re-election chances, his approval rating has dropped to below 50% for the first time in his term. And it’s not just because voters are offended by that horrible rug on his head, either . . ." ...

OR: County Passes Law Defending Citizen Arms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wallowa County became the nation’s latest jurisdiction to pass a Second Amendment preservation ordinance, a victory for local gun rights activists who argued the measure was urgently needed to counteract the overreach of proposed gun controls after a school shooting at Newtown, Conn."

"Monday night at Enterprise’s Cloverleaf Hall, the Wallowa County Board of Commissioners continued the ordinance’s public hearing that was originally convened Nov. 4 and continued on Nov. 25. Both of those gatherings were held at the Wallowa County Courthouse. By the conclusion of the Nov. 25 hearing segment, consensus among activists and commissioners was that the proposed measure should be revised before resuming the hearing." ...

LA: Defending The Second Ammendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The political battle for second amendment rights is far from over, according to U.S. Senator David Vitter, R-La."

"Ways to protect and defend those rights was the center of discussion for Vitter, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and State Representative Jeff Thompson, R-Bossier City, during a live telephone town hall meeting Wednesday night."

"The hour-long conference call, hosted by the Defend Louisiana campaign, provided an open forum for approximately 10,000 callers to ask questions regarding the local and national fight to protect second amendment rights as well as an opportunity to hear updates on legislative efforts over the last year and what’s to come in the future." ...

OR: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. So Is Michael Bloomberg.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In addition to death and taxes, there is one more thing you can count on, attempts at new gun restrictions, and now, a billionaire to help push a liberty smashing agenda."

"This February, the Oregon Legislature will have its 'even year' short session."

"Annual sessions were sold to Oregonians as a way to deal with the budget ... But they never restricted the ... sessions to just budget issues, so now anything is game in a compressed session where things are raced through and no one reads the bills."

"Furious that they were defeated in the last full session, Senate Democrats have vowed to bring gun control back in 2014. And this time they’ll have a boatload of money from soon-to-be 'ex' New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg." ...

FL: Gov. Rick Scott visit gun-free by request
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Brevard now has two places where people who carry firearms have politely been asked to leave their weapons outside:

• Starbucks.

• Invitation-only business luncheons with Gov. Rick Scott."

"The governor met Friday with 18 local entrepreneurs and government leaders at the Harbor City Diner in West Melbourne. Beforehand, county legislative aide David Isnardi sent an email to invitees asking, 'If you have a concealed weapon permit, please refrain from carrying Friday at lunch. That really makes the security detail nervous.'"

"It was neither a ban nor a policy from Tallahassee, Isnardi said. ..."

"But in that mix of company in that situation, it would be just as safe and more considerate to arrive unarmed." ...

9 Circuit Decision Sets the Analytical Framework for Second Amendment Challenges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On November 18th 2013, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal ruled on a case that seems to finally answer the question that so many other cases have been raising: what standard of review should apply when considering Second Amendment cases?" ...

IL: Chicago suburb sued over assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the communities that rushed to pass an assault weapons ban before a state law that allowed people to carry concealed weapons took away their legal right to do so will now have to defend the ban in court after a local pediatrician who owns semi-automatic weapons filed a lawsuit."

"In the lawsuit, Dr. Arie Friedman and the Illinois State Rifle Association argue that Highland Park, a well-to-do suburb north of Chicago, has no legal right to ban the weapons that Friedman says he keeps for lawful purposes such as target shooting and self-defense." ...

Firearms Storage Laws? What About Military Seepage?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Under the banner of 'gun safety,' the gun control industrial complex lobbies for firearms registration, weapon and magazine restrictions, mandatory firearms training and 'safe storage laws'—anything that can delay or deny Americans their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It’s the latter that’s the most insidious. Who can be against requiring gun owners to store their firearms safely? Do it for the children! Truth be told, safe storage laws 'invite' the government into your home. 'We need to inspect your gun storage'—without notice. ... What really grinds my gears: the same governments that want to check my safe storage fail to maintain their own. Check this out . . ." ...

IL: Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart: A little would-be tyrant
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart would be a petty, tyrannical dictator if given the opportunity and ability."

"Fortunately for the good people of Illinois, our government doesn’t allow this – and Tom Dart isn’t a happy lil’ would-be tin-pot."

"What is all this hubbub about?"

"Tom Dart wants to use the LEADS system, basically 'Google' for law enforcement, to search every applicant for an Illinois concealed carry license for *anything* in their background – and we mean *anything* – and use that information to file an objection to them having a carry license."

"And it’s not just anyone currently residing in Cook County, but anyone who has lived there at any time in the past ten years." ...

NJ: Prosecutors considering charges against N.J. State Police troopers for handling of DWI
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Prosecutors with the state Attorney General's Office are considering criminal charges against several State Police troopers in connection with how they handled another trooper after he drunkenly crashed his patrol car last year, The Star-Ledger has learned."

"The state's review focuses on whether the troopers attempted to impede the investigation of the July 25, 2012, crash in Lake Como involving their colleague, Trooper Kevin T. Byrne, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter." ...

FL: Tampa police: Officer fired for having sex with teen
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Tampa police arrested one of their own Thursday, charging a school resource officer at Blake High School with having sex with a 17-year-old female student at the school."

"Brian Morales was charged with eight counts of felony sexual activity with a minor. He becomes the latest in a string of officers who have been terminated this year after being accused of breaking the agency's code of conduct." ...

IL: Frankfort police officer accused of beating woman faces new charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Frankfort police officer has been charged with intimidation and phone harassment, charges related to his alleged beating of a former girlfriend in the summer of 2012."

"Officer Donald Walsh, 30, of Monee, was arrested Wednesday in a Will County courtroom. His bail was set at $50,000." ...

CT: Rally to protest response in police shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Community and constitutional rights activists plan to rally outside police headquarters Monday to protest the department's response to an officer who discharged a weapon in a city bagel shop last week." ...

"The protest comes nearly a week after Police Officer Juan Santiago, a 28-year veteran, picked up a borrowed gun from the table where he was sitting, cocked the firearm, aimed it at the floor of the Bagel King store on Main Street and pulled the trigger."

"The bullet in the gun's chamber richocheted off the floor and pierced Santiago's thigh before blasting a bowling ball-sized hole in a nearby window. The restaurant was filled with customers including lawyers, professionals and retirees at the time." ...

PA: Scott Twp. police chief, solicitor resign
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "In the letter, Chief Romano indicated his plans to resign effective Jan. 7. He also requested to be paid in full for all unused sick, vacation, holiday and personal days accrued until Jan. 7, Mr. Fanucci said."

"Chief Romano was suspended with pay on March 19, when township officials learned he was under investigation. Supervisors suspended the chief without pay on April 24, the same day he was charged with intimidation of a witness and other offenses for allegedly having sex with a witness in a case he was investigating."

"He has since pleaded no contest to one count of hindering prosecution." ...

Canada: Once More (With Feeling): The Only Reason For Registration Is . . .
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "In our letter dated August 27, 2013, we provided expert analysis of the audio portion of a RCMP propaganda video of their search of a High River home during the flood. Our audio-visual expert stated the person heard in the radio transmission clearly says he’s 'located all the firearms.' These four words would indicate that the RCMP not only knew there were firearms in the house but also the exact number of firearms in the house. We alerted you to this evidence given that the long-gun registry was supposed to be destroyed in 2012. ..."

"Today, I am providing supporting evidence that the RCMP were using long-gun registry records in their search for firearms in the High River homes. ..." ...

CT: Greenwich, CT Holds The Saddest Little Gun Turn-In Ever
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On the anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings, the town of Greenwich, Connecticut played host to the saddest little gun turn-in in the history of the world ever. The residents of the wealthiest per-capita town in the United States (pop. 62,000) surrendered a grand total of five rifles and one handgun to be destroyed by the Connecticut State Police . . ." ...

WA: Accused Metro bus robber perhaps lucky to be facing charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An accused armed robber, captured by passengers on a Metro bus in Seattle – it all goes down in a video broadcast yesterday by KOMO 4 News – might consider himself lucky to still be around to face charges, considering the number of active concealed pistol licenses reported to Examiner Wednesday afternoon by the Department of Licensing."

"Yesterday, Examiner learned from the Department of Licensing that there are now almost 449,000 active CPLs in circulation. That figure may be reached today, making Washington one of the highest per capita states in the country for licensed concealed carry. On Dec. 16, the Pensacola News Journal reported that Florida, as of Nov. 30, had 1,195,645 active concealed weapon or firearms licenses ..." ...

WI: The Technicalities of a Negligent Discharge
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There is an interesting case in Wisconsin in which a concealed carry weapon license (CCW) holder has been charged with 'negligent operation or handling of a dangerous weapon.' From jsonline: 'According to the criminal complaint, Marvin W. Jackson, 34, was shopping in the Burlington Coat Factory ... After he took of his jacket and laid it on a rack while he tried on another, his female companion picked up Jackson’s jacket and laid it over her arm because he had forgotten it on a rack earlier. But as she did, Jacson’s silver .38 caliber two-shot derringer fell out, hit the ground and fired a shot that pierced three sweatshirts before lodging in the metal display rack. The couple quickly left the store.' Just one problem . . ." ...

MI: Position on gun control should be clarified
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Your December 14 Other Views guest column, 'A year has passed since Newtown with no action on guns', wasn’t."

"Wasn’t an Other View, that is."

"Your front page story of that issue, 'One year later, has Sandy Hook changed the gun debate?', was essentially the same story, same position. Of the four columns of print of that story, three were of the concerns, hopes and accomplishments of gun control proponents, the same as the guest column. It contained one column of the positions and accomplishments of Second Amendment proponents. If the editorial position of the Oakland Press is indeed opposite that of the 'Other Views,' you should be bold enough to say so." ...

WI: Stop blaming weapons for killing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "And here we go again blaming an inanimate firearm for the tragic shooting of small school children. When are people going to stop dragging these innocents out and using them to support one's anti-gun fanaticism and hoplophobia, a fear of weapons? Please remember that law-abiding American citizens have been given the right, and not a privilege, to own a firearm in spite of some of our political representatives’ constant attacks on the Second Amendment. It seems that they have forgotten they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment." ...

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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