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Gloating Over Court Ruling In 'Heller II' Reveals Brady Campaign's Gun Ban Philosophy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the dismissal of a second lawsuit against the District of Columbia by Dick Anthony Heller in U.S. District Court ... the Brady Campaign ... was a little too quick on the trigger in its press release applauding Judge Ricardo M. Urbina's decision."

"Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke, who has garnered quite a bit of self-created publicity lately in his war against Starbucks Coffee, admitted quite by accident that his organization still believes in banning entire classes of firearms, despite the 2008 Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller that such bans would not pass constitutional muster."

"But that doesn’t matter to the Brady Bunch. Their agenda has always been one of gun prohibition, not control. ..." ...

Is your doctor qualified to give gun safety advice?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "OK doc—you want to advise me? Sure. Just write down what certifications you've earned establishing your qualifications to do so—or let me know if you've received no such training but are presuming to pass yourself off as competent and authoritative anyway. Then make sure you verify your malpractice insurance covers dispensing unqualified recommendations presented as medical advice—just in case I follow it and something goes horribly wrong." ...

Medical establishment hostility to guns is long-standing and pervasive
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "[I]t's all too predictable that we see much of the 'medical literature' promulgating the guns = public health threat meme, ignoring the protective benefits of guns in private hands. The thought that gun control = public health threat evidently either does not occur to many of the researchers or else it just doesn't fit in with their agenda." ...

Safer Streets 2010: The second amendment as a 2010 stumping issue, Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Safer streets will come with sovereignty, and they will bring with them safer freedoms, safer families and safer futures. These will come only from the repeal of gun laws as a major obstacle to them and as a vanguard for the boondoggles which make major city streets so unsafe to begin with. Repeal all gun laws, and you're halfway home to safer streets. You're halfway in one stroke because you have reversed the direction of the politics. The rest is simple."

"Let's look at major city crime where gun bans thrive. Aggregate crimes of violence from robbery to rape, burglary, knifings, beatings and other criminal violence number about 1.3 Million every year." ...

Whose Guns are They?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is an 'iron river' of weapons flowing south from Texas to Mexico, as U.S. officials claim? Or is that nothing more than a fiction promulgated by a corrupt Mexican government that skews statistics to deflect responsibility?"

"... The [Department of Justice report] also backs up what ATF agents have been saying all along: that about 90 percent of the weapons used in crimes in Mexico — and submitted for tracing — come from Texas." ...

"But those assessments have critics balking. They say the key word is 'traceable.' They suspect the Mexican government — which submits the weapons that ATF traces — is funneling almost exclusively American weapons to the agency ..." ...

NRA: States Fighting Back Against Right-to-Carry Gun Opponents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While gun-control advocates seem to have declared war on Right-to-Carry, legislatures across the country are taking steps to reform state laws in ways that will benefit those who lawfully exercise their right to bear arms."

"Already this year we've seen several states pass Right-to-Carry reform measures that will ensure law-abiding gun owners can dine with their families in restaurants can store their lawfully owned firearm locked in their car while they are at work, and can exercise their right to carry without media harassment or publication of their personal information." ...

Fight For Your Gun Owner Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the 2008 election many gun owners were left feeling uneasy about the fate of their Constitutional rights. We want you to get active and join us in our fight to protect the Second Amendment."

"The NRA has been proclaimed to be the most powerful voice in Washington D.C. To us it's not about the ranking – it's about what this recognition means. And it means that our legislators listen to the 4 million members of the NRA and more than 80 million American gun owners."

"What has set the NRA apart from other single-issue organizations is the passion of our membership ..." ...

On April 19, a surge of pro-gun rallies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They remain under the radar for now, but expect to hear a lot more about the dual April 19 rallies that will bring anti-government and pro-gun groups to the Washington region."

"Both events are scheduled to coincide, organizers say, with the 235th anniversary of 'the shot heard round the world' in the battles of Lexington and Concord."

"The 'Restore the Constitution' rally in Fort Hunt National Park in Virginia, right on the Potomac near Mount Vernon, will be a showcase for the Oath Keepers, the year-old coalition of 'currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters.'" ...

"The second rally to watch is the Second Amendment March, organized by Gun Owners of America ..." ...

OH: Ohio Second Amendment March is this Saturday!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Join gun rights activists from across the state this Saturday on the West Plaza of the Ohio Statehouse for the Ohio Second Amendment March rally!"

"The Second Amendment March is a celebration of gun rights and a clear message to our legislators that citizens value the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and that we, as Ohioans and Americans, are willing to stand up and be heard."

"We will be joined by a fine slate of speakers who will speak on these issues from their own perspective and experience." ...

Line of Aim/Line of Bore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've been aware since I was a junior shooter that the sights sit above the centerline of the barrel, and if there are obstacles between gun muzzle and target, those obstacles can stop the bullet. I was firmly reminded of it in my worst of ten stages in a shooting match last Sunday. The stage was titled 'Escape From Haiti' by the creative designers of the Florida State Sunshine Games IDPA match ... Since it was deemed too dangerous for shooters to fire from the back of an actual moving truck as they ran a gauntlet of 'armed looters,' the targets were arrayed across a broad space ... and the contestant had to leap onto a board supported by heavy springs to simulate the movement of a 'truck.' ..." ...

Patriots must be sent packin' -- Problems start when one side brings weapons to the conversation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I recently talked with Daniel Almond, founder of something called Restore the Constitution. Almond thinks the Constitution has been abused and is calling for people who feel the same way to gather on the border of Washington, D.C., with guns."

"'We're holding our demonstration, and we're exercising our First and Second Amendment rights,' Almond told me. 'I'm going to carry my pistol loaded.'" ...

"Like any good activist, Almond clearly seeks to be provocative. Mission accomplished on that score: the date, the guns and the proximity to the White House will surely rattle and enrage a lot of people."

"I'm less bothered by Almond's tactics than by his faulty reading of history and the Constitution." ...

NRA recruitment fails
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two weeks ago I received a phone call placed from somewhere on the far right."

"When I went to answer my home phone, I was somewhat confused. Where the name usually appears on the caller ID, I saw only three letters – 'NRA.'"

"I thought to myself, 'It can't be that NRA. I've never owned a gun. I've never even fired a gun (unless you count paintball and BB guns), and I really don't plan on starting anytime soon.'"

"Curiosity got the better of me and I answered. Sure enough, it was that NRA." ...

Parting Company
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's the question asked in my September 2000 column titled 'It's Time To Part Company': 'If one group of people prefers government control and management of people's lives and another prefers liberty and a desire to be left alone, should they be required to fight, antagonize one another, risk bloodshed and loss of life in order to impose their preferences or should they be able to peaceably part company and go their separate ways?'"

"The problem that our nation faces is very much like a marriage where one partner has broken, and has no intention of keeping, the marital vows. ... Rather than submission by one party or domestic violence, a more peaceable alternative is separation." ...

When is a government a police state?
Submitted by: Larry

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"When is a government a police state? The answer is not obvious because there is no clear dividing line between the two; rather, 'a government' and 'a police state' are two points on a continuum."

"Every government asserts its authority through force or the threat of force -- that is, through laws imposed by police or other armed agents. At what point on the continuum does a government cease to be limited and become an Orwellian police state. To answer 'where' requires a definition of the points."

"One of the standard definitions of a limited government comes from the 17th century British philosopher John Locke. ..." ...

OR: Forest Grove man scares off attacker with warning shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 55-year-old Forest Grove man narrowly escaped a brawl with a drunk 21-year-old ... by firing a warning shot from his pistol while he was pinned ..."

"John McKnight was walking his dog ... when he was accosted by a trio of inebriated young men."

"McKnight said the three men assailed him with insults and continued to threaten him. McKnight then drew a .38 caliber pistol and told the trio to back down."

"... Michael W. Ryan III ... said he didn't believe the gun was loaded, and began to assault McKnight." ...

"McKnight told police that Ryan had him in a sleeper hold and he felt that he was losing consciousness when he fired a shot from his revolver near Ryan's head."

"Only then did the young man back off ..." ...

OH: Man killed during Northeast Side break-in attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columbus police yesterday identified the victim in a Friday night shooting on the Northeast Side as Charles R. Sprague, 35, of Columbus."

"Sprague was shot while trying to break into an apartment at 5764 Cooper Rd., said detective James Day of the homicide squad. A man inside the apartment fired shots because he felt threatened by Sprague, Day said."

"'It appeared that the victim in this incident was the aggressor and that the shooter was acting in self-defense,' Day said. 'He'd actually tried to force his way into the apartment at the back door when this occurred.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Waitaminnit, the victim was the aggressor? How does that work?

NJ: Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons to launch and bankroll Trenton peacekeeping force
Submitted by: Larry

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"Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons wants to launch a corps of citizen peacekeepers in Trenton in response to last month's gang rape of a 7-year-old girl."

"The co-founder of Def Jam Records, in conjunction with Trenton Mayor Doug Palmer, aims to provide the city with a way to help itself in the wake of the shocking incident at Rowan Towers apartment complex."

"Simmons ... will put up half the funds for an arm of ENOTA — Educating Neighborhoods to Obey Those in Authority — to be established in Trenton."

"Simmons estimated that his share of the costs, although not finalized, could reach as high as $50,000. The other half of the cash will come from Palmer's charitable organization, the Trenton First Initiative." ...

KABA Note: How 'bout just allowing people the tools necessary to defend themselves and their loved ones?

More guns on campus not an answer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are several different ways to approach the discussion regarding the right to carry concealed weapons on a college campus, which has been raised by the provocative 'Empty Holster Protest' on our campus this week. ..." ...

"Let's assume for a moment that the data presented by the group 'Students for Concealed Carry on Campus' is completely accurate. Why do we live in a society which compels citizens to arm themselves in support of their own safety? What are the underlying reasons for such a convergence of negative influences? ..."

"I feel that the arming of one's self is a way of accepting or confirming that the only way to fight those negative influences is to join them. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Another Liberal Loon who can't see the difference between wolves and sheepdogs.

IA: Debate pits two on top issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Republicans seeking the open seat for Iowa House District 8 had the opportunity to share their views Thursday evening."

"GOP candidates Tom Shaw, of Laurens, and Steve Richards, of Algona, presented a public debate ..." ...

"Shaw said he is concerned about Second Amendment rights."

"'We need gun-owner rights,' he said. 'We need to get those rights solidified.'"

"He said he is concerned about ammunition taxes, as well as passing laws similar to those in California which require fingerprinting when obtaining a permit."

"'We don't need that,' he said. 'The Second Amendment is our right and we don't need that to be infringed upon.'"

"He also believes convicted felons should not be allowed to carry." ...

A Card From Bloomberg In The Mail
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Mayor Bloomberg has put a new twist on this year's City Card - the annual wish list he hands out to big donors in the form of a mock credit card in hopes it will remind them to push his agenda when they dole out political contributions." ...

"There are five priorities listed on the 2010 card. They are: "

"... [I]llegal guns (microstamping at the state level, closing the gun show loophole at the federal level) ..." ...

Missouri, look to Wyoming to see how getting a Firearms Freedom Act is done
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In correspondence last night with Cheyenne Gun Rights Examiner Anthony Bouchard (who is also the founder of the Wyoming Gun Owners Association, or WyGO), he pointed out to me that it would be a good idea to mention the desirability of 'pushing the envelope,' as Wyoming is doing. Wyoming's version of the FFA differs from others that have passed so far, in that it actually provides for criminal penalties against those who attempt to enforce federal gun laws in contravention of the Wyoming FFA (I mentioned the introduction in New Hampshire of similar legislation, but it appears not to be going anywhere). Let's look at the text of the law, to see what I'm talking about." ...

States exempting guns from rules now total 7
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joining a nationwide effort to challenge Washington's authority, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter today made his state the seventh to exempt guns made and kept in the state from any federal regulations."

"House Bill 589 was listed today on Otter's website among legislation that had been signed into law. The governor added Idaho to the list of states that have adopted what has become known as 'Firearm Freedom Acts.'"

"The movement began in Montana, where a court case was filed seeking affirmation that the state – and not bureaucrats in the nation's capital – has the right to manage in-state issues and actions." ...

Obama yet to fulfill pledge on gun treaty with Mexico
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly a year after President Obama personally promised Mexican President Felipe Calderon that the White House would push the Senate to ratify a small-arms treaty ... the measure is stalled and the administration has shown few signs it is pressing hard for passage."

"Known by its Spanish acronym, CIFTA, the 1997 pact seeks to cut down illegal firearms manufacturing and trafficking ..." ...

Submitter's Note: To read this abomination, click here. Pay particular attention to the definitions. A strict reading of this treaty would require a Federal firearms manufacturing license to so much as load ammunition into a mag!

AZ: Brewer to get concealed-gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Within the next week, Arizona could become the first state with a large urban population to allow U.S. citizens 21 and older to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Only Alaska and Vermont have similar allowances."

"Senate Bill 1108 ... passed in the House of Representatives on Thursday with a vote of 36-19 and no comments from either side. "

"'This is a big day,' [NRA] lobbyist Matt Dogali said. 'This is a major restoration of a principal right.'"

"The bill will go to the governor Monday, and Gov. Jan Brewer will have until the following Saturday to sign it, veto it, or do nothing and allow it to become law. The law would go into effect 90 days after the legislative session ends ..." ...

AZ: Concealed guns with no permits nearly OK
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arizona is on the verge of becoming the third state to let just about any adult carry a concealed weapon."

"Without a word of debate, the House voted 36-19 on Wednesday to eliminate the criminal penalties that now exist if someone has a hidden gun without the necessary state permit. The Senate already has approved the measure."

"That leaves only the anticipated signature of Gov. Jan Brewer on SB 1108. The change would become official 91 days after the legislative session ends, which at the current projection would put the new law on the books at the end of July." ...

NY: Council supports legislation against illegal guns
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Common Council voted to approve two resolutions supporting pending federal gun control legislation Wednesday."

"The laws, known as the Terror Gap and Gun Show Loophole, have been championed by gun control advocates as a way of keeping illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals."

"Mayoral aide Angelo Roefaro, who also works as the upstate coordinator for advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, said he introduced the legislation first in Utica and will send it around the state next week so that other interested municipalities can decide if they support it." ...

KABA Note: The Terror Gap bill (S.1317/H.R.2159) would give the US AG discretion to determine that a 'terror suspect' is guilty until s/he proves their innocence. Tough to do when you are not allowed to know why you are a suspect, nor may you face your accusers.

A Must Read from Rep. Jimmy Duncan: Our Criminal “Air Marshals”
Submitted by: Larry

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"Rep. Jimmy Duncan, who represents the district where I used to live in Tennessee, has blasted the government’s Air Marshals Service, calling it 'probably the most needless, useless agency in the entire Federal Government.' He says:"
"…listen to this paragraph from a front-page story in the USA Today last November: 'Since 9/11, more than three dozen Federal air marshals have been charged with crimes, and hundreds more have been accused of misconduct. ..."

"Actually, there have been many more arrests of Federal air marshals than that story reported, quite a few for felony offenses. In fact, more air marshals have been arrested than the number of people arrested by air marshals." ...

WI: Police stand down to gun-toters on Madison's State Street
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Approximately a dozen people openly carrying handguns on Madison's State Street were left alone by police officers, in contrast to the treatment received by a UW-Madison student with a gun on the same main drag last year."

"Authorities said people with guns in holsters on their hips visited State Street March 28, and went into Fair Trade Coffee House. Authorities said Fair Trade owner Lorie Henn contacted police the next day."

"'She wasn't completely comfortable having these people in her coffee shop,' Madison police spokesperson Joel DeSpain said."

"DeSpain said an assistant city attorney was consulted and Henn was told she could post a sign to prohibit guns in her business ..." ...

MI: Second Amendment Weekend at Cabela's
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRAILA staff traveled to Dundee, MI to kick-off the weekend’s events with a Grassroots Workshop on Friday, March 19th with a very active and engaged crowd of 125 NRA members from Michigan and Ohio."

"The Workshop addressed the crucial importance of grassroots activism as we work to defend and protect the Second Amendment and prepare for a fierce 2010 election cycle. Also addressing the crowd were Michigan Election Volunteer Coordinators (EVCs) Wayne Blank (MI-15) and Don McGaffey (MI-12) as they helped further promote NRA’s various grassroots programs and rally the crowd to take action to protect our rights starting NOW!" ...

VA: Gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I attempted to purchase a gun at a recent gun show in Hampton. The background check was still pending after several hours, and it came back denied the next day. When I called the State Police to see why it was denied, I was told it was because they did not have my concealed license permit on file. (This allows me to purchase multiple guns without waiting 30 days between purchases.)"

"I was told it may have been because my permit was 'new.' The show was in March, yet I applied for my permit in December. To their credit, they promptly reversed the decision."

"I wonder what would have happened had this not been discovered, and I had been stopped by a police officer? ..." ...

TN: Suspected killer went on probation a day before fatal shooting
Submitted by: Tom Hill

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"The day before a fatal shooting at the Kanku's convenience store on Wilcox Boulevard, the man later charged with murder was given a 30-day suspended jail sentence and put on probation by a local judge."

"His crime? Unlawful carrying of a firearm."

"Police now say Jamaal Byrd, 29, fatally shot Terrance Etchison and even was caught on video committing the crime."

"Hamilton County General Sessions Court Judge Christie Mahn Sell handed down Mr. Byrd's sentence on the misdemeanor firearm charge last Friday morning. By Sunday he had been charged with first-degree murder." ...

"... Hamilton County prosecutors also hastily filed a motion to revoke his probation." ...

TN: Accused shooter on bond for carrying a weapon; Case passed to April 28
Submitted by: Tom Hill

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The case of two men accused of shooting people in Coolidge Park last month was passed to April 28.

One of the accused shooters in the March 27 incident was on bond for carrying a weapon on school property.

Anthony Frieson is alleged to have carried a knife to Brainerd High School in February 26. Mr. Frieson, Taurean Patillo and another youth who is under 18 are accused of bringing guns to the park last week and firing shots that injured five people.

KABA Note: Wait, you mean they were criminals?!? Didn't they know they weren't allowed to have guns?

"Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy ... censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to it's subjects, 'This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100" (Pg. 68-69, Baen Books paperback edition, 1999 printing)

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