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Senators Kill Gun Control Package in the Senate

Senators Kill Gun Control Package in the Senate

Recorded Votes Expose Turncoat Politicians

March 2, 2004

The final bill was so conflicted the Senators on both sides of the aisle killed it -- with a final vote of 90 to 8. -- NRA decided last week to push their "top legislative priority" (S. 1805) to a vote. As predicted, the bill became a magnet for all kinds of assaults on gun rights and freedom. Ultimately, the final bill was so conflicted the Senators on both sides of the aisle killed it -- with a final vote of 90 to 8. 

But this whole process was also very instructive in many ways. For example, we got recorded votes on the renewal of the semi-auto ban, the anti-gunshow bill; the Cops As Super-citizens bill; and the bill demonizing one type of ammunition over another.

All of the following gun control amendments were attached to the final package of the bill that was ultimately killed. Votes on individual amendments are immediately below -- along with links to the text of each amendment. Pay close attention to the votes -- especially on the gun ban and the gunshow attack -- because those votes expose the friends and enemies of gun rights.

Feinstein Amendment:
Renewal of Bill Clinton's Gun and Magazine Ban

(S.Amdt. 2637)

GOAL:  to renew the so-called "assault weapons" ban -- a ban based on arbitrary ergonomic and safety features of semi-automatic rifles; to renew the ban on new magazines that hold more than ten rounds; to continue the exemption for law enforcement officers; to extend all of this unconstitutional treason for another ten years

RELATED LINKS:  Votes  and  Text of amendment once published

McCain Amendment:
"Closing the Gun Show Loophole"

(S.Amdt. 2636

GOAL:  to eliminate private sales at gun shows to facilitate further registration of guns and gunowners; to expand BATF's "legal" ability to harass, intimidate and imprison people who exercise their Second Amendment rights

RELATED LINKS:  Votes  and  Text of amendment once published

Kohl Amendment
Require gun owners to buy gun locks, set-up for future "safe storage" laws

(S.Amdt. 2620)

GOAL: to force gun manufacturers to raise prices to cover mandatory gun locks required to be delivered with gun purchases; to set up a future "debate" designed to force American gun owners to keep gun locks on their firearms

RELATED LINKS:  Votes (voice vote only, unfortunately)  and  Text of Amendment

Campbell Amendment:
National Cops-Only Concealed Carry

(S.Amdt. 2623

GOAL:  to create national concealed carry, but only for police officers -- even for police officers who oppose citizen carry vehemently in their own communities 

RELATED LINKS:  Votes  and  Text of amendment once published  and  Report of Opposition

Craig-Frist Ammo Amendment:
Demonize One Kind of Ammo Over Another, Provide a Study to Future Gun Banners
(S.Amdt. 2625)

GOAL: to demonize one kind of ammunition over another in the commission of the same exact crime; to order a study on "armor piercing ammunition" that could later be used by President Hillary Clinton and U.S. Attorney General Dianne Feinstein to further restrict ammo because it pierces its target

RELATED LINKS:  Votes  and  Text of Amendment



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