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GA: Lawmakers Renew Bid to Allow Guns on Campus
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Debate over whether firearms should be allowed in colleges has been revived, as a group of lawmakers renews its bid to allow licensed gun-owners to carry on campus.

A bill filed this week allows permit holders, who must be 21 years old, to tote their weapon anywhere on the campus of a public college, university or technical school. They cannot carry them into sports venues or student housing, including fraternity and sorority houses.


Anatomy of a Gun Buyback Program
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There is no regulation of gun buybacks in Ohio.

There are no laws that determine what happens to the guns after they are collected.

Guns, taxes, energy top long list for Oregon Legislature
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Oregon Legislature has laid out an ambitious agenda for its 35-day session that begins Monday.

In the third short, even-year session, lawmakers plan to tackle such weighty issues as arresting climate change, raising the minimum wage, tightening gun ownership, doubling the lodging tax and increasing

The NRA Strikes Back in Virginia
Submitted by: David Williamson

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One month ago, Virginia became a sudden and shining example of progress for the gun-control movement. The state’s Democratic attorney general, Mark Herring, announced that Virginia would no longer recognize concealed-carry permits of firearms owners in the 25 states with laxer gun laws than its own. The National Rifle Association promptly called his decision “the biggest setback” that gun owners had suffered politically in all of 2015.

Norway to Disarm its Police Force After Officers Ordered to Carry Guns for Just One Year
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Norway has announced that the armament of its police officers, which began in 2014, will cease "as soon as possible" after it was no longer deemed necessary.

A raised terror threat level saw officers ordered to carry firearms at all times in November 2014, but the measure was described as temporary.

Bernie Sanders Seeks to Repeal Gun Law He Once Voted for
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders will soon be co-sponsoring the repeal of a law that shields gun manufacturers from lawsuits that involve their guns—the law he voted for in 2005.

Police: Officer accidentally fires gun in home, hits neighbor
Submitted by: jac

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CLUTE, Texas -- A Freeport Police officer has been taken off duty after he accidentally shot his next door neighbor, according to police.

Investigators aren't saying exactly what the officer was doing at the time that caused his gun to fire inside his apartment in the 100 block of Lakeview drive in Clute.

The incident happened at 4 a.m. Saturday, police said. The bullet apparently went through the wall of the officer's apartment and hit his neighbor in the back.

Submitters note: It's not an accident. It's pure negligence. All guns are loaded. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Christie: NRA wants to give me better grade
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Chris Christie said Friday the National Rifle Association wants to upgrade his C rating on gun rights but doesn't want to make such a change amid a presidential contest.


Clinton Asks Iowans to Make Guns a Voting Issue
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Hillary Clinton urged voters Saturday to make gun control a key issue in the Iowa caucuses, pledging to take on the issue at an event where former Rep. Gabby Giffords endorsed the former secretary of state.

CT: Two Disabled American Veteran Patrons Shot with BB Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Bristol police are asking for the public's help in gathering information on an assault resulting in two men shot at with BB guns outside a Bristol veterans hall Saturday night.

However it's Parsed Over Guns, Home Rule is Local Rule, Not Lobbyists' Rule: Thomas Suddes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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PG Sittenfeld, the Cincinnati Democrat who wants to be Ohio's next senator, wants to help Ohio cities recover their home-rule right to regulate firearms.

That's a brave position for a statewide candidate to take. It's also the correct position, because Ohio's constitutional tradition is that a city's or village's voters, not a lobby-lubricated legislature, are the best judges of what is best for their towns.

SD: Gun Show Aims for All Ages
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Tom Holmstrom says he's fortunate. His children are not only interested in what he calls a "side hobby," but they also share their father's passion for guns and for hunting.

Store Owner Fights Back Against Robbers With Improvised Flamethrower
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An Australian shop owner’s quick thinking and flammable defense startled two armed robbers Saturday.

According to Nine News, the suspects burst into the shop in Alexandra Hills with weapons drawn.

OR: 'Rolling Rally' Protests Killing of Robert 'Lavoy' Finicum
Submitted by: David Williamson

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About 100 people and dozens of vehicles participated in a "rolling rally" to protest the killing of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, one of the armed protesters occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon for the last three weeks.

Now Among Largest Firearms Investors, Soros in Gun Control Scheme to Dump Stocks: “I’m Very Much Against Guns”
Submitted by: Jim Mienert

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Do you see the puppet strings?

The plot to disarm Americans and suspend the 2nd Amendment is working with furious pace. But it is anything but head on.

The 2nd Amendment makes gun ownership an inalienable right and guarantees armed and formidable populace. The NRA and other lobbies have gun rights firmly entrenched in the Republican party.

KY: Mom Stabs Son in Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A man is now facing charges after allegedly attacking his mother in Whitley County, Kentucky.

According to the Whitley County Deputies, they were dispatched to a home on George Hays Road Friday for an assault call.

VA: Gun Show in Fisherville Seeing Increase in Attendees
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Organizers of a gun show in Fishersville say they are seeing more people coming through the doors to buy firearms. More than 2500 people attended the C&E gun show in Fishersville Sunday.

NY: No Charges Expected After Buffalo Shooting
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It happened inside a home along the 700-block of North Maple, north of the town square, and police said it was self-defense.

Cruz Vows He'll Protect Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Republican presidential candidate Tedy Cruz on Saturday slammed progressive policies and pointed to a conservative revolution ahead as he exhorted an enthusiastic crowd to support him in the Monday Iowa caucuses.

HI: State Mulling Mandatory Insurance for Gun Owners
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Aloha state could the first that mandates its gun own residents to obtain insurance and requiring them to re-register their firearms with the state every five years.


Ben Carson Speaks at Dordt College
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With just two days until the Iowa caucuses, presidential hopefuls are hard on the campaign trail, holding rallies all over the Hawkeye state. Ben Carson held three rallies Saturday, including one at Dordt College in Sioux Center.


TX: Austin Bookstore Offering 10 Percent Discount to Open-Carriers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Brave New Books is offering a 10 percent discount to all customers open-carrying in their store.

The store is also hosting an open-carry symposium on Jan. 30 to help Texas residents learn more about open-carry legislation.


PA: Gun Poll Shows Support for Background Checks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Tony Williams owns guns but knows firsthand the damage they can do in the wrong hands.

When a gunman in August 2009 opened fire inside an LA Fitness gym in Collier, three people were killed and nine others were wounded, including Williams' daughter, Melina.


ID: Americans signing up for active-shooter survival training in wake of terror attack
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Americans rushed to arm themselves following an ISIS-inspired terror attack in California in December. The attack left 14 people dead and 22 others injured.


SC: Congregations Across State Taking Part in Event on Gun Violence
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Baptist church in Charleston will display white crosses on its lawn Sunday, one for every person killed in gun violence in the area this year.

NJ: 2 Killed in Newark Shooting; Official Says 'Too Many Guns'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Two people have been fatally shot at a northern New Jersey apartment where three young children were also found unharmed.

But a motive for the slayings in Newark remains under investigation.

CO: Corrections Officer Fired Gun During Deadly Brawl, Attorney Says
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Colorado Department of Corrections officer fired his gun during a weekend brawl at Denver motorcycle show that left one dead and seven others injured, an attorney said Sunday.

More Delawareans Seeking Personal Protection
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Many more Delawareans are carrying legally concealed deadly weapons these days.

That’s a fact.

Concealed carry permits jumped 56 percent from 2014 to 2015.

LA: ATV Rider Shoots Perpretator in Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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New Orleans police officers flooded the scene of North Claiborne and Esplanade Avenues after shots rang out, sending four people to the hospital.

Police say Richard Macklin got into an argument with a group of people on all terrain vehicles (ATV) at the gas station and opened fire hitting three people.

War is just one more big government program. — JOSEPH SOBRAN

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