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Newslinks for 4/26/2010

Armed defense stories continue to demonstrate protective benefits of guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Maybe he should have followed the advice of the anti-gunners, and just given them what they wanted? Oh, wait, what they wanted was to shoot him..." ...

Is Richard Clarke just ignorant or worse about what gun rallies commemorated?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "So who is this character and why should we care what he says?"

"He's a counter-terrorism security adviser to presidents."

"He's a leading author on the matter."

"He's a partner in a high-profile consulting firm, and 'is currently an on-air consultant for ABC News ..." ...

Why legal guns still cause arrests
Submitted by: Bob devour

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"James Goldberg of Glastonbury, Conn., recently was arrested for carrying a firearm at his neighborhood Chili's restaurant, and his release because his actions were legal has sparked a major debate over the Second Amendment."

"But the legislative director for the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League, Jim Wallace, contends the case is evidence of the successful work of gun opponents in demonizing the hardware itself, using fear to crack down on a legal activity." ...

"'If police officers carry openly, is the general public scared? They shouldn't be. Nor should they be scared if their fellow citizens are doing the same thing. The problem is the irrational stigma ... about guns themselves,' Wallace said." ...

Virginia school kids to learn about gun safety--opponents of gun safety object
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia has recently passed a law requiring the state Board of Education to draw up a curriculum for gun safety education for elementary schools." ...

"Governor Bob McDonnnell vetoed one portion of the bill (the Virginia state constitution allows for partial vetoes) that would have permitted the Board to use material not only from the NRA's Eddie Eagle program but also from the National Crime Prevention Council (McGruff the Crime Dog's organization). Some find this objectionable." ...

Police Forces
Submitted by: Larry

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"Today there is the commonly accepted, but completely fallacious idea that somehow police protection, access to courts, and even legal counsel is a 'right' of citizenship in the United States. However, there is no more justification for such services being provided 'free' (i.e., through taxation) than there is for color TV sets to be provided for each and every person in America at 'public expense.' Either a person has a right to his own life, liberty, and property, or he does not. If he does, nothing can justify forcing him to subsidize another person for any purpose, including for the purpose of police protection." ...

The Hidden Agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Submitted by: Larry

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"With the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, many liberals exploited the actions of one deranged individual to tar millions of patriotic Americans as extremists and potential terrorists." ...

"In an excellent piece 'What's behind the anti-Tea Party hate narrative?' the Washington Examiner's Chief Washington Correspondent Byron York notes that 'Many of the claims that extremism is on the rise in America originate in research done by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based group that for nearly 40 years has tracked what it says is the growing threat of intolerance in the United States.'" ...

"... Instead of monitoring 'hate' and 'extremism,' [SPLC is] concerned with tarring patriotic Americans who oppose their left wing agenda as haters and extremists." ...

Hat tip to blog

Column was about when to walk away, not gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... judging from some of the reaction, I touched a nerve I thought I had not gone near. The subject somehow became a battle over gun rights — a subject I never once raised." ...

"Likewise, there is no effort by the Obama administration to press for a repeal of the Second Amendment. None whatsoever. Yet that did not stop gun rights advocates from marching and making noises as if the president were personally leading a raid on their homes to confiscate whatever guns they might legally possess."

"This is called 'creating a straw man.' And then knocking him down. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The "straw man" here is the repeal of the Second. We aren't concerned so much about it being repealed as it being ignored.

Pro-gun rally shines light on liberal laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners plan to meet in Back Cove today with firearms in holsters."

"Participants in the open-carry event will be asserting their constitutional right to bear arms in a state with some of the most permissive firearms laws in the nation."

"Today's open-carry event was organized by Shane Belanger, a University of Southern Maine freshman who grew up in Caribou."

"'I'd like to see a bunch of people coming out, having a good time, eating some food, swapping some stories,' said Belanger."

"Belanger said he's got 41 people confirmed as guests to attend the barbecue, along with another 25 or so possible attendees, and three dogs. Belanger said his father may come down from The County to participate." ...

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, LLC v. The Regents of the University of Colorado
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Opinion by JUDGE HAWTHORNE."

"In this case of first impression, we consider whether the Concealed Carry Act (CCA), sections 18-12-201 to -216, C.R.S. 2009, applies to universities. Because the statute expressly applies to 'all areas of the state,' we conclude that plaintiffs have stated a claim for relief under the CCA. We further conclude that plaintiffs have stated a claim for relief under Colorado Constitution article II, section 13, which affords individuals the right to bear arms in self-defense." ...

Gun flood is killing us: Skyler
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The failure of the White House and Congress to stem the flow of illegal guns into New York City 'is killing people,' Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler said yesterday."

"'What's really disturbing about this is how we've had absolutely no help from the federal government, whether congressionally or the White House in two administrations,' Skyler said. ..."

"Skyler's remarks came a day after it was revealed that an undercover Brooklyn cop had taken more than 150 illegal guns off the streets by himself since last May."

"Mayor Bloomberg's spokesman ... said many of those guns came from Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and South Carolina, 'each of which is among the top five suppliers' of out-of-state guns used in crimes here." ...

KABA Note: But how many of those "illegal guns" were "of out-of-state guns used in crimes" and how many were just unregistered or carried illegally?

Robert Hicks, Leader in Armed Rights Group, Dies at 81
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Someone had called to say the Ku Klux Klan was coming to bomb Robert Hicks's house. The police said there was nothing they could do. It was the night of Feb. 1, 1965, in Bogalusa, La."

"The Klan was furious that Mr. Hicks, a black paper mill worker, was putting up two white civil rights workers in his home. ..."

"Mr. Hicks and his wife, Valeria, made some phone calls. ... Soon, armed black men materialized. Nothing happened."

"Less than three weeks later, the leaders of a secretive, paramilitary organization of blacks called the Deacons for Defense and Justice visited Bogalusa. ... After listening to the Deacons, Mr. Hicks took the lead in forming a Bogalusa chapter, recruiting many of the men who had gone to his house to protect his family and guests." ...

'Tea party' activists: Do they hate liberals more than they love liberty?
Submitted by: Larry

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"Many 'tea party' activists staunchly oppose big government, except when it is warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding. A movement that started out denouncing government power apparently has no beef with some of the worst abuses of modern times." ...

Hat tip to

FL: Tire store owner shoots armed robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The owner of a Miami, Florida tire store reportedly shot two armed robbers and sent a third fleeing."

"Police say that three robbers entered Okay Auto Tire Service, located at 2nd Avenue and 42nd Street, before noon. A robber reportedly shot at the owner, but missed, at which point the owner grabbed his self defense gun and returned fire, striking two of the robbers and ending the violent attack. One robbery suspect was incapacitated by his wounds and taken from the scene to a local hospital, while another suspect fled the scene but was later dropped off at a local hospital, according to police. The store owner was reportedly unharmed, and police are seeking the third suspect." ...

FL: Man shoots burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a home invasion and a burglary attempt at a Hazen Avenue home in Thonotosassa."

"Investigators say a man was sleeping in a back bedroom when he heard two suspects in a different bedroom. He armed himself with a semi-automatic weapon and confronted the suspects. He says a physical confrontation started when one of the suspects waved a clothes iron at him. The man felt threatened and shot that suspect several times. The other suspect took off and is still on the loose." ...

Moran denounces guns in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year legislation was enacted that allowed individuals to carry loaded firearms into national parks."

"This week, political demonstrations were held at Gravelly Point and the National Mall in which some participants carried firearms."

"Representative Jim Moran denounced the activities of the demonstrators who did this."

"In a statement, Moran remarked 'The free association and gathering of individuals is a constitutionally protected right that all Americans should support, regardless of whether one agrees with the substance of the protest. Holding an armed rally at a public park however, raises major public safety concerns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Of course it's your right, just don't try to exercise it!

D.C. Vote: Obama should veto any bill that weakens District gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"D.C Vote, which suffered a setback this week when the voting rights bill stalled in Congress, publicly called on President Obama today to state he will veto any legislation that includes provisions to roll back the city's gun control laws."

"'We have started swinging back,' said Illir Zherka, executive director of D.C. Vote. 'We look forward to working with the council, mayor delegate and D.C. residents to convince the president to take that stance.'" ...

CA: Committee approves open-carry ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California lawmakers are pushing ahead with legislation to ban carrying unloaded firearms in public, even as the U.S. Supreme Court weighs a complex case that could eventually override the rights of states to regulate guns."

"The Democrat-controlled Assembly Public Safety Committee passed the measure 4-2 on Tuesday, over the objections of onlookers who are part of an “open carry” movement frustrated by what they see as government infringement of their constitutional rights to bear arms."

"Carried by Assemblywoman Lori Saldana, D-San Diego, the proposed prohibition has drawn national attention." ...

NY: Ontario County Board votes to oppose gun legislation
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Ontario County Board of Supervisors waded into the Second Amendment debate last night, voting to oppose various state gun control measures after a lengthy discussion."

"The resolution may not have any impact on the state’s gun regulations, but supporters of the measure said it sends a message."

"'If not us, then who should speak out?' asked Board Chairman Ted Fafinski, R-Farmington."

"The resolution voiced the board’s opposition to more than 20 bills coming out of the Assembly and Senate. Many of the bills would place restrictions on gun sales and licensing, though a few deal with defining and controlling assault weapons and restrictions on purchasing armor-piercing bullets." ...

NY: Remington Arms, Arcuri look to reload
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In an ongoing political battle that involves states and corporations vying to win lucrative U.S. military contracts, the area's firearms manufacturer and congressman are hoping to add to their arsenal."

"U.S. Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-24, held a press conference at the Remington Arms plant in Ilion Friday, unveiling legislation that, if passed, would allow the Herkimer County manufacturer to compete for military contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars." ...

"He described his proposal as a way to change the language of current legislation that limits competition for federal small arms critical parts contracts to three companies — Colt, General Dynamics and FN Herstal." ...

AZ: Questions raised regarding Arizona constitutional carry - Part 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As promised in the previous article about Arizona's new constitutional carry law, I have received a few questions and have provided the answers here:"
"When carrying a firearm in a vehicle under the new law, will the firearm need to be holstered? No, the firearm does not need to be holstered."

"When carrying a firearm in a vehicle under the new law, can the firearm be anywhere in the vehicle or does it need to be in the glove compartment and in a holster? Under current law, most advise that the gun be holstered and secured in a storage compartment when transporting it in a vehicle. Under the new law, you will be able to have the firearm anywhere in the vehicle you might wish to have it." ...

IL: Illinois legislature to push for more gun laws after all?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Late last month, I reported that Illinois lawmakers had apparently decided to duck gun issues--whether in support of gun rights, or (as is usually the case in IL) in the direction of yet more restrictive gun laws. Now getting into late April, with most of the legislature's self-imposed deadlines for moving bills along already behind us, that would seem to have been accurate."

"Still, there are no guarantees--deadlines can be extended at the whim of the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate (Michael Madigan and John Cullerton, respectively--both rabidly anti-gun Chicago Democrats). The NRA believes that just such shenanigans may be afoot." ...

More On Cops And Armed Citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week at the annual conference of ... the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association, the anti-gun factions were nowhere to be seen. After all, they have nothing to offer the police sector…and, I suspect, they know that. On the other hand, the [NRA] was present as usual with a heavily-attended booth that focused on their half-century history of aiding law enforcement training. The [US] Practical Shooting Association was present as well, and their booth likewise drew much interest from the criminal justice trainers in attendance. Much of what has been learned in their practical shooting competitions has migrated directly to America's police academies and in-service training and qualification ranges. ..." ...

Agents of Incompetence: ATF Dodges FOIA, Still Has Seized BB Guns (Part IV)
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"It was only a month ago that a bizarre story broke in the Pacific Northwest, as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers trumpeted their seizure of what they claimed were more than two dozen machine guns disguised as toys."

"The problem with the CBP claim was that the items seized were 16 WE TTI (WE Tech) M4A1 and 14 WE TTI (WE Tech) M4 CQBR gas blowback Airsoft rifles that shoot plastic BBs."

"They really were toys."

"But instead of admitting they can't tell a toy gun from a real one, CBP turned these Airsoft rifles over to the [ATF], and the agency agreed that these pot-metal made, plastic BB-shooting plinkers were honest-to-God firearms."

"To put it mildly, things got interesting." ...

Could the National Guard Help Battle Crime? (video)
Submitted by: BambiB

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Two local legislators believe extra help from the military could help curb the street violence in Chicago, as CBS 2's Vince Gerasole reports.

Submitter's Note: How fitting that a jurisdiction that prohibits the ownerships of most firearms for self-defense would call for martial law as a "solution" for massive violent crime.

What better way to install a totalitarian government than to make people desperate for "safety" and insist that the government be the sole source of "protection"?

Killing People Can Be Fun for Kids, Too
Submitted by: Larry

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... "The government recruits future killers and/or to-be-brainwashed 'citizen' tyrants from high schools by making war and people control seem 'fun.' ... A Staff Sgt. was quoted as saying, 'We provide options for college or if they want to make the National Guard their career right after high school.' In other words, an automatic job and all the assorted government benefits. Sgt. Bell says they – the National Guard – are the real 'citizen-soldiers.' No, citizen-soldiers do not work for and get paid by the state to follow orders. The militias are the citizen soldiers. The Guard likes to convey the image that it is somehow 'different' than the rest of the government’s paid forces. Fail. (Thanks to Rick Vandeven for the FYI.)" ...

CT: Connecticut Town Grapples With Claims of Police Bias
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Since 2008, officials in East Haven, Conn., a working-class suburb with a long history of toxic relations between the police and minorities, have played down Latinos’ complaints of accelerating police harassment and brutality."

"Local officials appeared unperturbed when the Justice Department opened a rare investigation last fall into allegations of discriminatory policing in the town and Yale law students went to court to force the release of police records. The police chief denied any bias and blamed any problems on the failure of federal immigration policy. The mayor said she was unaware of any racial discrimination and supported the police."

"But in recent days, the town seemed to have turned an unexpected corner." ...

IL: Police Supt. Weis: National Guard isn't solution to city's gun violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis today spoke out against a request for the Illinois National Guard to be to deployed on Chicago's streets to help tackle gun violence."

"Stopping just short of outright rejecting the request from state lawmakers Rep. John Fritchey and Rep. LaShawn Ford, Weis said 'I don't think the National Guard is the solution.'"

"At a press conference earlier Sunday, Fritchey and Ford had called on Gov. Quinn and Mayor Daley to deploy troops. The action, in coordination with Weis, should be taken as soon as possible to help get guns and criminals off the street, they said." ...

KABA Note: Trust a LEO to know what a couple of pols don't: The military's job is to kill people and break things. Cops have an entirely different mission.

Future Police: Meet the UK's Armed Robot Drones
Submitted by: Larry

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"Police forces all over the UK will soon be able to draw on unmanned aircraft from a national fleet, according to Home Office plans. Last month it was revealed that modified military aircraft drones will carry out surveillance on everyone from protesters and antisocial motorists to fly-tippers[illegal dumpers, Ed.], and will be in place in time for the 2012 Olympics."

"Surveillance is only the start, however. Military drones quickly moved from reconnaissance to strike, and if the British police follow suit, their drones could be armed – but with non-lethal weapons rather than Hellfire missiles." ...

CA: NRA plans annual fundraiser at Elks Lodge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, May 6, the Yolo County chapter of the Friends of NRA will hold its 16th annual fundraiser dinner and auction at the Elks Lodge in Woodland."

"The prime rib dinner has attracted more than 225 local supporters from all over Yolo, Colusa and Solano counties in the past years. According to event chairman, Kent Malcolm, the no-host bar will open at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:20 p.m. with the live auction, silent auction and special drawings for exclusive NRA merchandise such as prints, knives, jewelry and firearms to follow dinner." ...

LA: LC man booked with having gun, litterbugging it
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Lake Charles police say a man who allegedly threw a gun out of a car at a traffic stop has been booked with littering.

The American Press reports that police also booked 30-year-old Kenneth Charles Barker on Saturday on a more serious charge of possessing a gun after a felony conviction.

Sgt. Mark Kraus, a police department spokesman, says Barker was a passenger, and the driver was not arrested.

The Associated Press could not reach Barker for comment Sunday. He does not have a listed telephone number.

OH: State numbers show majority of concealed-carry permit holders comply with gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"People licensed to carry a concealed weapon usually pull their guns only at the firing range, police say."

"Statewide, county sheriff's agencies issued more than 56,691 concealed-carry permits last year. Less than 2 percent of those license holders had their rights revoked for committing a crime."

"'We're normally not worried about people who own guns legally and come to us for a permit; it's the people who have guns illegally,' said Lt. Donald Michalosky, who oversees the department at the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office that deals with carrying concealed weapons." ...

VA: Virginia Schoolkids to Get Gun Safety Classes
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"Schoolchildren in Virginia who aren't old enough to pack their lunches yet will soon start learning about packing heat as part of a new gun-safety curriculum backed by the NRA, reported Saturday."

"Schools can decide whether or not to offer the gun-safety education program to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Schools that do offer it must use the state curriculum, which includes rules used by the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program." ...

Submitter's note: It's the Eddie Eagle program. Fox, in the opening paragraph, just had to make it sound like tots were going to "pack heat."

South Africa: Man hijacked, dismembered
Submitted by: none

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Gauteng police appealed for help on Friday in tracking down the people who hijacked a Vereeniging man and then cut parts of his body off earlier in April.

Nicodemus Ramatsebe, 51, was hijacked in Vereeniging on April 4 while driving his Isuzu double cab.

His body was found in a veld in Fochville the next day.

His head, legs, arms, heart and lungs had been removed.

"Police are appealing to anyone who may have information about the hijacking and the ritual murder to come forward and contact investigating officer, Warrant Officer Happy Vilankulu on 082 719 8373."

The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion. —ST. GEORGE TUCKER'S BLACKSTONE

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