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Newslinks for 4/15/2010

Taxing away your civil rights
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"On February 3, 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified to prevent any level of government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude". Several states, not wanting to extend the right to vote to recently freed slaves and newly arrived immigrants, instituted a poll tax designed to serve as a financial roadblock to the right to vote. Finally, on January 23, 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment was passed prohibiting using a poll tax as a condition upon voting."

"Fast forward less than fifty years and similar tactics are still being used to try to prevent citizens from exercising unwelcome rights." ...

Police gun lock program no substitute for knowledge
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Does that mean I'm against locking up all guns? Of course not. I've never recommended 'one size fits all' for gun storage. I'm merely observing that if you find yourself in a situation where you need a gun immediately, chances are the reason for that need isn't going to wait for you to go and get it. And then load it." ...

If 2nd Amendment rallies are 'threat to the rule of law,' then 'rule of law' needs threatening
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea reported that Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has described him as a 'threat to the rule of law.' You really need to read David's article--I promise it will be well worth the time, and I'll be waiting here, when you get back."

"OK--so now you know what what makes David so 'dangerous,' according to Horwitz. It's that he reminded enthusiastically statist journalist Ted Rall that sending American citizens--who have broken no laws--to be tortured, is likely to provoke a forceful reaction from the citizenry." ...

Vitriol approaching fever pitch as 2A march looms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If one believed all of the vitriol that has been, and is being generated against the upcoming Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C. next Monday, April 19, one might expect a parade of gun-toting Klansmen marching down Pennsylvania Avenue."

"It appears to be an unfortunate aspect of life in America that one cannot simply engage in a rational conversation on a hot political topic. Civility has been replaced by the politics of destruction, and nowhere is this more evident than in the mounting criticism of the upcoming rally." ...

"Here in the 'other' Washington (the real one!), a follow-up event is scheduled for Saturday, April 24 at noon, at the Tivoli Fountain on the capitol campus in Olympia. ..." ...

Guns, guns, for everyone!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pervasive silliness has infected vast segments of the American population with an anti-gun, anti-freedom-that is to say, anti-American-sentiment. Millions of citizens within the country feel that it is their duty to yell, scream, protest, and promote legislation that will clamp down on our Constitutional Second Amendment right. They want to 'get guns off the streets.' But why, some may ask. Who knows? ... The fact of the matter is that, despite having been repeated ad infinitum unto the point of becoming a cliché, it really is true that a gun has never killed anyone."

"Is it unfair to call gun control advocates 'anti-American?' After all, they only want to save lives, right? What could be more American than that?" ...

Should Adults Have the Right to Carry a Concealed Handgun? New Website Researches Pros and Cons in Concealed Carry Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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", a nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity dedicated to promoting critical thinking, created the new website to explore the core question 'Should adults have the right to carry a concealed handgun?'"

"Carrying a concealed handgun in public is permitted by non-law enforcement officials in 48 states as of Mar. 12, 2010. Two states (Wisconsin and Illinois), and Washington, DC do not allow concealed carry except by active and retired law enforcement officers, although Wisconsin permits openly carrying firearms in public." ...

Virginia gun owners and gun-control activists plan opposing protests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This weekend is shaping up to be a big one in America's long-running battle over guns."

"The victims of the Virginia-Tech and Columbine High School massacres will be joining forces in a national protest against Starbucks' corporate policy of allowing lawfully armed gun owners to carry their weapons in its coffee shops."

"Abby Spangler, the founder of an gun-control organization called Protest Easy Guns, said ... that the protests planned for Saturday in Blacksburg and Sunday in Denver are meant to coincide with the anniversaries of two of the worst gun massacres in American history." ...

Submitter's Note: I guess Abby doesn't count the 146 Lakota Sioux killed at Wounded Knee, the more than 100 Apache women and children killed in the Camp Grant Massacre, or the 173 Blackfeet killed in the Marias Massacre (to name just a few).

Gun Owners: Battle Gears Up Over Pivotal Supreme Court Seat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the retirement of the liberal justice John Paul Stevens from the U.S. Supreme Court, there has been fervent speculation over the weekend as to which anti-gun crazy will be nominated by Barack Obama to succeed him."

"The successor could cast the deciding vote on the constitutionality of ObamaCare. And there has also been speculation whether Senate Republicans -- fresh from their bumbling, feckless ObamaCare strategy -- will pull their punches on a Supreme Court nominee in order not to appear 'obstructionist.'" ...

The Slaughterhouse Cases: Getting the 14th Amendment Wrong for 137 Years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court’s notorious decision in The Slaughterhouse Cases turns 137 today, which is about 138 years too old. ... Slaughterhouse ranks among the Supreme Court's worst decisions. ..." ...

"But the Court still has a chance to make things right. Sometime before the end of June the justices will issue their ... decision in McDonald v. Chicago, which will decide whether the Second Amendment applies against the states via the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause or its Privileges or Immunities Clause (or not at all). The text, history, and original meaning of the Privileges or Immunities Clause all point in the same direction: It was designed to apply fundamental individual rights ... against abusive state and local governments. ..." ...

The Second Amendment and the Takings Clause
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Felons can’t lawfully possess guns — does it mean they can’t even arrange for their sale, and that the court may just order them destroyed? That seems to have been the government’s view in United States v. Brown (D.N.H. Apr. 9, 2010), and at least one court has apparently taken this view ..." ...

We should be frightened
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps you recall a column I wrote a while back about the fact that conservative radicals are getting awfully close to committing the crime of sedition." ...

"How far will ultraconservatives, tea-baggers, racists and their allies actually go in this mindless attack against the legally elected government ..?" ...

"... there is sentiment in Oklahoma that the federal government not only should be disregarded -- but opposed with force."

"Seriously." ...

"Frankly, most Americans should be frightened as hell that a heavily armed gang of zealots truly believes the government should be overthrown by any means."

"How is it that we woke up one morning and discovered that we're Guatemala or Burma or Zimbabwe?" ...

Calls for new American Revolution misguided
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our Founding Fathers were well aware of the threat of government tyranny and constructed our Constitution to protect the American people."

"They urged, when ruled by a tyrannical dictatorship, the American people have an obligation to rise against their government in the name of freedom. The result of such a conviction is the Second Amendment ..." ...

"Organizations have sprung up around the country that believe this phrase not only protects the right to bear arms but also to wage war. Extremist militia groups like the Hutaree, Arizona Viper Militia and the North American Militia are growing in both number and membership levels." ...

Submitter's Note: So can we start objecting; on the way to the cattle cars? Or must we wait until we are in them?

Brewing terrorism -- When even the most 'legitimate' voices of the right validate dangerously unhinged anti-government!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A year ago, the [DHS] produced a memo outlining the growing threat posed to this country from right-wing extremists. It compared the situation to that of the early 1990s — which culminated in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168." ...

"The Southern Poverty Law Center has documented a rise in militia and 'patriot' groups. Mother Jones and the Progressive have described well-armed, conspiracy-soaked extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, which exist on the edges of the conservative movement. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: If vowing not to obey unConstitutional orders is 'extremist', what do these people consider mainstream?

TN: Who Needs Those Worthless Cops? Second Amendment Superheroes to the Rescue!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the new version of the overturned guns-in-bars law has advanced toward its inevitable passage in the legislature, advocates repeatedly have assured us that no one ever would consume alcohol while carrying a loaded weapon in a roadhouse, honky tonk, saloon or anyplace else that serves booze. Our state’s 270,000 citizen gunmen are law-abiding defenders of liberty and justice, these lawmakers say. No worries."

"So why then are they against making the punishment tougher for drinking while armed in a bar?" ...

OH: Legal concealed weapon ruins robbery try
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cincinnati Police are investigating a shooting where it appears a robber left the scene with the victim’s cell-phone in his hand, and a slug from the victim’s gun in his lower abdomen."

"Police say the robber ran into someone with a concealed-carry permit, and at some point the would-be victim was able to get his gun out and shoot the suspect, who took off running from the shooting scene on Rosemont Avenue south of Glenway in West Price Hill."

"He dropped the permit-holder’s cellular phone somewhere on a six block run to West Liberty Street just west of Manss Avenue. That is where the suspect dropped to the ground and was found suffering from a gunshot wound." ...

MI: Farmington Hills road rage suspect: 'It's not like I wanted to shoot the guy'
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"Carl Mintz, the 27-year-old Farmington Hills man accused of shooting a fellow driver who approached his car during an altercation, on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to charges of assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder and felony firearm."

"... Mintz irked the 20-year-old driver behind him by tapping his brakes repeatedly. The victim approached Mintz's car, the two exchanged words and Mintz shot him in the arm."

"Mintz, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, called 911 after the shooting and remained on scene until police arrived."

"'It's not like I wanted to shoot the guy,' Mintz said ... '(He) got out of the car, and he scared me.'" ...

KABA Note: Called 9-1-1, waited for the cops, was afraid for his safety, and he's being charged?!?

CA: State bill would end open-carry gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Could tactics used by the 'open carry' movement backfire?"

"Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña, D-San Diego, and allies of legislation she introduced Wednesday to ban the public display of unloaded weapons believe so."

"State law permitting Californians to display their empty-chamber firearms has been on the books since about 1968, drawing little attention."

"But a surge in demonstrations of people exercising that right in the San Diego region and nationally has attracted scrutiny."

"'It wasn’t a problem we had to deal with. As it's become more prevalent over the last two years, we've had to deal with it,' said Emeryville Police Chief Ken James, whose statewide law enforcement organization supports the measure. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Darn all those people for following the law!

DE: Don't deprive the vulnerable their right to own firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group of state lawmakers recently authored a letter supporting three Delaware public housing authorities in banning gun possession on their premises."

"Regulations to prevent public housing residents from legally possessing firearms in their own homes have been struck down in federal courts elsewhere, largely on the grounds that law-abiding citizens should not be denied their Second Amendment rights based on their address or their socio-economic status."

"In their letter, the legislators noted that seniors and those with disabilities often live in public housing. We believe these vulnerable citizens should not be deprived of a means of self-defense." ...

PA: Guns may be allowed in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Westmoreland County commissioners are considering an ordinance that would legalize guns in county parks."

"Officials said Wednesday the proposal would update a 1974 code that generally outlawed firearms at the parks but allowed guns in specific areas for hunting. Solicitor R. Mark Gesalman said that ordinance, amended in 1995, conflicts with a state law that permits guns in public places."

"'In Pennsylvania, you cannot restrict somebody's right to carry a firearm, except in restricted areas like courthouses,' Gesalman said."

"The proposal strips existing language from the code that specifically bans guns from the parks. ..." ...

MT: Shooting Ruled Justifiable Force
Submitted by: Bob Anderson

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"A coroner's jury ruled Tuesday that Hamilton Police Officer Ross Jessop was justified in shooting Raymond Thane Davis to death after the Hamilton man opened fire during a late night traffic stop in January."

"It took the six-woman jury one hour to make its ruling following nearly five hours of testimony, which included a videotape that showed Davis pointing a pistol inches from Jessop's face and pulling the trigger."

"The click of the revolver's hammer hitting a previously fired round was audible on the tape."

"Davis fired a second time as the officer fell back and drew his own weapon." ...

Submitter's Note: Video of shooting included in the link.

KABA Note: Lest we forget just what these guys face.

Gun Sales Go Soft As Economy Improves, Fears Subside
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the past few years, as the U.S. economy faltered, demand for firearms skyrocketed: People worried that high unemployment would lead to an increase in crime. Then, when President Obama was elected, gun rights supporters feared that the new administration would clamp down on their right to bear arms, which lead to another gun sales spike. But both of those fears have eased, and demand for guns and ammunition is weakening."

"The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System was used for 1.30 million background checks in March 2010, down from 1.34 million a year earlier, according to the [NSSF]. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, the numbers did drop from the previous March, making March 2010 second highest March on record (and fifth highest month overall) for NICS checks. Some 'softening'.

VA: Was Gun Rally Important for Cuccinelli?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One would think that with all the duties assigned to the attorney general of Virginia, he would find little time to speak to a small rally of gun-rights supporters in Richmond."

"But there he was. Ken Cuccinelli took the time away from his job as the state's top legal officer to speak to a gathering at the Bell Tower in Capitol Square. Many of those attending openly carried firearms holstered on their hips. They wore fluorescent-orange stickers proclaiming 'Guns Save Lives.'"

"The event was held to drum up support for a national 'Second Amendment March' in Washington next week. As Media General News Service reported, a few gun-control activists stood silently observing the proceedings." ...

IL: Anti-gun Quincy officials tell man he can sell firearms if he removes all ammo from his property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Quincy Herald-Whig reports that the 'Quincy Plan Commission' would allow Jason Klinner to sell firearms and accessories from his home, with the stipulation that he would not be allowed to have ammunition on his property. This includes ammunition he personally owns for his own firearms. Klinner had previously stated that no ammunition would be sold out of his home, and that the commission's stipulation was unacceptable."

"The article quotes Commission member David Barnard as saying that 'guns are a bad thing to a lot of people.'"

"What does that even mean? Bad to whom and in what way? The only people that I can think guns would be bad for are criminals and unarmed anti-gun nuts ..." ...

AZ: 'Million Gun March' on Phoenix April 19 at Noon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It looks like Arizona will have its own 'Second Amendment March' on Monday, April 19, to coordinate with the massive gun-rights rally expected in Washington D.C. ..."

"What I hear is that a lot of people are planning to take their safely holstered sidearms out for a walk to the state capital from High Noon to 2 p.m. No one is organizing this thing, it's pure grass roots, no speechifying, no sound stage, just brown bag lunches on the lawn."

"By the time people swing by in Phoenix ... the D.C. event will be nearly over due to the time difference. So we'll know how well that went as long as we get our info anywhere but the lamestream 'news' that suppresses such things. ..." ...

OH: 350+ With Guns Make Ohio Second Amendment March A Huge Success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry Executive Director Dan White and Vice-President Bryan Torok report that the Ohio Second Amendment March was a huge success."

"A substantial number of people between 250 and 500 gathered on Capitol Square at the Ohio Statehouse, many of them openly carrying handguns and long guns. The speakers were well received by the crowd and the significant law enforcement presence was clearly evident from the Columbus PD, the Ohio Highway Patrol, and the Columbus PD Mounted Unit on horseback."

"We could have told them there was no need for crowd control – this was a group of law abiding gun owners, not code pink or some other antagonistic gathering. ..." ...

A man may conduct himself well in both adversity and good fortune, but if you want to test his character, give him power. —ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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