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Newslinks for 4/29/2010

CCRKBA Supports Legislation to Correct Onerous D.C. Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [CCRKBA] today said a bipartisan bill introduced by Senators Jon Tester and John McCain that would repeal most gun laws in the District of Columbia 'would not be necessary if District officials had lived up to the 2008 Supreme Court ruling in the Heller case.'"

"Tester (D-MT) and McCain (R-AZ) unveiled the Second Amendment Enforcement Act Tuesday. It would overrule the District's deliberately complicated registration requirements and would also prevent enactment of regulations that prohibit the carrying of firearms in public places. The bill would further reign in the police chief's discretionary power to deny carry licenses to law-abiding citizens. Companion legislation was introduced in the House ..." ...

Answering a college student about guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A comment I received on a column about guns at CSU deserves an answer. It comes from a student at CSU who asks where the supposed support for guns on campus is documented, and more importantly reveals a world view that I believe is a centerpiece of the anti-gun crowd. ..." ...

"He appeals to safety for the student body, which is the goal of all parties to the debate. What I find fascinating is the statement about the campus containing vulnerable populations, and that the threat to them is greater than the right of a few citizens to brazenly carry firearms in an educational setting. In other words, licensed carriers of concealed weapons are an inherent threat to those vulnerable populations simply by walking around with a hidden weapon." ...

OK senator calls governor's reasons for vetoing Firearms Freedom Act 'absurd'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "While it's clear the [NRA] would prefer to remain above the fray, they can't. It's a huge issue, having passed in seven states so far, and with legislation introduced in 20 others. Besides, their guy brought them up for cover." ...

The 2nd Amendment Is My Conceal-Carry Permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the Obama-led federal government appears indifferent, if not averse, to the Constitution, various state governments across the country are embracing the founding document anew."

"We've seen this via the 10th Amendment movement and the state-led opposition to Obamacare. And recently, Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer has shown another way back to the Constitution by signing a law which views the 2nd Amendment's constitutional right to keep and bear arms as a concealed-carry permit within the borders of her state."

"... Arizona has just passed a law based on the premise Ted Nugent once expressed when he said: 'The 2nd Amendment is my conceal-carry permit.'" ...

Militia may add to the 'common defense'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some Utahans are campaigning for a state militia like the militia of the days of our Founding Fathers. There militia had always been universally understood to be a military recruited by private citizens, independent of the established government. It consisted of all able-bodied males, and each was required to personally own firearms (and ammunition) for self-training, be able to defend their lives and property, and be a formidable resistance to government tyranny. The Revolutionary War is a text book example." ...

Warning about UN Plans for Gun Regulations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) ... has learned that the United Nations has filed its first firearms trace request. The move by the United Nations, which has long advocated for civilian disarmament, raised concerns from the NSSF."

"Firearms trace data is a law enforcement tool to help aid in specific criminal investigations,' said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane. 'Our concerns with this trace request stem from UN-efforts to impose arms trade control treaties that would lead to a ban on the civilian possession and ownership of firearms, possibly even in the United States despite Second Amendment protections ...'" ...

Rapid growth of U.S. militias feeds off politics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the early 1990s the militias were politically isolated. Today, they appear to be an armed point along a much bigger popular continuum that includes the Tea Party and the Oath Keepers, both gaining momentum fast."

"Lackomar and other militia members, while certainly sympathetic to the Tea Party's goals, insist the two groups are unconnected -- even informally. 'What we've tried to do is to make it so our group does not take political positions, except for constitutional versus unconstitutional, and the necessary focus on the Second Amendment,' Lackomar said."

"Still ... SMVM members expressed admiration for the Tea Party's rapid growth ... and its ability to draw big crowds and mainstream politicians like Sarah Palin." ...

Starbucks and the 'More Guns, Greater Safety' Myth
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A physician friend relates the story of a man who appeared at the doors of his hospital ER with a gun shot wound. The hapless man had left his loaded gun on the seat of his truck, where it discharged when he sat on it. 'Guns don't kill people,' argues the NRA. Perhaps 'stupidity kills.' Remove the proliferation of firearms and many fewer would be injured or die."

"The U.S. gun lobby's myth of 'more guns, greater safety' is belied by the sheer numbers of accidental shootings. ..." ...

KABA Note: So how many accidental shootings are we talking about? From 1999 thru 2006 there were 5,967 accidental shooting deaths in the US, or an average of about 746 a year. From 2001 thru 2008 there were an average of 16,718 non-fatal accidental shootings. Given that over one-third of americans own firearms, that means in any give year, 99.98% of firearms were not involved in accidental shootings. Not that mere facts and logic will affect the blind hoplophobia of some people.

The Tea Party Movement vs. The Civil Rights Movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Depending on which cable news station you watch, the Tea Party Movement is the greatest grass roots movement of all time or a minority, lunatic, right wing, fringe group that is losing steam. Only time will tell." ...

"Let's look at both theories. If it is the most powerful grass roots movement of all time, we should be able to compare it to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s." ...

"The mission of the Civil Rights protests was clear: equal rights for all citizens. The Tea Party vision is vague. ... The only right I see them defending is the Second Amendment right to bear arms and that is scary to me. The Civil Rights movement was essentially non-violent preaching passive resistance." ...

Submitter's Note: Joan needs to brush up on her history if she's never heard of The Deacons for Defense and Justice.

Guns and the Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I need some help, after a lifetime of attending to, learning about and defending the Constitution of the United States, and the country itself against all enemies foreign and domestic, I have hit a snag." ...

"Strictly speaking, The Constitution does not constrain or apply to ordinary citizens, it applies ONLY to the actions of government. ..."

"What the Constitution does not forbid the government to do, it allows. ...So, while the Constitution forbids the government from prohibiting your ownership of a gun, it says nothing about the sale, or transfer of ownership of that gun to anyone else. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Sorry Karl, you've got it exactly backwards there. The Constitution limits what the government may do to specific enumerated powers, therefore what the Constitution does not allow, it prohibits.

No need to brandish guns in public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let's start with a basic premise: Unless you are in police work, security or the military, there is no reason to openly display a handgun in a public place. It's called 'open carry,' and debate on the subject — which hangs on the second amendment right of the U.S. Constitution to keep and bear arms — is raging hot and heavy."

"Intimidation, whether admitted or not, is the motivation for packing a pistol or, more formally, wearing a sidearm. The sidearms are also useful for nourishing a superiority complex." ...

"Guns are used to kill people. Guns scare people. They have no public role in the lives of ordinary, law-abiding citizens, and certainly should not be flashed in locations such as Vancouver." ...

IN: Governor & former mayor in Gun Battle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, Governor Mitch Daniels signed a new law that allows employees to take guns to work. He says it supports the constitution. But Paul Helmke, a former Fort Wayne mayor and current head of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says it opens the door to more crime."

"'When guns are readily available to the disgruntled employee, the angry employee, the employee who's just been fired for some reason, disciplined for some reason, oftentimes what happens is they run right out to their car and they run right back in,' Helmke told NewsChannel 15." ...

Submitter's Note: So what Paul wants to protect us from is "the disgruntled employee, the angry employee" who is law-abiding enough that s/he will not have a gun in their car, but criminal enough to drive home, get a gun, go back to work and commit murder.

Daley's hatred for right to keep and bear arms takes dangerous globalist turn
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Just so we're clear: Unable to sustain his assault on freedom through Constitutional means, Daley is not beneath resorting to extra-Constitutional, that is, unlawful ones ..." ...

"Oh, he can get whatever rulings he wants. But they'll have no legitimate effect on what we do as citizens and the choices we make in exercising our rights. And any attempts to enforce such edicts against us can be regarded as an unlawful initiation of force, to be repelled and responded to accordingly." ...

Daley: Send gun industry lawsuit to World Court
Submitted by: Paul

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"Six years after the state Supreme Court dismissed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, Mayor Daley today called for a change of venue — to the World Court normally reserved for disputes between nations and crimes against humanity."

"Wrapping up the sixth annual Richard J. Daley Global Cities Forum, Daley convinced more than a dozen of his counterparts from around the world to approve a resolution urging 'redress against the gun industry through the courts of the world' in The Hague."

"'This is coming from international mayors. They're saying, 'We're tired of your guns, America. ... We don't want those anymore because guns kill and injure people,' Daley told a news conference ..." ...

ISRA to Daley: Take a Vacation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Who knew the folks at the Illinois State Rifle Association were such smart-asses? A week after mocking Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis for 'bragging' that Chicago 'has more gangs and more guns than any other major city,' the ISRA has turned their sights on Mayor Daley. Concerned for his mental well-being, they issued this statement in a press release today:" ...

WV: Man Dared Homeowner To Shoot Him
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"A 'justified shooting' is how State Police described an incident in Lincoln County Tuesday evening."

"Forty-four year old Thomas Perry suffered a gunshot wound to the stomach from a .22 caliber rifle as he attempted to break into a home in the community of Atenville."

"'When we talked to all the witnesses and the person who shot him, Thomas Perry was the aggressor in this incident,' said Senior Trooper L.T. Goldie Jr." ...

"'Perry had pretty much dared him to shoot him and said he was coming in anyway,' Goldie explained. ..."

"Lambert suffered crippling injuries in a motorcycle accident a year ago and tells State Police a gun was the only way to defend himself and his family." ...

AL: Police: Northport man kills robber in self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Northport man was charged with murder Wednesday after his friend was shot and killed by a would-be victim."

"Investigators say that the actions of Rashad Drakkar Hayward, 20, led to death of Christopher Antonio Collins, 18. Police said that Hayward and Collins tried to rob and shoot a man who ended up shooting Collins with his own gun on Tuesday night." ...

"Bertrand’s mother opened the door to their house and distracted the gunman, giving Bertrand a chance to grab the gun and shoot Collins in the chest, he said." ...

NE: What Goes Into Being A Gun Owner?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Hero or vigilante? Public opinion is heavily slanted toward "hero" for the man who shot and killed an alleged robber Monday night. However, Harry McCullough could still face a misdemeanor charge for carrying a concealed weapon."

"Douglas County Attorney, Don Kleine has already said Harry McCullough won't face criminal charges for shooting Marquail Thomas to death in the Walgreens Monday night. City officials are now deciding if he should be cited for carrying a hidden gun, when he only has a permit to carry his gun in plain sight."

"City officials say they will decide by Friday if McCullough will be cited for the misdemeanor."

"So what goes into being a gun owner within Omaha city limits?" ...

Despite Once Being Fierce Gun Control Advocate, McCain Introduces Bill To Force D.C. To Weaken Its Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Facing a primary from ultra-conservative former congressman J.D. Hayworth, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has been veering far to the right. He went as far as to claim that he never called himself a 'maverick.' McCain has reversed his positions on a host of issues, from climate change to immigration, in an attempt to appease right-wing voters; he is now doing the same on gun control."

"Yesterday, McCain and Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) introduced legislation that would force the District of Columbia to weaken its gun laws:" ...

De-Mavericking McCain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the ongoing effort to de-maverick himself, yesterday's news that he is a lead sponsor of a bill to eliminate DC's gun laws must go down as the most spectacular and blatant reversal in Senator McCain's political career:" ...

Six years ago, John McCain joined with Americans for Gun Safety, which I led, to introduce and pass Senate legislation that would require all states - including the District of Columbia - to require background checks for all buyers at gun shows. This was the culmination of four years of work together to tighten gun safety laws and close loopholes, at both the federal and state level. ..." ...

PA: Candidates + guns + freedom = awesome
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Central Pennsylvania is where it's at. Freedom and liberty are still values held true there, especially in a state where its major cities forget there are people who still believe in - and uphold - these values."

"Take, for example, what's going down in Manheim on May 8th. GOP candidates for Governor - Tom Corbett and past Aaron Proctor Show guest Sam Rohrer - and GOP US Senate candidates - Peg Luksik and Pat Toomey - are participating in a unique event."

"They're having some brews, some cigars and shooting guns at cars. Candidates + guns + freedom = awesome!!!!" ...

Gun rights bills, without D.C. voting rights language, introduced in Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, we discussed the demise of legislation that would have granted Washington D.C. a voting seat in Congress (the Constitution notwithstanding). Heretofore supporters dropped the effort last week, because even the most ardent supporters of D.C. 'voting rights' were unwilling to accept the expanded gun rights language offered as an amendment."

"The Brady Campaign called that a 'victory,' but so did I--chiefly because of the unconstitutionality of the voting rights language, but also because (as D.C.'s non-voting Delegate Eleanor Homes Norton warned), there's a decent chance of passing a gun rights bill without surrendering the Constitutional high ground." ...

Bill introduced to fix gun laws in 'the other' Washington; Daley wants to sue gun makers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Their foot-dragging and obstructionist approach to adopting rational firearms ordinances that allow carrying firearms for personal protection has already gotten officials in the District of Columbia sued by the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, and the National Rifle Association." ...

"The SAF lawsuit forced the city to 'amend' its original handgun law, originally limited to allow only revolvers in private ownership but now open to the registration of semiautomatics as well. At every step, D.C. officials have had to be dragged along, kicking and screaming." ...

"Some people on Capitol Hill have had enough. ..." ...

OK: Gubernatorial Candidate Brogdon challenges Henry’s veto of Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Randy Brogdon said he was disappointed to learn that Gov. Brad Henry had vetoed Senate Bill 1685, the Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act. The bill was designed to stop further encroachment of the federal government on Second Amendment rights by exempting firearms and ammunition manufactured in Oklahoma from regulations handed down from Washington D.C."

"'The governor claimed this bill would have given criminals 'easy access' to guns. That argument is absurd,' Brogdon said. 'Oklahoma law addresses this issue—convicted felons cannot own guns in our state. The Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act would not have changed that state law.'" ...

VA: Hurt proven supporter of 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Private ownership of guns has been a cherished right since the first settlers arrived in America."

"The early settlers survived because they could hunt game with guns."

"Gun ownership has gone hand-in-hand with self-defense and protection of private property rights."

"Yet, there are well-organized and well-finance individuals and organizations actively working to take away our rights ..."

"Senator Robert Hurt has a lifetime 'A' rating from the [NRA]."

"He has earned that rating by steadfastly defending and protecting our Second Amendment rights as a legislator."

"We can be absolutely sure that he will not bow to pressure from the gun control crowd and a big government liberal Speaker from San Francisco." ...

OK: In broad daylight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oklahomans licensed to carry a gun would be able to display them openly in most public places if a proposed bill makes it through the Legislature and is signed into law."

"Supporters of the legislation say it simply extends already guaranteed Second Amendment rights, while opponents say open carry intimidates other citizens and wastes law enforcement resources."

"The state already allows people who complete a background check and receive training to carry a handgun as long as it is concealed from plain view. The proposed law would not relax permit requirements and guns would still be banned from bars, government buildings and schools." ...

OK: Gun bill veto to be challenged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers in Oklahoma say they will challenge Gov. Brad Henry's veto of a 'Firearms Freedom Act' that would exempt weapons made and sold in the state from federal regulations."

"Oklahoma lawmakers recently made their state the eighth to adopt the concept, pioneered in Montana last year ..."

"But Henry issued a statement after his veto yesterday warning that 'any state effort to selectively ignore federal laws will certainly draw a legal challenge.'"

"The governor said he consistently has supported plans that preserve and strengthen an individual's constitutional right to bear arms. But the 'Firearms Freedom Act,' he said, 'does nothing to enhance Second Amendment protections ...'" ...

CA: California legislation taking on open carry gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California lawmakers are pushing a bill that would criminalize the open-carrying of firearms in public places, with a few exceptions. The legislation, authored by Democratic assemblywoman Lori Saldana of San Diego, is designed to relegate the open carrying of weapons to 'trained' professionals."

"Opponents argue that their only lawful means of possessing a firearm, along with their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, are under unprecedented attack by the proposed amendment to the state's penal code." ...

GA: Sen. Shafer Champions Firearm Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Senator David Shafer (R-Duluth) recently lead his colleagues in the General Assembly to pass Senate Bill 291. The legislation will make several changes to various provisions related to concealed weapons permits. ..."

"'This bill re-writes Georgia's gun laws to protect the Second Amendment rights of our law abiding citizens,' Shafer said. 'It is a reasonable bill that recognizes our constitutional right to safeguard ourselves and our families.'"

"The bill will allow firearm permit holders to pick up and drop off passengers at the airport by permitting guns in non-secure areas. It will also make it easier to renew firearms as well as protect permit carriers from unlawful seizure of a firearm during a state of emergency." ...

GA: Controversial gun bill could soon become law
Submitted by: Mark

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"Licensed gun owners will soon be able to take guns into more public places including some parts of Georgia airports."

"The controversial gun bill could soon become law."

"It already passed the Senate and is going to the Governor for his signature." ...

Submitter's Note: This legislation
1) Removes misdemeanor marijuana lifetime prohibitor,
2) Removes requirement for fingerprinting for license renewals,
3) Would allow airport carry in non secure areas,
4) Removes fingerprint from license,
5) Requires probate court to notify you 90 days prior to your license expiration,
6) Prohibits governor from controlling or confiscating firearms in a declared emergency.

AZ: Arizona Legislature passes nation's first Knife Preemption Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arizona Legislature has passed the nation's first Knife Preemption Law, sponsored by Knife Rights and national grassroots knife owners organization based in Arizona. By bipartisan votes of 36-19 in the Arizona House and 19-9 in the Arizona Senate, SB1153, Knife Rights' Knife Law Preemption Bill, has been sent to Governor Jan Brewer for her signature, which is anticipated next week. It ... not only prevents political subdivisions from enacting new ordinances and rules, but voids all existing restrictive knife ordinances. In combination with Arizona's recently enacted constitutional concealed carry law, knife owners in Arizona will enjoy the most accommodating knife laws in the country." ...

OK: Gov. Henry vetoes Oklahoma gun bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gov. Brad Henry on Tuesday vetoed a bill to exempt Oklahoma-made guns and ammunition from federal regulations, saying the measure would make it easier for criminals to obtain weapons and endanger citizens and law enforcement."

"Similar to laws passed in at least four other states, the “Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act” states that firearms, gun accessories or ammunition produced in Oklahoma would not be subject to interstate commerce laws and federal regulations if the items remain in the state. The bill does not apply to certain large firearms and exploding ammunition." ...

FBI agent short on details on militia inquiry
Submitted by: Larry

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"An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn't recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers."

"Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled."

"'I share the frustrations of the defense team … that she doesn't know anything,' U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn't reviewed her notes recently and couldn't remember specific details of the case."

"Judge Roberts is hearing an appeal of another judge's order that has kept members of so-called Hutaree militia in jail since their arrest in late March." ...

Hat tip to the lewrockwell blog.

OH: Award-winning Ridgeland Police Officer commits perjury in DUI case, leaves town
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Daniel Soto. MADD's own special child. WLBT reported nearly a year ago he was MADD's top police officer of the year ..."

"Well, it seems Mr. Soto is no longer with the Ridgeland Police Department because he got caught lying on the stand. Mr. Soto pulled over a Charles Whitfield and arrested him for first offense DUI and speeding ... He was convicted in Madison County Court ..."

"Former Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Chuck McRae represented Mr. Whitfield and ... pointed out in his motion the Ridgeland PD had not provided him with a copy of the audio and video recordings of the incident ..."

"The Court granted a new trial, in which it was shown the video recording completely contradicted Officer Soto's testimony. ..." ...

OH: Former police chief sues Ohio over prison term
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Ohio police chief who was convicted of downloading photos of nude children on his work computer has sued Ohio for $40,000, alleging wrongful imprisonment."

"David Harrison, who was chief in Wapakoneta from 1988 to 2002, said this month in the state Court of Claims that the state violated his constitutional right against being prosecuted more than once for the same crime."

"Harrison pleaded guilty in 2003 to six charges and was incarcerated for one year. In 2005, he withdrew his guilty plea in a dispute over the length of his probation, and the state presented additional charges, leading to a six-year jail term." ...

"The state Supreme Court ruled last year that the re-sentencing on the same crime was improper." ...

OH: Former Ohio police chief guilty of stealing firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A jury has convicted a former northwest Ohio police chief of stealing firearms that belonged to his department.

Prosecutors say 44-year-old Forest Gordon of Van Wert took confiscated weapons that belonged to the Ottawa Police Department, where he became chief in 2008 but was later fired after state investigators began scrutinizing his behavior.

Prosecutors also said that Gordon, who previously worked in Kalida, bought and kept firearms from that department without authorization.

The indictment listed the property's value between $500 and $5,000.

Gordon was convicted Thursday in Putnam County Common Pleas Court on two counts of theft in office. He faces up to 21/2 years in prison when sentenced.

OH: State numbers prove vast majority of CCW licensees comply with gun laws; Ohio gun ban extremist still unsatisfied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do a few bad apples truly ruin the bunch? Do groups of people truly deserve to be judged by the very worst among them?"

"That's exactly what anti-gun extremists do when they exploit despicable acts of violence ... to support their effort to ban firearms ownership and defensive use."

"Recently, The Cleveland Plain Dealer published a story entitled 'State numbers show majority of concealed-carry permit holders comply with gun laws.'"

"While it is good to have that type of data made available to the public ... quotes from Ohio gun ban extremists Toby Hoover suggesting that one recent questionable act by a license-holder should be grounds for cracking down on ALL license-holders deserve attention." ...

PA: Lawmakers stand with Second Amendment supporters on gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reps. Martin Causer, R-Turtlepoint; Matt Gabler, R-DuBois; Donna Oberlander, R-Clarion; and Kathy Rapp, R-Warren, once again joined together with hundreds of Pennsylvania gun owners and outdoorsmen at the state Capitol for the Fifth Annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally."

"'It is important for Pennsylvanians to come together every year to reaffirm their rights to keep and bear arms in order to defend themselves and protect public safety,' Rep. Causer said. 'As much as some would like to believe otherwise, stricter gun control laws will not stop people who don’t abide by the law from misusing guns. What we need are laws that ensure law-abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves ..." ...

TN: Utilize Existing Laws Against Gangs Instead Of Creating New Ones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judge Bean,
Since the day, several years ago, you presided over my then 75-year-old mother's first and only traffic citation court appearance, I have considered you to be one of the most compassionate, fair and better judges in our area."

"... However, I have to disagree with your summation that, 'those that are obtaining guns for the purpose of committing crimes, are being allowed to hide behind the shield of the Second Amendment' and that 'it is time for America to realize that people who obtain guns for the purpose of committing crimes must be dealt with harshly.'"

"Americans have 'realized' this for quite a while. What it's time for is for the penal system to stop putting these thugs back on the street ..." ...

AK: Gun advocates, cameras descend on UAA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A highly-anticipated protest by Anchorage gun advocates on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage Wednesday turned out to be more of a media circus than anything else."

"On Wednesday four armed men walked onto UAA's main quad, where journalists outnumbered guns by about five to one. A swarm of reporters and photographers documented the University of Alaska Police Department filling out Notices of Violation to the four men and politely asking them to step off campus. (The usual detail of three on-duty UAPD officers had been upped to seven for the occasion.)" ...

PA: Rally for the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Members of the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association rallied at the state capitol in support of our Second Amendment rights.

It was the fifth annual Right To Keep And Bear Arms Rally. The event included speakers from the National Rifle Association and the state House of Representatives - who talked about Second Amendment rights.

128th District Rep. Sam Rohrer (R): "Our founders understood that it was the thing that stood between a government too strong moving against a people so they made it very, very clear that's why it's the 2nd amendment right after free speech."

After the rally, many people went in to the capitol to talk to their representatives about gun-related issues.

AK: Open carry protest at UAA ends with 4 violations, no arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dozens of protestors advocating concealed carry of guns on campus spoke out at UAA Wednesday."

"Organizers say the [UA] regents' policy prohibiting concealed guns on campus should be changed."

"The groups involved were the Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force and Students for Concealed Carry. They advertised the gathering, bringing together several people -- many of them with guns, which is against university policy." ...

"'I want my rights to be protected,' said Harley Brown."

"'We just ask that you leave the campus with it, OK? ... have a good day sir,' a UAA campus police officer said to him."

"The protest to pack heat on campus could be the most public act of civil disobedience UAA has ever seen." ...

SD: Self-defense comes from the First, Second Amendments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And so it is that we live in a nation allowing choices, and an important one is to choose whether we’re willing to defend ourselves. The question is, how?"

"The best form of self-defense comes with the First Amendment by way of Free Speech, but as one of my Christian friends pointed out, 'The Word can easily be abused.' A despot's rhetoric is a case in point. ..."

"The Second Amendment, 'The Right to Keep and Bear Arms' helps. The Dalai Lama, considered one of the sanest alive, is quoted in the May 15, 2001 issue of The Seattle Times as saying, 'If someone has a gun and trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.'" ...

OH: Springtime is Prime Time for Youth to Enjoy the Shooting Sports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Warmer weather and more hours of daylight make spring the perfect time to introduce youngsters to the shooting sports. To help get children properly started in these safe, adult-supervised and fun activities, parents have many programs from which to choose."

"Programs exist for practically every age level, allowing youngsters to find the type of target shooting that best suits their interests and abilities, whether it's shooting clay pigeons with a shotgun or silhouette targets with a rifle or falling steel plates with a handgun. Certified instructors and adult coaches ensure that youngsters understand and follow the rules of firearm safety in addition to learning marksmanship skills ..." ...

MO: Outside president's speech, excitement and criticism circulate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About 225 people stood for three hours or more Wednesday on a muddy hill outside the Poet Biorefinery plant hoping to catch a glimpse of the commander-in-chief."

"The group was divided evenly between supporters and critics of the president. Some, like a group of 16-year-old girls from nearby Macon High School, were prepared to give President Barack Obama a rock-star welcome." ...

"From other corners, though, the welcome was less hearty."

"Mark Stuart, 32, held a flag with a picture of a black AR-15 rifle with the inscription: 'Come and Take It.' Stuart, a gun shop owner from Marceline, said he believes Obama wants to reinstate the federal assault weapons ban that ended in 2004. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Why would he believe that?

China: Teacher stabs 15 students, 1 teacher in China
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A teacher wielding a knife broke into a primary school in southern China and stabbed 15 students and a teacher Wednesday, the same day another school attacker was executed for killing eight children last month, police and state media reported."

"The attacker taught at another primary school nearby, the official Xinhua News Agency reported."

"None of the 15 students nor the teacher is in life-threatening condition, said the director of the command center at the Leizhou Public security Bureau, who gave his name as Qin." ...

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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