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Newslinks for 4/20/2010

U.S. gun owners pack heat in public to protest Obama's 'Marxist' agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This time, they came armed.

They came with loaded combat pistols strapped to their belts, assault rifles slung over their shoulders and extra 12-bullet clips in their pockets, just in case.

They came carrying signs proclaiming that "Freedom Never Fails, but ... does." And they came with fiery rhetoric that likened the U.S. government to the 9/11 hijackers and President Barack Obama to Karl Marx.

In a brash display of their opposition to Congress and the Obama administration, about 75 weapons-bearing demonstrators gathered in the shadow of America's most iconic monuments to freedom Monday to protest a government they claim is trampling their liberty.

Gun Owners Rally in Support of Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some came to the Washington area Monday to take out their guns in a show of support for gun rights. Others came for a rally in the shadow of the Washington monument "to support the right to keep and bear arms" and to protect the Second Amendment. They chose Monday since it is the anniversary of the 1775 battles that started America's Revolutionary War.

Concentration. Judgment. Accuracy.

For Rob Weaver, those words point to his passion.

"It's a really zen thing to do," said Rob Weaver. "When you're standing there. You have your handgun out. It's you and the target and your trigger finger and that's all there is."

Gun Rights Fans Rally In DC, VA, Some Bearing Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some outspoken supporters of the Second Amendment rallied in Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia Monday to assert their constitutional rights to bear arms.

Those who rallied in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall couldn't openly carry their weapons since the national capital has some of the nation's strictest gun control laws.

Since Virginia has more liberal gun laws, those attending a demonstration there were able to carry their weapons at Ft. Hunt National Park south of Alexandria, Va.

The demonstrators on the Mall in Washington, some of whom carried yellow, "Don't Tread on Me" flags had as a backdrop the Washington Monument.

MI: Activists gather on Patriots' Day for the Second Amendment March
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment March website states their mission is to “...galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.”

The choice is April 19 as the march date is auspicious: Today is the 235th Anniversary of the start of the American Revolutionary War. At the Battles of Lexington and Concord American patriots faced off against British troops seeking to subdue the rising independence movement by seizing arms stockpiled in Concord, Massachusetts.

CO: Protesters rally against Starbucks for allowing guns in their stores
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Attention was first brought to Starbucks when some open carry supporters (people who support the lawful act of openly carrying a firearm) began meeting in coffee houses across the nation. The Brady campaign, followed by groups like Colorado Ceasefire, quickly rushed to pressure Starbucks into changing their policies. But it’s not just open carry that the protesters where rallying against. “We’ve got approximately 50,000 permits to carry concealed weapons in Colorado, which means that these loaded handguns are going into stores all over the state” said Ted Pascoe with Colorado Ceasefire. . . . An accurate statement. What’s the point?

CA: California gun advocates rally at state Capitol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With guns in holsters and rifles strapped to their chests, Second Amendment activists converged Monday outside California's Capitol to demonstrate their right to bear arms.

Most of the 50 protesters who gathered brought guns and rifles, although they said their weapons were not loaded to comply with the state's open-carry law.

"The Second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms," said rally organizer Kent Sandhagen, who wore a pistol in a leather holster on his hip.

Sandhagen, of Los Banos, said he and other gun owners organized the gathering to coincide with a similar rally in the nation's capital.

Gun Control Advocates Push To Counteract Second Amendment Activists
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control advocates, including relatives of individuals killed in two of the most notorious incidents of school-related gun violence, are making a major push to pressure lawmakers to restrict the sale of arms to criminals and the mentally ill. With a series of high-profile newspaper ads, they're also trying to counteract what is supposed to be a feisty day or protests by Second Amendment activists inside Washington D.C.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence placed print ads in the Denver Post and Boulder Daily Camera on Monday in which Tom Mauser, whose son was murdered 11 years ago at Columbine High School, urged Senator Mark Udall (D-Col.) to help close the so-called "Gun Show Loophole."

Getting past April 19 without violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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April 19 is almost over, without violence, this year anyway. No thanks to right-wing hate-mongers. Gun-toting "Restore the Constitution" protesters gathered in Metro D.C.'s Ft. Hunt National Park to warn against Obama administration threats to the Second Amendment – even though it was Obama who signed the bill authorizing their carrying guns in a national park. ...

All weekend long President Clinton warned that similar demonization of government led to Timothy McVeigh's bloody terrorism 15 years ago.

Ed.: Yeah, it was the public outcry over Waco that was responsible for OKC, not blowback from the government's *actual* massacre of a congregation.

VA: 100 Virginians attend gun-rights rally in Washington
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Without firearms, but armed with loudspeakers, pro-gun posters and "Don't Tread on Me" flags, about 2,000 gun-rights advocates assembled near the Washington Monument today to tell lawmakers to stop infringing on their right to keep and bear arms.

The Second Amendment March was organized to commemorate the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War at Lexington and Concord.

But it also falls on the 15th anniversary of the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by homegrown terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Several hundred yards away, American flags ringing the monument flew at half staff marking the Oklahoma tragedy.

OH: Ohioans head to D.C. in support of gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group of local residents boarded a bus in Austintown this morning headed for the nation's capitol to rally for gun rights.

Ohioans for Concealed Carry will join other supporters of the second amendment near the Capitol building and the White House in Washington, D.C.

The event may be the first time demonstrators will bring their guns into a national park for a rally.

Members of the gun rights group met at the Pilot truck stop near Interstate 80 at 3:30 a.m. for the Second Amendment March.

According to a news release, the purpose of the march is "to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislations and to remind Americans that the second amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self-defense."

On the rights to bear arms, brandish arguments
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Organizers deliberately chose Gravelly Park, most commonly used for airplane aficionados who like to lie down and watch flights take off from nearby Ronald Reagan National Airport, as the site for their protest, since it is the closest they could get to Washington, D.C., while still legally carrying their weapons. The protesters at times gazed contemptuously across the Potomac to Washington, home to the federal government and strict gun laws. The US Supreme Court two years ago struck down the district's outright ban on handguns, but Washington still bans assault weapons and has gun registration laws.

Patriot's Day gun rights rallies in Virginia and D.C. [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They came in camouflage and ammunition vests, carrying AK-47s slung over their shoulders and pistols in their hip holsters. They were in Northern Virginia, on the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, to stand on federal land and to advocate violence against the U.S. government.


D.C. gun rally packs less heat than Va. event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hundreds of gun rights activists rallied unarmed at the Washington Monument on Monday as others carrying pistols and rifles gathered in Virginia within sight of the Capitol.

At both events, speakers urged the audience to vote out politicians unsympathetic to their concern that the federal government will take away their right to own guns.

"We fear that it will be something that will become a high priority for the administration in time," Carla Mora, 38, of Boston, said.

Mostly, they talked health care.

The source of their ire: the health care law Congress passed in March. Starting in 2014, those who can afford insurance but don't buy it face fines.

OH: MSM Loves It: Judge Alfred Mackey's "arm themselves" Call To Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was a comment made by Judge Alfred Mackey to WKYC over a week ago in response to the question "what residents should do to protect themselves and their families" due to severe cutbacks in law enforcement. Cut backs that have reduced the Sheriff's office patrols to a single vehicle covering over 700 square miles of Ashtabula county at any given time - proving the point that law enforcement is for the most part reactive to criminal acts. From the WKYC coverage at the time:

"Arm themselves," the judge said. "Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with your neighbors, because we're going to have to look after each other."

Gun activists rally in U.S. capital
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hundreds of gun activists descended on Washington, D.C., and neighbouring Virginia on Monday to trumpet their constitutional right to bear arms and rail against what they perceive to be a ... takeover of their country.

Many of those who gathered at Washington's National Mall carried replica firearms, but across the Potomac River in Virginia — where it is legal to openly carry some weapons — 75 to 100 people at a national park were packing real rifles, pistols and rounds of ammunition under the watchful eye of state and park police.

"We're in a war," Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, told a largely male crowd at the foot of the Washington Monument.

CA: Open Carry Ban on the Horizon?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Months ago we were bombarded by the Brady Campaign's ruthless attempts to ban the open, lawful carry of firearms in public places such as Starbucks. Determined to remain on the outskirts of the debate, the coffee giant chimed in to issue a statement declaring its acceptance and compliance with State law. In California it is quite legal to openly display a firearm as long as the weapon is unloaded and holstered.

For now.

Democratic assembly-woman Lori Saldana of San Diego has authored a bill which would effectively eliminate the open carry of firearms. A shocking twist in the debate over California gun rights, such measures would ultimately remove the ability of Californians to defend themselves from like threats.

DC: Taking the oath, and other Second Amendment March scenes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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My colleague Ann Gerhart's preview of Monday's big Second Amendment events helped draw in a herd of reporters. I spotted correspondents from the AP, the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, CNN, and several foreign news agencies -- I watched one of the latter grill Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers for quite a while. Here are some of my photos, as well as a video of a moment that Rhodes originally wanted to bring about at both rallies -- a mass taking of the organization's oath.

Pictured above is the visual aid that self-described "San Francisco liberal" Terrell Prude Jr. brought to the rally. Here's the oath:

Armed Gun Rights Activists ‘Muster’ in VA to Make Fools of Themselves
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What do various Second Amendment groups do on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing; one of the worst acts of domestic terrorism on American soil, which left 168 dead, many of them children? They strap on loaded pistols, with rifles unloaded and slung to the rear and magazines of ammunition hanging over their shoulders. Organized by Daniel Almond, founder of the gun rights group Restore the Constitution, a couple dozen armed anti-Obama activists held an open-carry rally at Fort Hunt National Park in Virginia on Monday. Why?

DC: Gray takes aim at loaded D.C. vote bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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D.C. Council Chairman Vincent Gray denounced legislation that would give the city congressional representation but gut the District's gun control laws.

"I do not support a bill that would have us give up our right to legislate and have us give up our gun control laws," Gray said at a Monday news conference. Congress is weighing legislation that would give the District a vote in the House. But an amendment says that the city would have to give up its vigorous anti-gun laws.

Gray's announcement highlights a clean split among D.C.'s political class. Mayor Adrian Fenty and activists at D.C. Vote have supported the legislation.

America's Growing Anti-government Movements
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), ... notes that there are now 512 so-called militia or patriot organizations operating in the United States.

Writing in the Center’s August 2009 publication The Second Wave, Larry Keller reports: “One federal agency estimates that 50 new militia training groups have sprung up in less than two years. Sales of guns and ammunition have skyrocketed amid fears of new gun control laws, much as they did in the 1990s.”


Organizers of an anti-government protest in Washington, D.C. called their demonstration in defence of the Constitution’s Second Amendment “right to bear arms.” The “2As” as they call themselves made it clear their protest was to be a gun-free demonstration in Washington.


TX: Gun Issue Key in Texas Governors Race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Down here in Texas, we love our guns: We love owning them, talking about them, and being able to use them to defend our lives and property. And this goes a long way in explaining why we’re so fond of Republican Gov. Rick Perry, the longest serving governor in the history of the state and one of the best friends a gun owning citizenry could ask for.

It also shines a light on one of the central reasons why Perry’s challenger in the upcoming 2010 gubernatorial elections, former Houston Mayor Bill White (D), is going to have a hard time persuading Texans to support him. For while Perry’s pro-gun resume reads like something the late Charlton Heston would have been proud of...

TX: Texas student suspended for "finger gun" [video]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The parents of a student in the Houston area are stunned after their daughter was suspended and accused of making a terroristic threat after she was spotted making the shape of a gun with her hand.

The girl says she and her friends were pretending to be police officers. The schools says the teacher feared for her life.

“The extremists are coming! The extremists are coming!”
Submitted by: Larry

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It is interesting to watch the political establishment implode. Having slurred critics of the war system and the rapidly expanding growth of political power as “anti-Semites” and/or “racists,” the champions of a system of state-dominated society have kicked their sense of desperation into high gear. While Reuters reported an opinion poll showing nearly 80% of Americans saying they don’t trust the government, the voices of state power work feverishly to characterize critics of the state as did one historian who informed the New York Times that the Tea Partiers, for instance, “are the same angry, ill-informed, overwhelmingly white, crypto-corporate paranoiacs” who embrace the “blithely narcistic presumption that the vast majority of Americans . . . already agree with them.” Given the aforementioned opinion poll, one has to wonder just who is “ill-informed.”

VA: Advocates carry handguns, rifles at Va. rally
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Carrying loaded pistols and unloaded rifles, dozens of gun-rights activists got as close as they could Monday to the nation's capital while still bearing arms and delivered what they said was a simple message: Don't tread on me.
Hundreds of like-minded but unarmed counterparts carried out a separate rally in the nation's capital.
The gun-carrying protesters in Virginia rallied on national park land, which is legal thanks to a new law signed by President Barack Obama that allows guns in national parks. Organizers said it's the first armed rally in a national park since the law passed.
The District of Columbia's strict gun laws, however, generally make it illegal to carry a handgun, so rally participants there were unarmed.

NSSF Takes on Bank of America
Submitted by: Rich Schiffli / Arizona Armament LLC

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Quoted from NSSF Bullet Points, Industry News, Vol. 11 No. 16

"NSSF ENGAGES BANK OF AMERICA ON ANTI-GUN LENDING POLICY . . . Despite being part of a massive Wall Street bailout and accepting billions of dollars in taxpayer aid, Bank of America is continuing its discriminatory business practices by refusing to lend money to firearms-related businesses, an industry that has never asked for or needed a bailout. NSSF is engaging BOA on this issue. Updates will be available on the NSSF Web site and to NSSF's Twitter followers."

MD: City leaders frustrated over loss of stricter gun legislation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Baltimore's top cop has made no secret he wants to rid the city's mean streets of "bad guys with guns."

He's railed against "morons" who pack heat, complained that the courts catapult criminals from handcuffs to freedom and grumbled about the failures of ordinary citizens to take responsibility for the safety of their city.

NE: Governor: No Guard call-up for north Omaha
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A state senator's suggestion that the Nebraska National Guard patrol north Omaha if violence in the area gets worse was shot down Thursday by the governor.

"I am strongly opposed to deploying the Nebraska National Guard in north Omaha," Gov. Dave Heineman said in a call to The World-Herald on Thursday. "It is inappropriate. It is a bad idea."

State Sen. Brad Ashford of Omaha, who for years has pushed to secure money for anti-violence efforts in the city, says he sees the National Guard as a potential solution.

New Zealand: Traffic police 'a bunch of cowboys'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Family and friends of Paul Brown, the motorcyclist killed in a collision with a cop car, have criticised local traffic police, labelling them "a bunch of cowboys".
Cousin Antony Brown yesterday spoke of other crashes involving police vehicles doing u-turns.
A motorcyclist was seriously injured when a police car, responding to an emergency call, made a u-turn on State Highway 2, at nearby Maramarua in December 2007.
"There's an element in the police ... they're a bunch of cowboys. This is not the first time this has happened."

MSNBC Talking Points: Touting Obama as a Pro-gun President, Lecturing Activists for 'Worrying' Too Much
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MSNBC on Monday repeatedly promoted Barack Obama as a pro-Second Amendment President and chastised gun-rights activists for "worrying" so much over this issue. News Live host Monica Novotny talked to Skip Coryell, the founder of the Second Amendment march on Washington and complained, "What are you guys worried about?"

New Zealand: Cop badly shaken after motorcyclist death
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A police officer who made a fatal u-turn in front of a motorcyclist was left so badly shaken by the man's death he could not key in an emergency call on his cellphone, says a witness. ...
Father-of-two and former motorsport champion Paul Brown, 38, was killed as he came over the brow of a hill near Waerenga, in Waikato, and crashed into the turning patrol car, which had its sirens on and lights flashing and was about to chase a ute that police say had been clocked travelling 154km/h [96 mph].
Four investigations into the death of Mr Brown were under way last night, but police said the ute driver had not come forward and they did not know who he was.

IL: Cop Charged After Videotaped Beating of Motorist
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A suburban Chicago police officer caught on video hitting a driver 15 times with his baton and firing a stun gun at the man's passenger has been charged with felony aggravated battery and official misconduct, and more charges are possible, prosecutors say.

Neither man attacked or threatened Streamwood Police Officer James Mandarino during the early morning traffic stop last month, Cook County, Ill. prosecutors say.

Mandarino, 41, a 15-year police veteran, was charged with felony aggravated battery and official misconduct. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison on each count.

MD: Motorcyclist arrested for recording cop brandishing gun with helmet cam [video]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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We won't be crossing the Maryland State Police any time soon. As Anthony Graber recently found out, exceeding the speed limit and showboating on your bike can easily end with having a gun pulled on you, your personal property confiscated and a trip to the clink. Graber was enjoying the weather on his bike, admittedly speeding and popping wheelies, all the time recording his exploits via a helmet cam. When he slowed for a stoplight, a car pulled in front of the bike, and the driver exited the vehicle with a gun drawn, demanding Graber get off of his motorcycle.

TN: Chattanooga Police Officer Arrested for DUI
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From an e-mail sent to NewsChannel9 by the Chattanooga Police Department spokesperson Rebecca Royval:

"Chattanooga Police Officer Jeremy Williams was arrested early this morning for DUI and Leaving the Scene of an Accident with property damage. Officer Williams has been an officer with the city since February 2009. There are no further details on his arrest at this time."

Depend on NewsChannel 9 to bring you further details on this story as soon they become available.

IA: Pleasant Hill police officer faces drug charge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Pleasant Hill police officer who wrecked his marked police SUV was in possession of drugs at the time of the crash, authorities said April 2.

Sgt. Daniel Herbert Edwards, 42, was charged with misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance and placed on paid administrative leave pending an Iowa State Patrol investigation.

The 10-year Pleasant Hill police veteran lost control of the SUV and smashed into another driver... A helicopter transported Edwards to a Des Moines hospital where drugs were found in Edwards’ possession, police said.

“It’s not something I ever expected,” Pleasant Hill Police Chief Tim Sittig said of Edwards. “I was hoping it was a bad April Fools’ joke, but that’s not the case.”

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." --Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771

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