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Are concealed gun carriers more likely to kill than police?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Sugarmann's thesis appears to be that no group of citizens is perfect—therefore no one can be trusted with guns. Or more accurately, the authorities are the 'only ones' who can be..."

"Shall we test that?" ...

Packing Heat -- Does the Second Amendment apply outside the home?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments addressing whether the Second Amendment applies outside of jurisdictions controlled by the federal government. The court will almost certainly say that it does, and soon it may consider a question that should be equally easy to answer: whether the Second Amendment applies outside of the home." ...

"Assuming the Court strikes down Chicago's handgun ban, what other forms of gun control could be vulnerable? Since the Second Amendment protects the right to 'bear' arms as well as the right to 'keep' them, restrictions on carrying guns in public are a ripe target." ...

If 'gun free' zones are too expensive, there is an alternative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Kansas, a bill that would potentially add to the number of places where a concealed firearm could legally be carried has won House approval." ...

"I said 'would potentially add to the number of places,' because the bill contains a caveat."
"The House bill would allow those with concealed carry licenses to have those weapons if the security measures in those building are not adequate. Supporters of the bill say posted signs that prohibit weapons in those buildings are not enough to ensure anyone’s safety."
"In other words, if the building, campus, etc. had 'adequate' security measures, mandated defenselessness would still be permissible ..." ...

They Want a Revolution!!!!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mark Potok and CNN do, anyway, apparently, since the lady in a position to actually know about such things would not confirm their hysterical premise, no matter how much they tried to lead her into that swamp...[Watch]"
"Good job, Ms. Cooter."

Questions Arise Over Army Bases' Disposition of Surplus Cartridge Cases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As reported first on AmmoLand, last week, NRA-ILA learned that quantities of once-fired small arms cartridge cases recovered from firing ranges on military bases, which by federal law the Department of Defense is prohibited from demilitarizing or destroying, were being sold for scrap." ...

"Last week, NRA-ILA again contacted Senators Baucus and Tester to request that they investigate the current disposition of surplus small arms cartridge cases with a view to determining the best way to assure their continued provision to Americans who buy the cases for resale and reloading use. Jointly, Senators Baucus and Tester have made their concerns known to the Defense Logistics Agency ..." ...

Go ahead, make my coffee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Starbucks, the hyper-attuned marketers who persuaded Americans to pay $4 for a coffee brewed from small-farm beans to be enjoyed with indie rock and free wireless internet, suddenly has a dubious clientele: groups of middle-aged men, hanging out, guns dangling."

"They are not the savvy elitists Starbucks - at least in America - likes to cultivate. Some, like Jim Snyder, a 59-year-old Virginian and retired military officer, don't even like coffee. He drops into Starbucks only because the chain lets customers bring their guns."

"A couple of weekends ago Jon Swartz strapped his Smith & Wesson .45-calibre semi-automatic to his hip and joined some 20 other gun carriers picking up rubbish on a beach outside San Francisco." ...

Gun owners don't think they’re cowboys
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of you who frequently read and respond to stories, letters and other comments have an overwhelming belief that those who own and carry a firearm have delusions of living in an Old West movie. You classify them as gun-totin' or gun-slinging with the mindset of 'when in doubt, shoot it.'"

"You really couldn't be more wrong, and I'm not saying this with any malice. Some of the Bravado posted by 'pro-gun' folks on this site doesn't represent the majority of firearm owners. In fact, I would venture to say they type these things not because they actually want to DO them, but as a venting of their frustration because it's anonymous. Put them in a situation, and their cooler heads certainly prevail." ...

Gun Rights Advocates to March on 15th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supporters of the Second Amendment and the right to own guns are planning a national march on Washington, DC, scheduled for April 19. The date was chosen because it is the 235th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord. However, April 19 also marks the anniversary of two other violent incidents: the end of the Waco, Texas, siege of the Branch Davidian compound and the Oklahoma City bombing." ...

"Organizers of the Second Amendment March are encouraging attendees to abide by a list of rules and code of conduct. The first rule states: 'NO UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARMS.' Rule No. 2 reiterates this point by declaring, 'If you do not intend to comply with item #1, do not attend.'"

The Manufactured Menace from Michigan -- Take Two
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the stranger materialized a few years ago, nobody really knew much about him. He seemed like a suitably sympathetic figure ..."

"Most importantly, he seemed to share the group's antipathy toward the government. If anything, he was just a bit more emphatic than the rest ..."

"When the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) staged an armed raid to arrest several members of the group, the helpful stranger was nowhere to be found. He did leave a parting gift, however, in the form of detailed allegations ... that the group ... was involved in extensive criminal activity -- most of which was either suggested or directly facilitated by him -- and an ambitious plot to wage war against the United States Government." ...

Second Amendment March Money Bomb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The current administration has passed Obamacare, an experiment in government-run healthcare."

"Clearly they have chosen to ignore the Constitution and the will of the people. What next? Will they go after the Second Amendment?"

"What would it mean to you if they did? Loss of freedom? Liberty? Your guns? Are you willing to sit around waiting to find out?"

"Now is not the time to back down. We may have lost a battle but will win the war to protect the Constitution and our God given rights. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. Make your voice known by supporting the Second Amendment March. ..."

"On Wednesday, April 7, we will be conducting a 'money bomb' campaign to raise the last of the funds we need ..." ...

Living in a Land of Rising Right-Wing Hate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now that the citizens of the United States have elected the first African-American president in US history, however, there are racist, conservative activist groups popping up all over the place - and not just the Tea Party. One man has put his area on the map like no other."

"Michael B. Vanderboegh of Pinson, Alabama, hit the national spotlight last week and is now under serious federal law enforcement scrutiny since calling for right-wing militia-style activists to toss bricks through the windows of Democrats on his SipseyStreetIrregulars blog, designed to appeal to the so-called Three Percenters, or three percent of American gun owners with the most radical view of the Second Amendment." ...

Michigan militias and gun show hot dogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Trying to explain the climate that allows Michigan's myriad militia groups, I don't initially turn to the US Constitution's Second Amendment ..."

"Those are the legal underpinnings, to be sure, along with a robust pro-gun lobby like the NRA, that defend the firearms ownership rights of millions of Americans in every state."

"But the second amendement alone does not come even close to explaining Michigan's gun culture cult (see 'Open Carry Family Picnic and Tea Party'), taken further when folks gather on weekends, clad in camouflage, to do the 'just in case' drills."

"You know, like if America suddenly faces an insurrection that needs repressing, or worse: what if the Michigan State Police needs some back up?" ...

Submitter's Note: Or, I dunno, there's a natural disaster and one-third of the Police Department goes AWOL?

Who's protecting whom? (third item)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the fruitcake arguments spouted by rabid advocates of the Second Amendment is their need to possess weapons to protect themselves from the government."

"Yet, in light of the fact that the FBI has busted another fringe group for planning an attack on American soil, this time targeting police officers, which do you think is more of a problem: the government or whackos like the Hutaree militia ..?"

"Time and time again, we learn of mass shootings perpetrated by lunatics who legally obtained their weapons from gun shows and other sources."

"Hutaree ... was preparing to carry out an attack sometime in April after months of paramilitary training that included learning how to shoot guns and make bombs." ...

WA: States, feds have different roles in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State governments can and should enact gun regulations that increase the public's safety, but Americans do have an individual right to own them."

"That last part is an unwelcome thought to some people. ..." ...

"Always, there are lines to draw ..."

"We are reminded of Seattle's recent argument with the state about whether the city can ban guns in parks. One of the plaintiffs was a female parole officer, who presumably feared some of the people she’d dragged back to prison. Another was a gay man who feared being a victim of a hate crime. The justices need to define federal gun rights in a way that gives them substance while allowing the states a strong power to protect public safety."

Spring shocker: White House 2A 'beer summit' falls through!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plans for a secret White House 'beer summit' involving leaders from the nation's gun rights organizations, the firearms industry and representatives from the gun control lobby fell through late last night, according to sources in the Obama administration who requested anonymity."

"While it was confirmed that gun rights groups had accepted the invitation to 'crack a Bud' with President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, the White House said complications arose when Paul Helmke from the Brady Campaign and Kristen Rand from the Violence Policy Center backed out at the last minute."

"Rand and Helmke released a joint statement just after midnight: 'We won't share their beer because they won't drink our Kool-Aid.'" ...

"April arrives!"

"Today is April 1."

OH: Court Rules Concealed Carry Law Violates Workplace Safety Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A three judge panel today ruled that Ohio's concealed carry law impermissibly violates several provisions of the state's employment laws."

"In what is sure to be a controversial opinion, the court held that 'a person's so-called right to self-defense cannot infringe upon the right of a person to be free from violence in their workplace. ...'" ...

"The complaints were filed by Bob Smith, described in court documents as a 'consultant specializing in small business economic loss.' ... Smith's complaint describes in vivid detail the slow deterioration of his workplace environment:"
"I started back in 2001 ... Throw on a ski mask, stroll into a liquor store, pistol whip a few people and I was set financially for the month. I was happy and fulfilled."

"Then that damn concealed carry law passed, and within months my co-workers and I noticed an immediate chilling of our work environment. ..." ...

IL: IL Governor, legislative leaders' rumored deal would bring right-to-carry to Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois gun rights advocates are buzzing with cautious optimism over a right-to-carry deal the Governor's office is thought to have revealed to the NRA and ISRA on Wednesday. The agreement has much to offer gun owners, as it reportedly includes pledges from two major opponents of right-to-carry legislation who rarely agree on much of anything not to interfere with a straight up-or-down vote on concealed carry." ...

April Fool's Day In The World Of The Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I’m writing this 4/1/10 is drawing to a close, and damned if the day’s e-mail didn’t carry with it three, count them, THREE gun-related versions of the spoofs and practical jokes that have become an American tradition on April Fool’s day."

"Up in Seattle, old friend and colleague Dave Workman put some time into his April First gun control parodies. ..."

"A friend in the firearms industry offers THIS hilarious send-up of military procurement of firearms in the time of recession…"

"One of my shooting school graduates and match-shootin' buddies – whom I will not name here because he hasn’t yet e-mailed me back yet with permission to 'out' him – has sent THIS along." ...

HI: Using Deadly Force in Self-Defense
Submitted by: Dave W

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"A recent shooting incident in Wahiawa has prompted questions of the use of deadly force in self-defense. State law allows using deadly force if it is justified and reasonable but what does that mean?"

"When armed gunmen approached residents at this Wahiawa home and then fired a weapon hitting one of them, Hawaii's top defense attorneys say state law allowed the use of deadly force."

"'Open season on them, open season,' said attorney Michael Green."

"'There's not a lot of sympathy to thieves and robbers and rapists and burglars so when these guys do get shot, a lot of times the vigilante so to speak is applauded,' said attorney Victor Bakke." ...

KABA Note: According to Wikipedia, "A vigilante is someone who illegally punishes someone for perceived offenses". So even defense lawyers have been brainwashed into thinking that someone who acts 'in lawful self-defense' is actually operating outside the law.

'Militia' Used as Manipulation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mainstream media has recently reported the story of the alleged 'Militia' group in Michigan which supposedly had plans of killing police officers as a sort of 'freedom task' ... This is not the first highlight of news where the media has misused the concept of a 'militia' as a representation of everything evil and insane. Virtually every mainstream reference of 'militia' today implicates terrorism, anti-American and wacko-extremists ..."

"From 1776 to 2010, the concept of a militia has been turned completely on its head. What was once seen as a necessary component of maintaining and protecting freedom against attacks by a tyrannical domestic government is now seen as a disgusting roach that must be stomped out of existence. ..." ...

OK: Senate panel OKs bill to openly carry handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Senate panel on Wednesday advanced a measure that would allow those who have handgun licenses to openly carry their weapons."

"House Bill 3354 was brought up under 'other business' on the Senate Rules Committee agenda after originally being assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee."

"It passed by a vote of 10-2 and heads to the Senate floor."

"The measure also would allow judges on the Oklahoma Supreme Court, Court of Civil Appeals, Court of Criminal Appeals and Workers Compensation Court to carry weapons into the Capitol and buildings in the Capitol complex with courtrooms or judicial offices." ...

LA: Town Hall meetings on gun ownership set for April 7 in Pineville and Mansura
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander will host Town Hall meetings in Pineville and Mansura on Wednesday, April 7, to discuss Second Amendment rights, including federal legislation’s potential impact on gun owners and sportsmen.

The public is invited to attend the meetings.

The Mansura meeting will be from noon to 1 p.m. at Pookie's Archery & Guns, 7735 La. Highway 1.

The Pineville meeting will be from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Big Al's Guns, 637 Main St.

In addition to Alexander, R-Quitman, a representative from the National Rifle Association will attend to answer questions.

Similar meetings are set for Tuesday in Monroe and Ruston.

AL: House panel turns down bill to allow employees to have guns in cars on company property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Alabama House committee has defeated a bill that would have kept employers from preventing workers from keeping weapons in their vehicles on company property."

"Members of the House Commerce Committee on Thursday by voice vote tabled action on the bill by Democratic Rep. Craig Ford of Gadsden. A similar bill by Democratic Sen. Roger Bedford of Russellville has passed the Senate, but it appears dead with just seven days remaining in the 2010 session."

"Ford's bill was supported by the [NRA]. It was opposed by business groups that complained it would dictate what businesses can allow on private property." ...

MD: Police officer indicted for payroll scheme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Montgomery County Police have arrested a fellow officer for allegedly falsifying her payroll sheets."

"Sgt. Jacqueline Davey is accused of padding her timesheets to get paid for shifts she never worked."

"She has been indicted on felony theft charges."

"'This scheme stretches over months in 2008 and 2009 totaling over $10,000 worth of fraudulent timesheet entries,' Police spokesman Lt. Paul Starks says."

"The investigation began in 2009, when Davey's supervisor spotted irregularities in the timesheets she submitted, Starks says."

"The probe was then turned over to detectives in the criminal investigation division in November of 2009."

"Davey ... has been a member of the force since 1993." ...

WA: Court OKs Repeated Tasering of Pregnant Woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers did not employ excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a visibly pregnant woman for refusing to sign a speeding ticket."

"The lawyer representing Malaika Brooks said Monday that the court’s 2-1 decision sanctioned 'pain compliance' tactics through a modern-day version of the cattle prod."

"'To inflict pain on a person if that person is not doing what the police want that person to do is simply outrageous,' said Eric Zubel, the woman's attorney ..." ...

"'Refusing to sign a speeding ticket was at the time a nonarrestable misdemeanor ... Brooks had no weapons and had not harmed or threatened to harm a soul,' (.pdf) [Judge] Berzon wrote [in his dissent]." ...

MA: Police release officers' names in bachelor party incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brookline Police have released the names of the four officers accused of assaulting the chaperone of an exotic dancer at a bachelor party early Sunday." ...

"The officers were placed on paid administrative leave after a Lynn-based exotic entertainment business said the off-duty cops assaulted a chaperone who accompanied a dancer ..."

"The chaperone, Robert Sonia, ... suffered a broken eye socket, broken nose, and a laceration on his left brow during the alleged attack ..." ...

"In 20 years of running his exotic dancing business, Galland said he's never had a problem on this scale before."

"'Nothing ever like this,' Galland said. 'Nothing like this by civilians, let alone police that we trust to protect us ..."

NY: Prison inmate tells of stealing ex-Greece police chief's gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Prosecutors allege that in 2000 and 2001 Rahn filed false reports to conceal how he lost his department handgun."

"Rahn faces other criminal charges. Prosecutors allege that he tried to cover up the crimes of a Greece police officer involved in a hit-and-run incident and that Rahn also directed the fabrication of a background check of a Greece police officer who is now imprisoned for coercing a woman into sex."

"Rahn has pleaded not guilty to the crimes. His lawyer, John Parrinello, said Rahn may have misstated dates on police reports about the theft of the gun but the lapse was an innocent mistake." ...

MI: Ex-cop convicted of bank robbery arrested again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities say a former Detroit-area police officer who served 12 years in prison for bank robbery stands accused of doing the same thing in the Lansing area."

"The Detroit Free Press reports former Livonia officer Ronald Nelson was arraigned Friday in an East Lansing court in connection with the armed robbery of a city bank. He's accused of robbing other mid-Michigan banks and faces additional charges in the coming days." ...

"Authorities said Nelson was paroled within the past year. In 1997, he was convicted of bank robbery and other charged related to a heist at a Warren bank the previous year."

NE: CSI chief Kofoed convicted of evidence tampering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge on Tuesday convicted a top crime scene investigator of evidence tampering after prosecutors argued that the investigator planted blood from a slaying victim in a car linked to two innocent suspects to bolster the case against them."

"Cass County District Judge Randall Rehmeier said he didn't believe Douglas County CSI director David Kofoed's excuse that the victim's blood ended up in the car because of a sloppy mistake. Rehmeier said there was enough evidence to show that Kofoed intentionally planted fake evidence."

"The verdict drew gasps from some in the courtroom, where some of Kofoed's fellow investigators sat to hear the decision." ...

GA: Anti-gun resolutions 'completely illogical' (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun sentiment the Board of Regents and SGA have is completely illogical."

"More UGA students die from alcohol and motor vehicle accidents and even natural causes than guns. Current laws allow permit-holding individuals who have passed a background check to carry guns in public places such as Wal-Mart. You do not hear of any gun fights in Wal-Mart."

"Gun control proponents look at the Columbine incident as the impetus for a need for gun control, but fail to remember that laws were already on the books to prevent either of the attackers from purchasing a firearm, or carrying it onto school grounds." ...

GA: Gun possession a right for citizens (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the April 1 edition, The Red & Black reported that SGA intended to pass a resolution in opposition to the current senate bill residing in the state’s congress."

"It is extremely troubling that SGA, a group intending to advocate for the student body, would perpetuate an oppressive law that continues to restrain responsible, licensed Americans from exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"Essentially, SGA and our president have told us we are not to be trusted to defend ourselves. This city is riddled with poverty, and the students are the sector of the population most susceptible to the runoff of violence stemming from Athens' many problems, which makes our Second Amendment right all the more indispensable." ...

MA: Second Amendment is more than guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I strongly disagree with a recent Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's decision where the Court stated the Second Amendment to the Constitution does not apply to Massachusetts. This is a dangerous decision not only for gun owners and sportsmen, but also for all citizens who believe that states are subject to all the Amendments of the Constitution."

As the United States Supreme Court affirmed in the Heller case, the Second Amendment plainly guarantees Americans a personal and individual right to own a firearm. ..."

"I believe our Constitution must be strictly construed, and I think public confidence in our government is undermined whenever courts purport to change the Constitution's meaning unilaterally. ..." ...

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