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Newslinks for 2/24/2016

Spokesman: John Dougherty Acted in Self-Defense With Punch at Job Site Altercation
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A spokesman for John Dougherty reacted Tuesday morning to an account in the Philadelphia Inquirer of an altercation last month with a non-union contractor in South Philadelphia.

FL: Women Banding Together, Holding Stun Gun Training Parties
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The statistics of crimes against women are alarming.

According to the National Organization for Women, 600 women a day are assaulted.

Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States. And, one in three women is a victim of domestic violence.

FL: Despite Chance at Revival, Changes to State's "Stand Your Ground" Law Won't be Heard Again
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Revived efforts to change Florida's controversial "stand your ground" law are once again presumed dead for the 2016 session.

The "Hail Mary" pass for the legislation hinged on a Senate-approved bill getting consideration Thursday in the House Judiciary Committee. But the bill is not listed on the committee's agenda, which was released this afternoon.

What Spending Three Days in a Vegas Gun Shop Could Tell Us About Today's Caucuses
Submitted by: David Williamson

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“Handguns are the big seller.”

That's what Bloomberg Businessweek's Paul Barrett learned after spending three days in a gun shop outside Las Vegas, Nevada, in the lead-up to today's Republican caucuses.

Barrett, who's an assistant managing editor and senior writer at Bloomberg Businessweek and the author of Glock: The Rise of America's Gun (Broadway Books, 2013), said most people came into the shop with torn out ads from local newspapers and concerns about everything from home security to mass shootings.

WA: Seattle Cops Release Fatal Shooting Video; Cops Say Felon Had Gun
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Seattle police on Monday released a 60-second video that includes the fatal shooting Sunday of a man identified as Che Taylor, a convicted felon who could not legally possess a firearm under state and federal statute, but that evidently didn’t prevent him from having one.

Second Amendment Supporters Drown Out MSNBC Report With Gunfire
Submitted by: David Williamson

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MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders, for reasons unknown to people besides him and his producer, chose to do a live feed from inside the Reno Guns & Range in Nevada on Tuesday, and he found his report on the Donald Trump campaign being almost completely drowned out by gunfire. Host Andrea Mitchell threw to Sanders to discuss Trump’s lead in the Nevada polls heading into Tuesday night’s caucus.

MI: Mass Shooting Suspect Jason Dalton Did not Have Concealed Carry License
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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The man accused of killing six people at random during a shooting spree in Kalamazoo did not have a license to carry a concealed weapon, authorities said.

Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Pali Matyas said he confirmed Tuesday Jason B. Dalton, 45, is not a concealed pistol license holder.

For example, Matyas said he doesn't know how many guns Dalton had registered to him at his Cooper Township home and investigators have not said when Dalton purchased the alleged murder weapon – a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun – or whether the gun was properly registered and owned legally.

"As part of their investigation, the police will be looking at whether he legally owned the firearm that was seized ...

Searching for the Perfect Gun
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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I’ve a word of advice for new gun owners. Ignore a lot of the advice you’re given. You see, gun owners are like everyone else. We want a contradiction. We not only want a contradiction; we want the perfect contradiction.

We are the problem. We want all these things. We want one gun for many uses, and I’m as guilty as the next person.

If we were more honest, we’d admit that we are selling a new gun buyer their first gun.. rather than their only gun.

We must drive sales people crazy as we sort out our wants across their counter.

CO: Columbine Survivor Pushes for Guns in Schools
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Colorado State Rep. Patrick Neville, a survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, said more of his friends would have survived the attack if his teachers had been armed. There is not much we can say to that, is there?

TX: UTSA Faculty Opposes Guns on Campus
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Most UTSA professors are opposed to guns on campus, that's according to a new study by a UTSA professor.

In August, the campus carry law goes into effect, when concealed guns will be allowed in certain areas on public universities. It's the second study this particular professor did with another professor about guns on campus. They first asked students in the fall who were strongly opposed, and now they asked professors.

WY: Guns In Government Meetings Bill Passes The House
Submitted by: David Williamson

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People could carry concealed firearms into legislative, city council and County Commissioner meetings under a bill approved by the Wyoming House of Representatives.

CA: Smart Gun Industy May Have Found Its Test Bed
Submitted by: David Williamson

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San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr on Tuesday offered his department as a test bed for smart guns once the technology is more fully developed.

Suhr, speaking at an event sponsored by smart-gun technology proponents, said he’d be willing to give tech-savvy officers the option of trying a weapon that can be fired only by its authenticated owner.

MA: Lowell Cops Confiscate First Weapons Under Replica-Gun Ordinance
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Police confiscated four replica guns from a 22-year-old Lowell man Saturday afternoon in the first instance of the new city ban on such weapons being enforced, according to police.

Officers were called to the area behind CVS at 1815 Middlesex St., Saturday at 2:53 p.m., after getting calls reporting a man who appeared to have a rifle, according to police.

MO: Judge Extends Gun Ban Involving St. Louis Zoo
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A judge has extended a temporary order barring St. Louis Zoo visitors from entering the site with guns.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports St. Louis Circuit Judge Joan Moriarty filed an order Friday barring a Cincinnati man or anyone acting with him from concealing or openly carrying guns inside the zoo for now.

TX: Angelina Co. Commissioner, Citizen Voice Disapproval of Gun-Carry Policy
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Angelina County Commissioners made it official today that the main courthouse will be a gun -free zone.

In a 4-to-1 vote, the commissioners agreed to not allow concealed and open carry of fire arms at the courthouse. The commissioners also agreed to allow the banning of guns under specific circumstances from the half of the annex courthouse that houses the commissioners courtroom.

ME: Committee Hears Conflicting Views on Bill That Aims to Protect Gun Ranges
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A bill to protect and promote access to outdoor sport shooting ranges across Maine drew sometimes emotional testimony from supporters and opponents Tuesday evening before the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee.

MS: Status of Bills in the Legislature (Including Guns in Church)
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Tuesday marked the first big deadline during the 3 ½ -month session of the Mississippi Legislature. It was the final day for House and Senate committees to act on general bills filed in their own chamber. Some bills that survived the deadline have already gone to the full House or Senate for debate; others move to one of the two chambers. Here's a look at the status of selected bills, with HB to designate a House Bill and SB to designate a Senate Bill.

WV: Senate OKs Permitless Gun Carry Bill
Submitted by: David Williamson

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People 21 years and older would be allowed to carry concealed guns in West Virginia without permits or training under a bill that passed the Senate on Monday.

TX: Showdown Looms Over University's Reading of Campus Carry Law
Submitted by: jac

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Texas' new law allowing college students to carry guns on public campuses doesn't take effect until August, but it's already triggered a showdown.

University of Texas-Austin President Gregory Fenves declared this week that he'll comply with the law, but claimed a loophole allows him to ban firearms in dormitories.

That interpretation is not likely to sit well with state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who in December said that a ban on guns in dorms would be flouting the law.

OH: State Could Allow Guns on Campuses, Public Areas
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A new bill being considered by the Ohio Senate could allow the carrying of concealed weapons in more public areas. House Bill 48, which has passed the Ohio House, would allow people to carry concealed weapons in areas including police stations, airports, day cares and university campuses.

WA: Teens Do $77K in Damage on BB Gun Rampage
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Two teens have been arrested after they went on a rampage, allegedly shooting cars, houses and businesses with BB guns across Spokane Valley, leaving $77,000 in damage behind them.

Authorities have charged 19-year-old Timofey Bezverkhov and 18-year-old Nikolay Leksunkin with first degree malicious mischief for the shootings, which happened between Nov. 22, 2015 and January 3, 2016.

IA: Gun Rights Expansion Approved in House
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Children under 15 would be able to use handguns with parental supervision in Iowa under a bill approved Tuesday by the Republican-majority House, as the chamber's lawmakers passed several measures to expand gun rights in the state.

Of Course We Should Be Marketing Guns To Children
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Should we be marketing guns to children?

For some this concept may seem pretty self-evident. If you want to preserve your Second Amendment right you need to market the Second Amendment to future generations.

Others can’t quite grasp the concept of positive firearms marketing to children.

LA: Local Districts Opt in For Gun Safety Curriculum
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Accident prevention is not a pro-gun or anti-gun issue, it's a safety issue.

So says Blake Miguez, a competitive shooter and state representative, who successfully pushed a bill allowing school districts to instruct elementary school students in firearm safety.

Accused Dealer Eitan Feldman's Guns Kept Showing Up at Crime Scenes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Eitan Feldman, 28, bought and sold a whole lot of guns without running background checks on his customers. Some of those guns later turned up at crime scenes, including a shots-fired incident, a gun-pointing assault, a drug raid, and a drug trafficking stop of 50 pounds of Californian pot bound for Minnesota

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — WINSTON CHURCHILL

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