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Eagle Forum: A Second Constitutional Convention is a Terrible Idea
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"A new [Constitutional Convention] would be extremely risky. It would be impossible to restrict the agenda to only one issue. There are no rules in the Constitution or in any law to limit a Con Con's purpose, procedures, agenda or election of delegates."

"Unlike the first Constitutional Convention in 1787, the 24/7 media would be a major player and politically active groups would try to shape the agenda and force votes on their special interests. What if the gun-control lobby tried to force a vote to repeal the Second Amendment? Even worse, unlike the current makeup of Congress, a Con Con would not have two chambers or houses, so the big population states would control and the small population states would be irrelevant."

NJ: N.J. State Police troopers should have faced punishment in sex case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The parties can't agree on what happened that December night in 2007, when seven state troopers met a Rider University student at a Trenton nightclub, brought her to the Ewing home of one of the troopers and had sex with her.
She says it was rape; they insist the sex was consentual. She says they gave her alcohol and she was drunk; the troopers say she wasn’t. And the troopers’ lawyers say there is suppressed DNA evidence that proves she had sex with another man after the troopers.
After a seven-month investigation, county prosecutors decided not to present a case to a grand jury and no charges were filed.

MI: Gun-rights event set Saturday by Michigan Militia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Livingston County residents will get a chance to learn what the Michigan Militia is all about Saturday when it hosts its Open Carry Family Picnic & Tea Party at Island Lake Recreation Area in Green Oak Township.

The slogan for this year's annual Michigan Militia meeting is "Show, shoot, shout, then sip some tea with us," and Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia Livingston County team leader Mike Lackomar said the event is all about showing people who the militia is and what members do.

"This event primarily tries to take the stigma out of the word 'militia,' and provide information on what we are and who we are," Lackomar said. "It lets people meet us and see what we're all about."

TX: GOP runoff for Supreme Court pits longtime judge, conservative activist
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas Republicans, what do you want in a Supreme Court justice?

Is it Rick Green, a motivational speaker and former legislator from Dripping Springs with relatively little legal experience but a résumé that warms the hearts of social conservatives?

Or is it Debra Lehrmann, a legal scholar and 22-year Fort Worth trial judge whose résumé excites the lawyers, judges and tort reformers who typically pay attention to the obscure but influential court?

CA: Each gun application must be judged, Stanislaus County Sheriff says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An ongoing national debate over gun-carrying policies is making waves in Stanislaus County, where people in June will vote on a position closely tied to concealed weapon permits: county sheriff.

Challenger Rob Jackson addressed a gun advocacy group last month, days after the Starbucks Corp. ignited a gun-control dispute by affirming respect for customers who carry firearms where it's legal.

Sheriff Adam Christianson will get his turn April 12, two weeks before he's scheduled to ask county supervisors to raise fees for concealed weapons permits.

Gun Control is Hitting What You're Aiming At
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you have ever wanted a great "one-liner" to roll off your tongue when you are in a friendly but competitive debate with someone who is less than "pro-gun", then you will love this report.


Here is my list of favorites:

An armed man is a Citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

Gun Control is not about guns; it’s about control.

If guns cause crime, then cameras cause pornography.

Free Men should not have to ask permission to bear arms.

If you don’t know your Rights you don’t have any.


AZ: In America, "terror" is more than Al Qaeda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Later, I dropped by the Arizona Gun Show at the Pima County Fairgrounds, a slightly more genteel version of the open-air arms bazaar near Peshawar.

A pleasant woman named Marilyn Bernstein, who owns six or seven guns, explained her rationale: “Now more than ever with the government we have, I have to protect myself.”

A mere $3,795 buys a Barrett .50-caliber bipod-mounted 5-foot-long sniper rifle that can pierce a tank from a mile away. No license is required.

Bills advancing fast in the state legislature would abolish permits even for concealed weapons and shield any guns made in Arizona from any nitpicking federal laws.

Freedom's last shot is now at hand
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What kind of a "right" mandates that you exercise it? For example, imagine a law that imposes a monetary fine on anyone who does not own a gun or who does not belong to a church. Can you imagine The New York Times, or NBC, or any other component of the left-stream media describing such laws as guaranteeing a right to bear arms and to practice religion? Yet the left-stream media invariably lauds Obamacare as guaranteeing a right to health care.

April is "National Gun Violence Prevention Month"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In recent days, anti-government zealots have made veiled threats to take up arms against the government because of health care reform, or perceived threats to gun rights. On April 19, the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the burning of the compound at Waco, Texas in 1993, zealots are organizing both an “open carry” of guns in Virginia, a rifle shot’s distance across the Potomac River from our Nation’s Capital, as well as a march near the White House with one featured speaker who has blogged about starting a Civil War against our American government.

Ed.: Funny how Helmke neglects to mention April 19, 1775, when Massachusetts militia used armed force to stop a tyrant from seizing their arms.

Extremist Blogs Could Be Next!
Submitted by: Larry

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The article ominously notes: ” In the past year, federal agents have seen an increase in “chatter” from an array of domestic extremist groups, which can include radical self-styled militias, white separatists or extreme civil libertarians and sovereign citizens.”

Ed.: Yeah, just who the hell do we think we are, arguing in favor of civil rights!?

'Extremist' pol: armed Americans can resist tyranny and defend nation
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The first guy sounds like one of those gunloon 'hatriot' militia types the anti-gunners and other 'progressives' are always warning us about, doesn't he?"

MN: Minn. man charged with stabbing wife 70 times
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A man punched his estranged wife and stabbed her 70 times in the chest and head before his 13-year-old daughter pulled him away, disarmed him and fled with the knife, police said Saturday.
The fatal attack came about one week after the suspect was charged with assaulting the same woman. He had been released without bail on the condition that he not contact her.
Billy Nash, 46, of Minneapolis was charged Friday with first-degree murder, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. He was ordered held on $1 million bail.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Note the total absence of a firearm in this horrific event. If a knife hadn't been available, I'm sure he would have found a blunt object.

NM: 'Dial 911 and die' demonstrated once again
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Albuquerque woman has died after calling 911. Murdered. Her boyfriend has confessed and has been arrested. The cops showed up to look at her corpse. I'm sure her family and friends find that a comfort.

I can't emphasize this enough: Do not depend on anyone else for your protection. Never, never, never! Your safety is YOUR responsibility. Anyone who tries to make you believe otherwise is your mortal enemy, no matter whether they be cops, "friends", peers, the president, the media, your preacher, or ignorant activists. They would all rather see you dead than alive due to your use of an effective self-defense tool.

MO: North county shop owner shoots customer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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*** Complete Text ***

A customer was shot and wounded following an argument with the owner of a north county business.

Police say it happened shortly before 10 Saturday morning at Jennings Lawnmower Repair in the 65-hundred block of West Florissant.

The customer is hospitalized.

The owner has been questioned by police who say self-defense may have been a motive. So far, no charges have been filed.

CO: New Longmont shooting club meeting high demand
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's a blustery, cold, gray day -- abysmal weather for outdoor target practice.

But Mother Nature cannot faze the firearm enthusiasts today, as several men prepare to fire rifles on an indoor range that spans the length of a football field.

Welcome to Longmont's Trigger Time Gun Club, a sprawling, $3.5 million complex that is the brainchild of Paul Gonzales, who used to make a living as a mason.

A Longmont native, Gonzales has been a hunter and shooter his entire life. But as the local population has exploded over the course of Gonzales' life, a number of outdoor ranges have disappeared. Gonzales said the remaining ranges are in such high demand that the wait to become a member can be a decade or longer.

IL: Gun-rights group's meeting about right-to-carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fox Valley residents are invited to a town hall meeting Thursday to support right-to-carry firearms legislation in Illinois.

The Web site, an online forum about passing firearm carry legislation, will host the meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at Pheasant Run Resort's New Orleans Ballroom, 4051 E. Main St., St. Charles., which began in 2004, has been a partner of the Illinois State Rifle Association in the past on right-to-carry issues.

"It has been widely recognized that the desire for passage of a right to carry law enjoys broad support across most of Illinois, but in the counties surrounding Chicago the issue is not as well understood," said Valinda Rowe, a spokesman for IllinoisCarry.

VA: Demand slows gun checks in Va.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Background checks for firearm purchases in Virginia are taking longer because of state police staff cuts and strong demand for guns.

Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller says the agency's Virginia Firearms Transaction Center has lost 11 employees since May 2009.

Meanwhile, demand is rising. Between 2000 and 2009, firearms transactions in Virginia increased from 182,170 to 287,462.

During peak periods, Geller says background checks can now take to four to six hours to complete. Some that require research into out-of-state records take overnight.

MO: Legislature seeks to relax gun restrictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two bills moving through the Missouri Legislature would relax the rules concerning the use of guns in certain situations.

The Missouri House has passed a bill, HB1692, that would allow prosecutors and circuit attorneys to carry firearms into the courthouse if they have completed a firearms safety training course. The House has one vote left to go on another bill, HB1787, that would allow lawmakers to carry guns into the Capitol.

Both bills would also expand the state’s “Castle Doctrine” law to allow an owner of private property, including a farm or business, to use deadly force against an intruder. Currently the law states that an intruder must be in a dwelling to justify lethal force by a property owner.

PA: The erosion of states’ rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States Supreme Court recently granted certiorari and heard arguments regarding the second amendment case McDonald v. Chicago. The case poses the question of whether the second amendment should be binding upon the states through the incorporation of the fourteenth amendment due process clause.

We must first remember what the second amendment says, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” We must also remember that the citizens are being protected from the federal government in the Bill of Rights not the states. The question for which McDonald poses is at the core of states rights.

NY: Gun permit reform
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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In the months leading up to the ACA shooting, Jiverly Wong wasn't fit to own a weapon. But legally, he had every right to. Broome County District Attorney Gerald Mollen says there are some cracks in our gun laws and they need to be fixed, before tragedy strikes again.

NC: Gala for Gun Rights
Submitted by: Grass Roots North Carolina

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May 14th BE THERE!


GRNC Second Amendment Symposium presents “GALA for GUN RIGHTS”

Seize This Rare Opportunity to Meet the Leading Voices in Gun Rights Today:

Alan Gura, the lawyer who saved the Second Amendment in the Supreme Court case Heller v. D.C. & who recently argued McDonald v. Chicago and Second Amendment Foundation president, Joe Tartaro.

* WIN a Remington 700 CDL SF Limited Edition rifle in 7mm Remington Magnum
valued at nearly $1200 – each dinner ticket will be entered into a drawing.

For further Information & Reservations please go to

TN: Selling Heat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nashville resident Winston Wilson still thinks about his wife, Classie, who was brutally murdered by a juvenile.

The weapon that was used to kill Classie Wilson was a firearm that had been seized and resold by the Maury County Sheriff’s Department.

Classie’s killer, Rodzell Mason, is now serving 35 years behind bars, but the .38-caliber Taurus handgun used to take her life could soon be back in the hands of another killer.

A new law passed in March will now prevent law enforcement agencies from destroying confiscated firearms and force them to recirculate excess weapons back to the public.

Winston Wilson said he’s frightened by the thought of the gun used in his wife’s killing being back on the street.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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