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Newslinks for 4/22/2010

Peaceful pro-gun rallies: A firsthand account
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm back from a rather exhausting past couple of days. I'll have time over the next few days to catch up on what the media is saying about the Second Amendment March and the Restore the Constitution rally, but for now I just wanted to share some of what I experienced." ...

Supreme Court overturns anti-animal cruelty law in First Amendment case
Submitted by: none

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"The Supreme Court on Tuesday forcefully struck down a federal law aimed at banning depictions of dog fighting and other violence against animals, saying it violated constitutional guarantees of free speech and created a 'criminal prohibition of alarming breadth.'" ...

"But the court said the legislation passed by Congress was far too broad. ..."

"Roberts wrote that the definition was so loose that it could include all depictions of wounding or killing animals, even hunting videos or magazines. He said the law's exemption for works of 'serious religious, political, scientific, educational, journalistic, historical or artistic value' was not enough protection, and the court was not reassured by the government's argument that prosecutions were rare." ...

Submitter's Note: 1st Amend. victory for 'hunting media'.

NRA sidelined on Firearms Freedom Acts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I've been pretty much exclusively focused on the Second Amendment rallies, but also want to point out another development in an ongoing story. We've discussed the Firearms Freedom Acts many times in the Gun Rights Examiner column, including the National Rifle Association declining to involve itself in the effort--to the point where they've warned supporters not to expect legal help from them if they run afoul of federal edicts (See 'Related Articles' link.)." ...

Safer Streets 2010: Informed streets have to come first
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the worst disservices an American can do is to lie to the electorate. Today, we call this smear. Distortion or exaggeration may be one thing, opinion may even be something, but outright misleading is downright against the interests of the United States."

"Robert J. Spitzer writing for the Huffington Post makes such a missstep in Are these guys really militias? Spitzer writes, 'Since the founding of the country, the federal and state governments have carefully regulated militias, and even though the government no longer 'calls up' militia-eligible men for military service, preferring instead in times of necessity to draft men into the regular army, it retains the right of regulation. ...'" ...

Gun Rights 101: AZ governor signs 'carry without a permit law; why that matters here
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Friday, April 16, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed legislation that will – before summer’s end – enable citizens there to carry concealed handguns without a concealed carry permit." ...

"One might argue that a major reason this legislation makes sense is because of Arizona's ironclad state constitutional right to bear arms ... 'The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State shall not be impaired ...'"

"And that brings us around to Washington State, which adopted its constitution in 1889. Arizona copied our constitutional right to bear arms provision word-for-word. The provisions are identical. ..." ...

Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you"
Submitted by: Larry

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"Former ACORN head Bertha Lewis told a group of the Young Democratic Socialists on that they should 'do everything [they] can' to build their organization, and then insisted that our times are worse than internment under the Japanese and the years of Jim Crow laws (h/t Morgan Richmond at BigGovernment):" ...

The gun lobby and the Oklahoma City bombing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why would the organizers of the Second Amendment March on Washington, D.C. chose April 19, the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, for its march? Why would they chose the anniversary of the day that fifteen years ago was the scene of death and carnage, when a home grown anti government extremist named Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people?" ...

Submitter's Note: Because (as stated) it is the 235th anniversary of the "shot heard round the world" which launched the Revolution? It is also the 53rd anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann deliberately taking LSD for the first time, but I don't see anyone accusing us of secretly supporting Jews or the drug culture.

Taking sides on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was quite a dichotomy in the actions of two groups in Virginia earlier this week."

"In Arlington, gun-rights groups bore arms and rallied against any further restrictions on their weapons."

"Meanwhile, in Richmond, the local newspaper was carrying a full-page advertisement in which families of some of the students who were killed or wounded in the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre called on Virginia's U.S. senators ... to support legislation that would eliminate the so-called gun-show loophole."

"While it's our opinion that gun rights are not exactly under attack ... the Second Amendment protesters seem to be convinced that exactly the opposite is true."

"The Virginia Tech families have a much more factual basis for their mission ..." ...

Guns are just a pretense in this war
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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said Larry Pratt, head of the Springfield-based Gun Owners of America, during a Second Amendment rally on the National Mall."

"'The other side knows they're in a war, because they started it,' he said." ...

"The website of Monday's 'Restore the Constitution' rally at Virginia's Fort Hunt Park ... featured a 'Resistance Pledge' against 'a mandate to purchase health insurance or participate in a government-run plan' and 'regulatory and taxation schemes designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.'"

"Health care and global warming are Second Amendment issues?"

"Clearly, this isn't about guns." ...

Submitter's Note: Nope, it's about Liberty, hence the "Restore the Constitution" monicker.

Shocking Report: Police Find TEA Parties More Peaceful Than Anti-war Protests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, the Christian Science Monitor bucked its mainstream peers by reporting something truthful about the TEA party movement: police officials have begun to relax security requirements at conservative rallies because of the remarkable absence of violence."

"Yes, you read that right: despite nonstop media warnings about hateful protests, violence from TEA party attendants is so nonexistent that police feel safe allowing them to bring large items and sometimes even guns." ...

"No matter how much prominent liberals talk about rampant violence, the facts on the ground tell a different story, and reporters end up leaving with rather dull footage - no police clashes, no tear gas, no images of people being carted away ..." ...

TX: Citizen shoots man attempting to hijack Metro bus after multiple wrecks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Hankston fled northbound on Martin Luther King. About a block away from the carjacking, he struck the first vehicle and continued driving ..."

"... he got to the point where his vehicle was disabled, got out of that vehicle and ran up to a bus ...'"

"... the suspect entered the bus and began assaulting the driver, in an apparent attempt to hijack the bus, until the driver of a car idling behind the bus noticed what was happening."

"'This person is a licensed concealed handgun carrier. He got out of the vehicle [and] went to the bus to try to intervene in the assault that was taking place,' he said. ..."

"As the two men struggled, the gun discharged and struck the suspect in the upper abdomen, Torres said." ...

IA: Elderly Des Moines woman puts .22-caliber stop to break-in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beatrice Turner traded her shotgun 30 years ago for a .22-caliber handgun that she keeps in her bedroom for protection."

"Tuesday morning, the 89-year-old woman fired the weapon for the first time."

"An intruder bashed in the front door of Turner's east-side Des Moines house about 5:30 a.m. Turner said she yelled at the man, telling him he had the wrong house and warned him she would shoot if he came inside."

"'He was a big, burly guy,' Turner said. 'He was pulling at his shorts and talking crazy. If they stay outside, OK. But I always said if they come inside, it's me or them." ...

Home invasion; cop or not?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just after 10 p.m. on Monday night, April 19th, Little Rock homeowner Rachel Woods went to her door in response to a knock. When she asked who was there, a voice said, 'Little Rock Police'. She called her husband on her cell phone, who then advised she should disable the house alarm and let them in. When she attempted to disable the alarm, the door was kicked in and three men with 'Police' on their shirts forced their way in. ..." ...

"Mrs. Woods was demanded of money and then she was shot in the upper leg. The burglar alarm, which had been loudly going off from the time the door had been kicked in, finally frightened the men away."

"What are an Arkansas homeowner's options in a situation such as this? ..." ...

TN: Parkwest Hospital murder - suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday, an Ethiopian emigrant shot three people, then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide." ...

"There are several disturbing details coming to light from this incident."

"The man is reported in the story to have had a history of mental probblems; his family having had him committed. It was a federal offense for him to possess a firearm."

"A handgun with a tampered serial number was found in his apartment. Possession of this might also be a Federal offense."

"He was carrying a handgun without a valid permit, as far as I can determine. This would have been a violation of Tennessee law."

"The shooting occured at Parkwest Hospital which is posted against guns. ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: Smear answered by Senator Randy Brogdon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I want you to visit this link for a response from Oklahoma Candidate for Governor Randy Brogdon on the subject of Militia."

"We say that how a candidate thinks of the second amendment reflects how he or she will serve you, the people. This is one of the best examples before the election not only of the man, but of the opposition."

"Remember that that opposition opposes your freedoms, and employs smear to do it. Remember that it doesn't take courage to change America, it takes courage to keep it."

"Check out Senator Brogdon's response here:" ...

NY: NYSRPA endorses Greg Ball for State Senate
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, the state's largest and nation's oldest 2nd Amendment advocacy organization, announces the endorsement of Greg Ball for State Senate in the 40th district. Our endorsement is based upon his proven record of standing up for the civil rights of gun owners in public and on the floor of the State Assembly. For his service, NYSRPA has twice honored him with our Legislator of the Year Award. NYSRPA believes that Ball's youth and energy will be an asset in the State Senate and we urge all concerned gun owners to support his campaign.

IN: Second Amendment and the right to bear arms in Indianapolis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that the five Republican candidates for Senator Evan Bayh's seat have had their say in this week's debate, it would appear that whoever wins the primary will be a strong Second Amendment supporter. On the other side of the November election will be Representative Brad Ellsworth, Democrat, from the 8th District, who is also a supporter of this most basic right. No matter who wins, Hoosiers can be assured that their junior Senator will advocate for the right for private citizens to bear arms." ...

Three States Pass 'Open Carry' Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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As some states consider bills to get more guns in the hands of gun owners, some states are considering bills aimed at banning open carry.

In California, the Democrat-controlled Assembly Public Safety Committee passed a measure banning “open carry.” The move is expected to draw opposition and will likely lead to a number of lawsuits." ...

"In both Arizona and Oklahoma lawmakers are considering proposals of the pro-gun variety."

"A bill allowing people with concealed-carry permits to openly carry weapons passed the Senate. House Bill 3354 passed Wednesday with no debate and now heads to the House. The vote was 33-15." ...

OK: Oklahoma on verge of passing pro-gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill exempting guns and ammunition made in Oklahoma from federal regulation passed the state Legislature and is on its way to the governor, lawmakers say."

"Proponents of the bill in Oklahoma City say the Constitution's interstate commerce clause stipulates the federal government can only regulate gun sales involving commerce across state lines, The Oklahoman reported Wednesday. Weapons manufactured and sold within a single state do not come under federal oversight, they say." ...

D.C. 'voting rights' bill dead (again), but gun rights shouldn't share that fate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, we discussed (with more here) the possibility that Washington D.C. would gain a voting seat in the House of Representatives, provided by legislation that would also strike down many of the most oppressive of D.C.'s gun laws. I went on record as being opposed to such legislation, despite my vehement opposition to those gun laws."

"First and foremost among those reasons is the fact that the Constitution simply does not allow for Congressional representation for a non-state. Every time we agree to accept an unconstitutional law, we undermine our own position as holders of the Constitutional high ground." ...

NY: New York Assembly Passes Amendment to Allow Courts to Seize Your Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A-7733A, Authorizes courts to revoke firearms license and seize the weapons of certain individuals, just passed the Assembly. Senate companion is S-5456."

"From the Bill:" ...

CA: Despite NRA/CPRA Opposition, Emeryville Passes Draconian Firearm Vendor Ordinance And Bans Gun Stores
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prompted by the prospect of a gun store opening in town, on April 6, 2010, the Emeryville City Council ... adopted an ordinance that, among other things, requires firearm vendors to obtain a permit from the Chief of Police and conduct a biannual inventory of all firearms possessed by the vendor, and also prohibits those between the ages of 18 and 21 years from entering a gun store where handguns are kept."

"The ordinance is a variation of the Legal Community Against Violence's ... model ordinance for firearm vendors, which was pushed in San Mateo and Oakland in the past few months."

"The City passed these ill-conceived ordinances despite promises of lawsuits from the NRA and CRPA. These suits are forthcoming." ...

AR: Local emergency gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In February, this column reported on the Oath Keepers and Arkansas laws which pertained to emergency powers and the confiscation of firearms (State of Emergency Gun Control). Since the time the article first appeared, discovery has been made of other pertinent state laws, requiring a very important update to the story."

"As stated in the earlier article, emergency powers laws give state troops the power to shut down gun stores and forbid the trade or transfer of firearms. What wasn’t clear at the time was the existence of another state law which provides a way for local governments (cities, municipalities and counties) to ban ammunition and the transfer, transportation and carrying of firearms for a few weeks. ..." ...

NM: Gun Laws Debated After Child Shooting Accident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a 4-year-old accidentally shot and killed himself Tuesday, some experts are looking at how tough or lenient the state’s current gun laws are."

"Police said 4-year-old Luke Daniels and his 2-year-old brother were home with the baby sitter ..."

"Police said Duran told them that Daniels was napping in the master bedroom when she heard a 'pop' sound. She ... thought he had fallen from the bed. ... she called 911, then found the gun lying on the floor. ..." ...

"The Department of Health said that from 1999 to 2008 there have only been three accidental deaths related to firearms recorded for children between the ages 1 and 4." ...

Submitter's Note: And from 1999 through 2006 there have been almost ten times that many accidental drownings. Where would our efforts better be directed, guns or pools, tubs and buckets?

OH: Wooster Police, Eddie Eagle team up to teach gun safety to students
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wooster Daily-Record reported recently that a group of kindergartners at Wooster Christian School recently had the opportunity to meet Eddie, interact with him, and learn about gun safety, all thanks to the efforts of the Wooster Police Department."

"From the story:" ...

MA: Randolph police charge Boston cop with assault
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Boston police officer who lives in Randolph is facing charges that he violently shook and injured his 8-year-old daughter."

"At his arraignment Tuesday in Quincy District Court, Leonard F. Brown, 42, pleaded innocent to a charge of assault and battery on a child with injury."

"Judge James McGovern scheduled a pretrial hearing for June 18 and ordered Brown to avoid contact with his daughter and ex-wife, who is also a Boston police officer. Brown is free after posting $40 bail, his lawyer said." ...

"In July 2007, Brown was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, making threats and violating an abuse-prevention order. ..." ...

IN: Indiana Appellate Case on the Right to Resist a Police Officer’s Unlawful Entry
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Submitter's Note: The case is Barnes v. State (Ind. Ct. App. Apr. 15, 2010); I’m not an expert on the field, so I don’t know how representative this is of the law throughout the country, but it struck me as interesting. The court’s conclusion:

"We reverse Barnes's disorderly conduct conviction because the State failed to prove that Barnes’s noisy political expression was an abuse of his right to free speech. We also reverse Barnes’s convictions for battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting law enforcement, but we remand for a new trial on those convictions because the jury was not properly instructed on Barnes's defense of the right to reasonably resist unlawful entry into his home."

OK: Allowing guns on CareerTech campuses draws fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Autry Technology Center Superintendent Jim Strate is concerned about a bill in the Oklahoma Legislature that would allow guns on career tech campuses."

"The bill ... allows people with a conceal and carry license to keep guns locked in their cars on CareerTech campuses."

"'This is a terrible bill,' Strate said in a letter to legislators."

"Strate said Autry Tech has high school students, adults and industry clients on campus, and a number of CareerTechs have day care facilities for newborns through early adolescents. Strate said he does not see the legislation as a Second Amendment issue, but rather a safety issue, and he is opposed to it." ...

MA: Ammo found in Milton pond
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police found two boxes of .22-caliber ammunition at the bottom of Popes Pond on Tuesday morning. They believe the boxes were dumped there by the juvenile charged in one of three ammunition scares at Milton High School."

"On Friday, the 14-year-old high school freshman was charged with leaving several .22-caliber bullets in a school stairwell three days earlier, prompting a five-hour lockdown of the building."

"Two students who exchanged e-mails with the boy about the incident contacted police Friday morning. The parents of the two students had attended a school forum the previous night at which Police Chief Richard Wells urged concerned residents to speak to their children and check that any guns or ammunition at home were secured." ...

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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