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Why is MSNBC's Rachel Maddow smearing Second Amendment March?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Never one to leave a good propaganda tactic untouched, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC is doing what she can to propagate the gun owners = domestic terrorist sympathizers implication." ...

Students Resist Colleges, Strap on Empty Holsters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"College students across America will once again strap on empty holsters in an act of silent protest against laws and policies banning licensed concealed carry on campus."

"The protest, sponsored by Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), will take place April 5-9, 2010 and comes on the heels of college administrators discriminating against concealed carry permit holders, and censoring students who disagree."

"According to the group, colleges have repeatedly ignored or attempted to keep students from discussing the issue. In Pennsylvania, one college banned SCCC member Christine Brashier from handing out fliers about the group, stating, 'You may want to discuss this topic but the college does not, and you cannot make us.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Isn't one of the arguments academics use to oppose campus carry that the presence of guns will have a 'chilling effect' on academic discourse and the 'free exchange of ideas'?

The Firearms Industry and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What follows is an excerpt from Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War, a compilation of columns and essays by my late father Neal Knox."

"'The State of New York about a year ago enacted a very drastic firearms law, known as the Sullivan law. This law was intended to stop crime, and statistics show that there has been more crime in that state than ever. Crime conditions even got so bad that enterprising concerns in New York are issuing insurance policies against loss by holdups. ...'"

"There's no doubt what that writer would think about New York's law today, almost three-quarters of a century after he wrote that pamphlet 'Concerning Revolver Legislation.'
" ...

Starbucks CEO Schultz Talks Guns, Comeback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A little set-up for tonight's scheduled lead segment, a profile/interview of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz from Terry Moran, also anchoring the broadcast."

"Schultz talks about his return to the coffeehouse empire he built and the drastic action, including closing stores, laying off thousands, and finding new revenue streams, taken on the way to posting record earnings." ...

"But what will may be the takeaway for some is their discussion about guns in Starbucks."

"It's an issue brought to light after some gun advocate 'open carry' meet-ups at San Francisco-area stores enraged gun control advocates."

"And the coffee king found himself at the center of a Second Amendment dispute." ...

More left-collectivist lying slime. (But I may get a chance to sue this one.)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... the man is a demonstrable liar and not particularly in touch with reality or the truth. For evidence, I offer this screed which I will rebut ad seriatim as we go along." ...

Submitter's Note: Mike Vanderboegh responds to "Living in a Land of Rising Right-Wing Hate"

DC: Next Challenge to Gun Laws Headed to D.C. Circuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court in Washington will have the chance to examine the latest version of the District of Columbia's gun restrictions, in a possible test of how to apply the U.S. Supreme Court's 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller."

"Lawyers for Dick Heller ... filed a notice Thursday that they ... are appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to reverse a March 26 decision by U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina. That ruling upheld new restrictions the D.C. Council passed in the wake of the 2008 decision. ..."

"Stephen Halbrook, a lawyer for Heller, said a week ago that an appeal of Urbina's decision was likely because, he said, the judge was overly deferential toward the city. ..." ...

The Founding Fathers' 'Individual Mandate'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than a dozen state attorneys general have filed suit claiming the health care reform bill passed last week is unconstitutional. The focus of their charge is the individual mandate ... The attorneys general argue that Congress has no power to make people buy something from a private company. The lawsuit filed by Florida asserts that the mandate is an 'unprecedented encroachment on the liberty of individuals.'"

"But the individual mandate is not really so unprecedented. In fact the founding fathers adopted the first 'individual mandate' back in 1792. It required individuals to outfit themselves with guns and ammunition, even if they had to buy those items from private sellers." ...

Submitter's Note: UCLA must be lowering its standards for law prof's. At least Adam seems to be unfamiliar with the Constitution's Article 1, Section 8 where it grants Congress the power "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia ..."

Take it down a notch, GOP
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Somebody is going to get shot."

"If I am wrong – and I hope desperately that I am – we will be extremely lucky. Because there is a suffocating, sweltering mood brewing in our country, like that of the anxious early 1960s."

"Consider the all-too-ubiquitous racist Tea Party signs and the rash of death threats against congressmen who voted for health care reform. There's the stomach-churning image of teabaggers calling civil rights hero U.S. Rep. John Lewis a 'nigger'1 ..." ...

"And in a move only George Orwell could love, Second Amendment patriots will be holding rallies on April 19 to commemorate the 15th anniversary of when far-right militiamen incinerated 168 people in Oklahoma City." ...

1: founder David Talbot is offering a $100,000 reward for documentary evidence of this 'incident'. Anyone?

A judge takes a reasoned stance for D.C.'s new gun regulations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"EVEN AS the Supreme Court struck down the District of Columbia's ban on handgun possession, it recognized that the right to bear arms was not unlimited. But how far government could go in regulating this Second Amendment right was left largely unanswered. It's encouraging then that the District's effort to balance the rights of gun owners against the need to safeguard public safety has survived its first legal test. We hope that higher courts will concur with this reasoned ruling."

"U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina ruled last week that laws enacted by the District after the landmark D.C. v. Heller decision in 2008 are constitutional. ..." ...

OR: Teabaggers: don't bring guns and fire to a public event, please
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the tax filing deadline just a couple of weeks away, the Teabaggers have a full slate of events planned to protest their most basic of civic duties: paying taxes."

"One such event is planned for the Capital steps in Salem. Freedomworks/Teabagger organizer Jim Vause is apparently concerned enough about the group's potential bad behavior that he's posted a 'Code of Conduct for the Rally':" ...

"If you have to remind your folks to not bring firearms and fire into a potentially large public event, it might be time to rethink your associations. Just sayin'. ..."

OK: Armed homeowner shoots sword-wielding burglar in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Turley, Oklahoma homeowner used his handgun to stop a burglar who was attacking with a sword and a gun."

"... a couple, including a man who had a concealed carry permit, returned to their home ... at approximately 10:00pm, to hear an unexpected noise coming from the bedroom. Upon investigating, the homeowner reportedly found a burglar, who was armed with a sword and a handgun, in the master bedroom. The burglar is said to have advanced on the homeowner, despite being warned to stop, at which point the homeowner fired one shot in self defense. Injured, the burglar fell to the ground but then tried to aim a handgun at the homeowner, at which point the homeowner fired again in self defense, fatally wounding the burglar ..." ...

OH: Man defends self when sex offender attempts home invasion; Columbus Dispatch describes aggressor as the 'victim'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet another potential home invasion ended with an honest law-abiding citizen using a gun for self-defense. According to The Columbus Dispatch, a convicted sex offender was shot while trying to break into an apartment and died from his injuries."

"From the story:"
"Columbus police yesterday identified the victim in a Friday night shooting on the Northeast Side as Charles R. Sprague, 35, of Columbus."

"Sprague was shot while trying to break into an apartment ..." ...
"It is never acceptable to describe a home invader as the 'victim.' The shooter in this case is the victim. His home was the target of a criminal invasion and he was the one attacked. ..." ...

WA: Open carry controversy just won't go away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to an open carry incident in Vancouver on March 19 which I discussed here, the open carry controversy that began with the Brady Campaign's attack on Starbucks – which I wrote about here and here – just won't go away."

"Perhaps that's a good thing, but one must always be careful what one wishes for, as it may come true." ...

WY: Matt Mead for Governor, wolf in sheep's clothing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As witnessed during the last legislative session with HB-95 Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act, an unprecedented push for 'state sovereignty' and 'gun rights' occurred in Wyoming, that being so, Matt Mead would probably be much like re-electing Governor Fruedenthal."

"You may be aware that Matt Mead while serving as U.S. Attorney fought against states rights and gun rights in one swoop, as exposed here- Matt Mead - rejected for governor by Wyoming Gun Owners." ...

WV: Good Friday Massacre
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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... "For years, the biggest problem West Virginia gun owners have faced at the Legislature has been a cadre of lying, deceitful politicians who tell their constituents they're pro-gun, give the 'right' answers to candidate surveys, and then proceed to stab gun owners in the back by stifling the passage of good legislation and bill rationing (limiting not only gun rights but many other issue groups to one or two, often minuscule, bills each year.)" ...

WV: Manchin guns down NRA-backed bills
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Although he has been heartily backed by the National Rifle Association since his first wade into political combat, Gov. Joe Manchin vetoed two of the group's bills Friday — one of them a proposed sales tax holiday on the purchase of firearms and ammunition."

"Manchin also crushed an NRA measure known as the 'Michael Bloomberg' bill, tailored to punish out-of-state undercover agents who entice West Virginia gun owners to illegally sell firearms."

"Except in this matter, the veto was purely for technical reasons."

"True to his ideology of opposing breaks for specific residents of the state, rather than the broad-based cuts he favors, Manchin refused to approve the planned October sales tax holiday for hunters and other gun owners." ...

MO: Some Missouri lawmakers getting hands-on knowledge of state gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a laudable development, some Missouri legislators are taking the time to become intimately familiar with the ins and outs of some of the gun laws they write."
"About 16 Missouri lawmakers — along with several legislative staffers and at least one representative’s wife — are taking a firearms-training course sponsored by the bipartisan 'Sportsmen's Caucus' that will qualify them for concealed weapons permits."
"This is a good thing on a number of levels. From the political perspective, voters like to know that those who make the laws by which the people are bound have a working understanding of just how those laws work." ...

FL: Dangerous Gun Stolen From SWAT Officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WFTV found out Tuesday an elite and dangerous gun is on the streets after being stolen from a Sanford SWAT officer. Investigators believe car burglars swiped it from inside the officer's unmarked patrol car at his Volusia County home. Investigators aren't sure if the car doors were even locked."

"Investigators said there were no obvious signs that someone forced their way in. WFTV’s sources said there was even a special key left in the car's gun rack that allowed the thieves to steal the very high-powered weapon." ...

PA: ARD for ex-Lehigh County sergeant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former sergeant in the Lehigh County Sheriff's Department who was charged with buying marijuana during a January undercover drug operation in south Allentown was placed Thursday in a county program for first-time offenders.

Michael John Gladfelter, 52, of Allentown was ordered to spend nine months in the county's accelerated rehabilitative disposition program by Judge Maria L. Dantos.

The program is essentially a probationary period. If Gladfelter completes it successfully, he could get his criminal record expunged.

IL: Sheriff's deputy charged with theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Richland County, Ill., Sheriff's Department deputy has been arrested on charges he stole money from a criminal suspect's wallet and also took a 12-gauge shotgun."

"Johnnie D. 'J.D.' Robinson, 31 of Noble, Ill., was arrested Wednesday by Illinois State Police detectives on two felony charges of official misconduct and a misdemeanor charge of theft under $300."

"... Robinson is accused of stealing $600 cash out of the wallet of a criminal suspect identified as Edward P. Shaw. The alleged theft happened in June 2008. He also is accused of stealing a Winchester 12-gauge shotgun from an undisclosed location. The gun had a value of less than $300, resulting in the misdemeanor theft charge." ...

UT: Former West Valley police officer sentenced / Paulsen to serve one year of home confinement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former West Valley police officer has been sentenced to serve one year of home confinement for dealing in material harmful to a minor."

"... [Douglas] Paulsen, of Layton, had pleaded guilty to one third-degree felony Feb. 2."

"Paulsen was arrested at Layton Hills Mall on Oct. 7 following an Internet sting."

"He was charged with six counts of third-degree felony dealing in material harmful to a minor."

"Five of those charges were dropped in exchange for the guilty plea." ...

"Assistant Attorney General Paul G. Amann said he agreed with the report because Douglas Paulsen, who was a school resource officer at Hunter High School ... had gone online looking for a partner 'much younger than himself.'" ...

IA: Proposed change in gun law draws ire of county sheriffs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Linn County Sheriff Brian Gardner, who has liberalized issuance of the permits since succeeding Don Zeller in the office, said he, too, is concerned that the law takes away much of his discretion."

"Based on their experience and contacts, sheriffs sometimes 'just know' without written documentation that a person can't be trusted with a carry permit, Gardner said." ...

Submitter's Note: The way sheriffs in Southern states during the 40's and 50's "just knew" that blacks couldn't be trusted with guns?

OH: A Tribute to Ben & Nikki Goeser
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One year ago today, the world lost a special man that I never had the privilege of meeting. Yet this man left a huge impact on the world after his death."

"On April 2, 2009, Hank Wise walked into Johnny's Sports Bar in Nashville, Tenn. He had stalked Nikki Goeser as she and her husband Ben Goeser ran their karaoke business at various clubs throughout the area. Wise had tormented Nikki for months and had often been told to leave her alone. Yet that fateful night one year ago today left Ben Goeser gunned down by this jealous beast."

"But the purpose of this story is not to dwell on this tragedy, but to talk about the positive results that have come from this horrible event." ...

MA: Right to bear arms is our protection against tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With his March 30 column, Jim Coogan missed the mark in the way all gun control advocates do."

"Our Founding Fathers were prescient students of history. They understood that all governments tend toward tyranny. That's why they strove to severely limit the central government's power and to mire the branches of government in checks and balances to delay that eventual devolution toward tyranny."

"Every constitutional scholar eventually questions why James Madison listed rights such as free assembly, free speech and the right to bear arms ahead of other natural legal rights ... The answer is simple given the context of what the Founding Fathers had just gone through and what they expected in our nation's distant future." ...

Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgement and nothing can help you escape it — that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life... — Ayn Rand in "Atlas Shrugged"

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