MI: MI: Warren mayor to honor man who intervened in stabbing of employee at GM Tech Center
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Corey Salo
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A man who helped stop an attack on a 52-year-old GM employee at the Tech Center in Warren is being recognized by the mayor.
In a statement, Mayor Jim Fouts said he will give a special proclamation Thursday during a ceremony for Paco Sarder, a valet service supervisor who was working at the Tech Center when the attack on Stephanie Kerr happened.
Police said Kerr's daughter, Chevonne Taylor, went to the Tech Center on Feb. 10 and asked that her mother be called down to the lobby. While Kerr and Taylor were outside, Taylor began stabbing her mother with a knife, police said.
Sarder, a licensed gun holder, pulled out his weapon and used it to hold Taylor back until police could arrive. |
SC: Gun-rights battle heats up in GOP primary
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Mark A. Taff
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The gun-rights debate has returned to the forefront of the Republican presidential battle as the candidates charge into Saturday’s South Carolina primary, going to great lengths to prove their steadfast support of the Second Amendment.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are locked in a nasty fight over the issue, as Cruz effectively argues the billionaire businessman would, if elected, abolish gun rights. |
CA: California fights fed court ruling against 10-day wait period for vetted gun owners
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Mark A. Taff
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California gun owners who have already passed background checks should not have to endure a 10-day waiting period every time they buy another firearm, according to Second Amendment advocates who are fighting the state in federal court for a second time in two years.
Blanket application of the Golden State’s longstanding waiting period was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge in August 2014, but Attorney General Kamala Harris has kept it in place while the state appeals the ruling. At issue in Silvester v. Harris, argued last week before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, is whether applying the waiting period to already-vetted gun owners serves a valid purpose. |
WY: Enjoyment of, use of firearms different for every person
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Mark A. Taff
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Choosing a rifle, or for that matter, a handgun, is a personal, subjective process, influenced by any number of factors.
Those might include but are not limited to, your personal tastes, intended use (target, hunting, self defense, plinking or just the pride of ownership), what’s in vogue at that particular time or simply your budget.
Please note that I did not use the term weapon. I find the current usage of that term offensive, as the majority of firearms users have only a limited desire, as in concealed carry firearms, to use their personal firearm as a weapon. |
MD: Maryland Dems at it again with more gun laws
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Mark A. Taff
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Maryland, my Maryland … there they go again. The Democrats in the General Assembly are coming back with even more gun laws. In 2013, they connived to pass some of the strictest laws in the country with little to show for it. In 2013, Baltimore City listed 235 homicides. In 2015, Baltimore accumulated a whopping 344 homicides. The 2013 laws are not working. What is the Democrat response? Pass more laws. It has been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 'Nuff said. If you don't get it, think a bit longer. |
Donald Trump's Supreme Court litmus test
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Mark A. Taff
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Businessman Donald Trump, seeking to burnish his "common sense conservative" credentials for the Republican nomination, said Wednesday that he would use the landmark District of Columbia vs. Heller case from 2008 as a litmus test for nominating a Supreme Court justice.
The Heller case was a victory for gun rights proponents, in which the court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees someone the right to possess a firearm at home "for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home" and eliminated Washington D.C.'s ban on handguns, which the court said violated an individual's right to bear arms. |
LA: Safety, laws discussed at Alexandria Police's first gun class
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Mark A. Taff
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Police have a vested interest in making sure that people are savvy about gun safety and responsible ownership, especially as ownership rates continue to climb, says Alexandria Police Department Chief Loren Lampert.
The department hosted its first responsible gun ownership training class on Thursday, attended by about 25 people ranging from older couples to younger women. The group had a chance to learn about being gun safety, the difference between open carry and concealed carry and accessories owners can use to help keep their guns and people safe. |
OK: Conceal-carry license applications rise sharply in Oklahoma
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Mark A. Taff
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The number of Oklahomans applying for conceal-and-carry gun permits has been spiking in recent weeks after some sheriffs waived licensing processing fees, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation reported Wednesday.
Between Nov. 30 and Jan. 3, the number of gun-carry license applications received totaled 3,774, OSBI data shows. But, over the next five weeks, between Jan. 4 and Feb. 7, the bureau said applications nearly doubled with 6,682 received. |
WV: Constitutional Carry Moves
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Mark A. Taff
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HB4145 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee today without any anti-gun amendments.
Senator Mike Romano (D-Harrison) attempted to insert numerous anti-gun amendments, including one that would bar you from exercising your right to self-defense anywhere alcohol is sold. |
Pakistan: Should the teachers be with arms in Pakistan?
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Mark A. Taff
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Imagine at a school/college/university office teachers are sitting busy by discussing gun standards. This is 9mm made in china, says a teacher to his colleague; further asks him about his short gun.
Such talks appear no strange in the vicinities of educational institutions in Pakistan. Educational institutions have been a very soft target of terrorists in Pakistan. |
What it means for gun rights if Scalia's replacement is a liberal
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Mark A. Taff
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This week, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz warned that Antonin Scalia’s death leaves us “one justice away from the Second Amendment being written out of the Constitution altogether.” Although I share the Texas senator’s concern about the fate of the right to keep and bear arms if a Democrat nominates Scalia’s replacement, the short-term consequences may be less dramatic than Cruz implies. |
What Did Scalia's Second Amendment Cover?
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Mark A. Taff
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In my column yesterday, I said Antonin Scalia's majority opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, the 2008 decision in which the Supreme Court concluded that a handgun ban was inconsistent with the Second Amendment right to armed self-defense, "strongly implied that nearly every other existing gun control law would pass constitutional muster." National Review's Charles C.W. Cooke thinks that gloss goes too far, at least with respect to Scalia's own views on the Second Amendment. |
CA: Self-defense gun forum will show you how to protect your home
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Mark A. Taff
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The decision to purchase a gun to defend your home, yourself and your loved ones is an important and serious one. Do you really need a gun for home defense? Can you shoot a thief running away with your property or has the immediate threat to your person considered to have passed? If someone breaks into your home, can you shoot them, even if they are not visibly armed? Under what circumstances can you legally display your gun? These are just a few of the questions that will be addressed at the Valley Center Republican Women’s community forum on Home Defense Fire Arm Safety |
TX: University of Texas reluctantly allows concealed guns in classtooms
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Mark A. Taff
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Concealed handguns will be allowed in University of Texas classrooms but generally banned from dorms under rules begrudgingly approved Wednesday by the school's president, whose hand was forced by a new state law.
Like many who study or work at the school in liberal Austin, President Greg Fenves opposes allowing guns on the roughly 50,000-student campus. Texas' universities had been gun-free zones under the state's previous concealed handgun laws, but the Republican-dominated Legislature voted last year to force public universities to allow license holders to bring their guns to campus starting Aug. 1. |
MI: Students and citizens debate guns on campus as part of MSU Talks program
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Mark A. Taff
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By the time the third debate in the MSU Talks series ended Wednesday night, minds had been changed.
The topic was whether to allow those with concealed carry permits to carry guns on campus, and before two students from the school's debate program presented their sides, Dr. Eric Morris, assistant professor at Missouri State University, asked the spectators for their thoughts.
The vote went 15-9 in favor of keeping guns off campus. An hour and a half later, it was 10-9 in favor of allowing them.
OR: House votes to shield identity of cop who shot LaVoy Finicum
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Mark A. Taff
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The Oregon House has passed a bill to protect the identity of the officer who fatally shot refuge standoff spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum in January.
The Oregonian reports representatives voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve allowing a judge to bar for 90 days the disclosure of the name of an officer who uses deadly force. The bill heads to the Senate for consideration.
Oregon State Police requested the bill, saying they have received death threats against the officer who shot Finicum.
FL: Proposed reforms to Florida's 'stand your ground' law revived with House referral
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Mark A. Taff
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Potential changes to the state's "stand your ground" law were resuscitated in the Florida House this past week, despite the original measure stalling in a subcommittee last fall.
House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, referred the Senate-approved bill to the House Judiciary Committee, which gives the chamber a second chance at considering the policy this session.
"It's a fair discussion to have," Crisafulli told reporters after Wednesday's session. "If they pass it, they pass it. If they don't, they don't." |
The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country... — James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789. |