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Newslinks for 4/16/2010

Three Wisconsin Gun Bills Need Your Urgent Attention…TODAY
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Baby Lautenberg domestic abuse gun ban being rammed through the state assembly today…call your state rep. to stop this massive expansion of gun control"

"STATE CAPITAL SWITCHBOARD: Toll-free: 1-800-362-9472"

"Three bills – two anti-gun, one pro-gun – are being considered in the Wisconsin State Assembly today. You must call your state representative immediately and voice your opposition to AB558and AB559, and your support of AB193." ...

Jury finds FBI's Shipley guilty on gun charges
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "As heartbreaking as that is, I can't help but think about other Americans taken from their families by an enforcement apparatus Shipley has been a part of—men like Wayne Fincher or David Olofson, who harmed no one, but who nonetheless ran afoul of edicts trampling a proscription that could not be more clear:" ...

Justice Stephens Leaves Behind Legacy Of Judicial Activism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "To be fair, Mr. Stevens strayed into the area of original understanding in constitutional interpretation when, in rare instances, it served his purposes. In fact, when Mr. Stevens did engage the text and history of the Constitution, his work was sound. For example, in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), his dissent arguing against an individual right to bear arms under the second amendment was a model of meticulous textual and historical analysis. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Except, of course, that Stevens' dissent agreed with the majority that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. He just didn't think a total ban on guns violated that right.

Sad Week Ahead for Those Supporting Sensible Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To those of us who think we make it too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous guns, this is a somber week ahead."

"Friday marks the third anniversary of the massacre at Virginia Tech ... by a dangerous young man who had easy access to guns. Four days later ... marks the 11th anniversary of the deaths of 13 at Columbine High School ... because two young men had easy access to guns."

"Sandwiched between these painful anniversaries, two gun lobby gatherings are planned in the Washington D.C. area on Monday, April 19 – on the anniversaries of the battles of Lexington and Concord, the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building and the conflagration of the Branch Davidian complex ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Why no mention that it is also the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in which a ragtag bunch of starving, ill-armed Jews held off the Nazi war machine for almost a month, only losing when the Nazis burned the ghetto down block by block?

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Hosts Three 'Lie-Ins' to Remember Virginia Tech, Columbine, Other Shootings
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"On Friday, April 16, the third anniversary of the terrible gun violence tragedy that took 32 innocent lives at Virginia Tech University, members of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) and the Million Mom March Chapters from around New York will join together to protest the ease with which guns can be purchased in our country."

"Silently, volunteers will lay down on the ground for three minutes to remember the students and faculty tragically gunned down on campuses from Northern Illinois University to Columbine High School. Three minutes is the typical time it takes for someone to purchase a gun in the United States without a background check." ...

KABA Note: Conveniently ignored is the fact that Cho purchased his two weapons with a background check, one a two and a half months before the shooting and the second over a month before.

Armed Resistance -- Open-carry advocates planning a 'Restore the Constitution Rally' Monday at Fort Hunt Park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dozens of armed protesters from across the country are headed to Northern Virginia next week, staging a rally at Fort Hunt Park that will include loaded weapons and speeches about the U.S. Constitution. ... The event, dubbed by organizers as the 'Restore the Constitution Rally,' is an effort to draw attention to the law allowing gun owners to openly carry firearms at National Park Service sites while drawing attention to what organizers say are concerning violations of the Constitution." ...

"'Certainly, having firearms mixed in with visiting crowds would cause us some pause,' said Dottie Marshall, superintendent of the George Washington National Parkway. 'At this point, we are faced with following the law.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Dottie, you say "following the law" as if it were a bad thing.

Statement of Paul Helmke on DC Voting Rights Legislation, Eviscerating DC's Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign ... issued the following statement on the announcement that the U.S. House of Representatives would move to a vote on a bill that gives the District voting representation in Congress but also removes most of DC's gun laws:"

"'As Second Amendment extremists prepare to converge on Washington, D.C., it is shameful that our nation's leaders are prepared to give the gun lobby bullies the victory they have always sought - and never before achieved - the surrender by this City of the power to enact its own gun laws. ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: To say nothing of the fact that if the DC laws are removed, then we lose DC v. Heller II allowing the 'rational basis' Constitutionality test to stand in Second Amendment cases. Is the NRA trying to torpedo the SAF's SCOTUS case again?!?

Tea Party's After Party: More Extremism as Gun Rights Activists Hit Washington
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, thousands of Tea Partiers marked Tax Day by trekking to Washington to protest. ..." ...

"... But the extremism of the Tea Partiers will be far eclipsed on Monday when another band of American patriots rides into town to demonstrate against the government."

"On April 19, an assortment of gun-rights groups will mount the Second Amendment March at the grounds of the Washington Monument. On the Web site for the march, its founder, Skip Coryell, calls it a 'peaceful' event. But these folks, as the [VPC] points out in a new report, are pushing a virulent strain of anti-government extremism that certainly could drive a body to take violent action."

"Last month ... Coryell noted that one aim of the march is to imply the threat of violence:" ...

TN: As culture war idiocy among lawmakers gains more traction, it might be time to consider lanyards with bullet pouches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'In Nashville, and across the state of Tennessee, we pride ourselves on having great reputations for business climate, hospitality and quality of life,' reads a Tennessean op-ed this week ..."

"Unfortunately, a litany of anecdotal evidence for which Tennessee has received significant attention lately doesn't support the statement." ...

"... if the General Assembly passes this Smith & Wesson barstool free-for-all, there's a whole world of organizations beyond the NRA who might like to have their quesadillas with a side of doublebarrel flintlock."

"The Liberty Belles, Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership, Armed Females of America, Second Amendment Sisters ... would probably love to hear from you."

NY: Beyond Bullets Takes Aim at Gun Violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"DCTV's Beyond Bullets, a new media campaign to quell America's gun violence epidemic, is nearing launch and has stories to tell that are both heartbreaking and empowering. DCTV has hired six early-career video journalists to embed in high-crime communities in all five boroughs. Over the next eight months, they and an army of other young media-makers will produce an ongoing series of reports exploring the tragedy of gun violence and its solutions. Every three hours, a child1 is shot and killed on the streets of America. Media is partially responsible, and DCTV believes it can be part of the solution. ..." ...

1KABA Note: Apparently a "child" is anyone under the age of 21, because a lower age limit won't get your magic 8 'children' a day figure. See for yourself at the CDC's WISQARS website.

MN: Dispute over iguana leads to stabbing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 49-year-old Minneapolis man was arrested Sunday afternoon after a stabbing in Alexandria."

"It was triggered over a dispute involving an iguana, according to the criminal complaint." ...

"While officers were on their way to the scene, the situation escalated and a fight broke out."

"When officers arrived, they discovered that Wade Burnside, 19, of Alexandria had been stabbed in the chest with a 12-inch knife while trying to retrieve the iguana. He was accompanied by two of his male friends." ...

Submitter's Note: But I thought only guns caused arguments to erupt into deadly violence.

Why 'Open Carry' Gun Laws Work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The phrase 'open carry' refers to the act of law-abiding citizens carrying a properly holstered handgun in plain sight, wherever it is legal to do so, as they go about their daily lives. This includes such mundane tasks as driving to work, walking the dog, grabbing a cup of coffee at Starbucks, or buying a book at Barnes & Noble. Those who choose open carry are just going about their business while armed, just as do the 6 million-plus Americans who hold concealed-carry permits. The only difference—open carriers have taken their jackets off." ...

'Open Carry' Gun Laws Turn the Country Back into the Wild West
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are only three states, Florida, Texas, and Illinois, and the District of Columbia that outright prohibit the open carrying of handguns. Only three! Now, contrary to public perception, I have never been against people owning guns for protection, hunting, or sport. But there are days when I read the newspaper or am watching the news and it seems as if our country is back in the Wild West. Brazenly carrying firearms into restaurants and bars and schools and churches creates a situation that is intimidating to families, and poses risks to law enforcement and to the community." ...

NY: Elderly couple hold burglar at gunpoint
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A suspected burglar got a lot more than he bargained for in the town of Concord. He was no match for a no-nonsense elderly couple."

"You don't mess with 68-year-old Kathleen Smith or her husband Charles. Neighbors are grateful to them for holding an alleged would-be burglar at gunpoint until State Police arrived."

"The 'No Trespass' sign on this property ... means business. State Police say 28-year-old Michael Smith of Hamburg learned that the hard way after he was confronted with the barrel of a gun by the caretakers of the property. ..." ...

CO court revives suit seeking guns on CU campus
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled Thursday in favor of a group seeking to allow students with concealed gun permits to carry their weapons on campus."

"Students for Concealed Carry on Campus had argued that a 1994 University of Colorado policy banning concealed weapons violated state gun laws, particularly the Concealed Carry Act of 2003."

"The ruling revives a lawsuit that a judge dismissed last year and could affect other Colorado campuses. Colorado State University approved a campus weapons ban similar to CU's in February." ...

"SCCC and Rocky Mountain Gun Owners filed a complaint Wednesday against CSU in Larimer County District Court, saying the ruling clears the way to overturn weapons bans." ...

CO: University of Colorado Concealed Gun Ban Struck Down By Court Of Appeals
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"The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of a group seeking to allow students with concealed gun permits to carry their weapons on campus."

"Gun rights organization Students for Concealed Carry on Campus argued that a 1994 University of Colorado policy banning concealed weapons from its campus violates state gun laws, particularly the Concealed Carry Act of 2003. Thursday's ruling revives a lawsuit that a judge tossed out."

"Attorney Jim Manley had argued that state law prohibits local governments from adopting laws limiting concealed carry rights. ..." ...

CO: Major legal win for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Students for Concealed Carry on Campus v. Regents of the University of Colorado. Decided this morning by the Colorado Court of Appeals (a three-judge panel of Colorado’s intermediate appellate court). In brief: Colorado’s licensing statute for carrying a concealed handgun for lawful protection is explicitly preemptive. The University of Colorado bans concealed carry anyway, arguing that there is an implicit exception applicable to CU. The Mountain States Legal Foundation brings a suit on behalf of SCCC. The trial court dismisses for failure to state a claim. The Court of Appeals unanimously reverses the dismissal, and remands the case for further proceedings. ..." ...

AL: Local GOP officials back Bentley for gov.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, two of Tuscaloosa County's elected leaders announced that they were backing State Representative Robert Bentley in the crowded GOP field for Governor. County Commissioner Don Wallace and County School Board Member Brett Whitehead both say that Bentley best represents the conservative values of Tuscaloosa and Alabama." ...

"'Representative Bentley has always demonstrated leadership throughout a life of public service. He has always been pro-life, supports the Second Amendment, traditional marriage and ethics reform. A native of Shelby County and a Tuscaloosa Dermatologist, Bentley is a man of exemplary character that we can all look up to,' said Wallace, who is also a certified public accountant." ...

VA: Virginia Governor Signs the Guns Allowed In Restaurant Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the Governor signed most of the gun bills that were on his desk. He made suggested changes to the other bills and sent them back to the General Assembly for a vote. NOTE: the bills below will not become effective until JULY 1st."

"So don't carry concealed in a restaurant that serves alcohol, or if you don't have a CHP, don't have a handgun within reach, but locked in a compartment or container in your vehicle until then."

"ALSO, VCDL will be celebrating the restaurant ban repeal on July 1, so mark your calendars. We will be having celebrations at specific restaurants across the Commonwealth. Details to come in a week or so." ...

Former ATF Agent Pleads Guilty to Making False Statements
Submitted by: Federale

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"Ramon Bazan, a former Special Agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia to a one-count criminal information charging him with making false statements in connection with a series of fraudulent visa referrals, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division." ...

Submitter's Note: Another ATFE agent is busted for corruption, this time involving illegal immigrants and drug cartels.

Admiral: Smaller-scale terror plots a big concern
Submitted by: Larry

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"Small, hard-to-detect terror plots are an increasing concern for the military command responsible for protecting the homeland, according to the top Navy officer tapped to take over U.S. Northern Command." ...

"The command was set up in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to coordinate America's homeland defense and support for state and local agencies in the event of attacks or natural disasters."

"Northern Command has played a key role in assisting states, including during Hurricane Katrina and the California wildfires, and has played a lead role in the development of new teams designed to respond to chemical and biological incidents." ...

Submitter's Note: Really? I wonder how many tax-helots these heroes disarmed in the aftermath of Katrina?

Survey Shows Police Support General Recognition of State Issued CCW Permits, reports Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'One of the legislative items most sought by America's 100 million law-abiding firearm owners is universal acceptance of permits to carry concealed firearms issued by a state,' says gun rights expert John M. Snyder."

"'Gun owners believe that if a citizen has a permit to carry a concealed firearm issued by a state he or she should be able to carry that gun in any state,' adds Snyder, Public Affairs Director of the [CCRKBA]."

"'Now we know that police, too, support this concept,' he adds."

"Snyder says that, 'national reciprocity for holders of permits to carry concealed firearms issued by states enjoys the support of over three-quarters of law enforcement command officers in the United States.'" ...

SD: Second RC Tax Day Tea Party Excites Patriots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Rapid City Tax Day Tea Party was once again, for the second year in a row, a great success! ..." ...

"Several area candidates came up on stage and signed the Citizens for Liberty pledge which said"
"As an individual seeking elected public office, I pledge that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of South Dakota."

"I pledge to follow in the footsteps of the founding fathers of this great nation in applying both the state and federal Constitutions." ...

"I will oppose attempts to limit or restrict the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed in the Second Amendment and Article IV, section 24 of the state Constitution." ...

PA: Tea party draws crowd to Hanover park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was a young man, in his early 20s, wearing a yellow hat that read 'Don't Tread On Me' and an American flag bandana around his neck."

"There was a middle-aged woman wearing a three-corner hat holding a sign depicting President Barack Obama in Arab headdress."

"There were young people and couples who had retired years ago. There were politicians and common folks willing to speak their minds."

"And there were people carrying guns. Some were fake Revolutionary War muskets, some real semi-automatic weapons."

"It seemed as though the Tea Party gathering at Wirt Park in Hanover on Thursday -- just a few hours before the deadline to file taxes for 2009 -- brought out all kinds." ...

CT: Tea Party Supporters Rally At Capitol And 4 Other State Sites
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Discontented residents went to the Capitol on Thursday to rally for change."

"They said they want less government, new leadership and more say."

"'Hell hath no fury like a citizen scorned,' one ... sign said."

"The tax day 'tea party' drew a crowd of about 1,200. They were an enthusiastic group. Some held American flags; others carried the Gadsden Flag ... they were eager to talk about why they felt change was necessary." ...

"Scott Wilson, president of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, also took the microphone, insisting that Americans need to protect their right to bear arms. Government is trying to restrict the Second Amendment, he said."

"'When did liberty become so controversial?' Wilson asked." ...

NY: Holland approves gun safety course
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Holland Town Board approved use of the Holland Community Center for a gun safety and education program, pending town insurance approval." ...

DC: No guns in D.C.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... It is one thing when a reader submits a letter to the editor comparing conservatives to characters from Alice in Wonderland. Readers, after all, are entitled to their opinions. It is quite another when a member of your editorial staff engages in the same defamation tactic, i.e. comparing pro-Second Amendment citizens to the bumbling Deputy Barney Fife."

"If Lease knows any gun owners, he must know they are obsessive about gun safety and the awesome responsibility of carrying a weapon. He would know they constantly rehearse in their minds the situations in which they might need to use their weapon, and those are limited to immediate danger to their or their family's lives." ...

In our inner cities, where firearms are outlawed, only outlaws are armed. When our "philosopher kings" sit back and do nothing, this is the tyranny and terror of "gun control." —CHARLTON HESTON

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