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Gun Grabber Web Watch
A Periodic Service to Help Gun Rights Activists “Watch the Enemy”

by Sean Oberle

Nov. 20 – 26, 2000


** Canadian Firearms Centre adds downloadable Nonresident Firearm Declaration form for bringing guns into Canada. Form must be presented in triplicate, unsigned at the border.  [ Response:  Be sure to ask them to mail you a full package, in case you ever go to Canada. We gun owners need to know these things, right?]

** Coalition for Gun Control (Canada) adds article on Gallup survey finding that majority of Canadians support registration of all firearms with national government (though that’s down 3% from one year ago).  [For those in the alleged majority, perhaps the extra cold up north keeps them from opening a history book and realizing that they are slitting their own throats.] 

** Gun Control Australia issues list of problems it has with Victoria government, concluding, “the Bracks ALP government have, in GCA's experience, shown themselves to be more evasive, more secretive, more underhanded and more in the grip of the gun lobby than the Kennett Liberal/National government.”  [ Response:  Much like in America, the Leftists steal rights and the means to preserve them and call the right the bad guy.] 

**International Action Network on Small Arms posts Chicago Tribune article attacking NRA President Charlton Heston’s criticism of the English people’s acceptance of gun control.  [ Response:  Leave it to the Tribune to post a statist slam of someone who cares about freedom.] 

** International Action Network on Small Arms runs Edmonton Journal opinion piece by David Cassels, retired Winnipeg police chief, praising Canadian gun control as a life saving mechanism, though Cassels discusses only after-the-fact police work. [ Response: Mr. Cassels' badge hasn't stopped him from being ignorant on this issue.] 

** Bonn International Center for Conversion launches “Help Desk for Practical Disarmament” web site to rid nations of small and light weapons, noting, “When weapons are at hand, quarrels are capable of turning into gunfights, and political disputes into wars. In these cases, futures are destroyed and resources wasted. For all these reasons, it is important to tightly control the tools of violence.” Organization includes revolvers, semi-auto pistols, rifles and carbine in the definition of firearms needing control, as well as ammo for such guns.  [ Response: Come an' git 'em.] 


** Common Sense about Kids and Guns recycles in its “new” section its 1999 article, Talking to Your Kids about Guns, including this advice, which echoes that of the NRA: “Emphasize to them that they should never touch a gun and should always tell an adult if they come across one.”  [ Response: Except at the range with responsible supervision, and then you can touch 'em all you want to, child, and learn how to reach out and touch at great distances, too.] 

** Common Sense about Kids and Guns provides link to September Pediatrics magazine article on study claiming to find that many “moms” are unaware of guns in their homes or whether they are stored “safely.” [ Response: Then maybe there should be a Parent License? Nope, just smarter moms. Smart moms teach their kids gun safety, and gun control, defined as: being able to hit your target.] 

** – site sponsoring online pro-registration petition – provides sample letters to the editor in support of registration, including claim that registration is useful in “deterring the purchase of handguns by individuals who would use them for criminal activity.”  [ Response: can kiss our asses and keep on worshipping the Hitler Strategy all they want to; smart gun owners aren't registering diddly squat.] 

** Gunshot claims: “The latest NRA outrage: the desecration of the American flag while begging for money, is an insult to all Americans.”  [ Response: A socialist/statist nincompoop talking about Americanism makes as much sense as a soviet slave talking about life in America.] 

** Handgun Control Inc. provides link to petition for licensing in California, which contains this disinformation: “Passage of the bill would require people to have licenses before buying a gun, similar to the way drivers are licensed before driving a car.” In actuality, driver’s licenses are needed to drive on public roads, not to buy cars, and are comparable to existing public gun use licenses, such as CCW permits and hunting licenses. Site also contains other bits of disinformation, such as highlighting increase in gun crime through 1994, while ignoring nearly 50% decrease since then, and repeating roundly discredited 1994 Centers for Disease Control prediction that guns soon would outpace cars in numbers of deaths – car deaths have risen slightly since then while gun deaths have plummeted.  [ Response:  Treating Guns Like Cars by Michael Mitchell and We Register Cars, Why Not Guns? by Clyde Mitchell.] 

** Handgun Control Inc. highlights “Brady Leadership Council,” which it portrays itself as an elite group of “stakeholders in the attainment of Handgun Control's and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence's mission” because they have committed to “significant annual contributions.”  [ Response: Is their "stake" important enough to die for it? Ours is.] 

** International Association of Chiefs of Police highlights 2000 Webber Seavey Award winners, including Richmond, Va. Police Department for Project Exile.  [ Response: Project Exile Condemnation Coalition] 

** This week’s Join Together articles include those one: Cook County (Chicago), Ill. lawsuit against gun makers; recommendations for dealing with San Diego police suicides with service weapons (“It is more important for people to keep their lives than to keep their guns”); proposed “ballistic fingerprint” law in Massachusetts; Chicago Tribune article attacking NRA President Charlton Heston (see fourth item under International); Rosie O’Donnell’s plans to use her recent purchase of McCall’s magazine to promote gun control; newly elected Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.) plan “use his life story” to push for gun control in the U.S. House (he is confined to wheelchair due to accidental discharge of police officer’s gun); rejection by International Olympic Committee of official firearm model; prediction of increased U.S. crime due to upcoming rise in teen population.  [ Response: Sometimes you can find very pro gun articles on this typically anti-gun website.] 

** Million Mom March adds link to October MSNBC article which claims that U.S. courts now have removed all constitutional bars to gun control – both 2nd Amendment and Commerce Clause – so “Now the question is clearly and simply a political one: how much gun control do the people want, and how much will Congress give them?” Article compares assault weapons to pornography. Author asserts, “Being a free society means that we must tolerate all kinds of offensive things, from speech to art and whatever the latest trends may be. But if what is offensive is also deadly: how far must we go? It’s nice to talk about constitutional theory, but it is important to remember that killing machines are the source of this controversy. Across America are gravestones of police, innocent children, and others who have fallen victim to this particular form of ‘freedom.’”  [ Response: Yes, and there will be many more gravestones if you statists keep pushing, too. Wake up and smell the gunpowder.] 

** Million Mom March posts Thanksgiving message, claiming that its members in Michigan and Pennsylvania are the reason that Al Gore carried those states.  [ Response: Bragging about fighting for Al Gore is quite funny. Did their members also brag about being incapable of telling the difference between the words "Buchannan" and "Gore," too?] 

** Million Mom March adds link to Handgun Control Inc. press release claiming that gun control is a winning issue because some of HCI’s targeted candidates lost, though HCI provides no analysis of effect of gun control attitudes on those races.  [ Response: Socialist liars can claim until they are blue in the face; they still ain't getting our guns.] 

** Million Mom March post-election analysis includes claim that victory in Utah House district 2 for Jim Matheson (D) is victory for gun control because: “While we downplayed licensing and registration during the campaign, we can nonetheless cite this race as evidence that common sense gun laws is politically popular, even in Republican strongholds such as Utah.” No word on whether MMM thinks Al Gore’s retreat from gun control in Michigan and Pennsylvania are “proof” that gun control was a winning issue in those states. MMM also notes that loss for Lauren Gash (D) in Illinois is more proof that gun control is “a winning issue.”  [ Response: The only real "proof" that came from OR and CO is that there are more history-ignorant people than we thought, that we're closing to having to take up arms to defend Liberty, and that the millions of statist dollars poured into the anti-rights crusade are helping the Dark Side.] 

** Partnership Against Violence Network adds link to 1999 United Methodist Communications video “Kids, Guns and Violence, How to Make a Difference.” Film blames violence in America on access to guns, noting that the “gun culture” is due to: “We are a nation that was created by revolution, extermination and slavery.” Video is stored on U.S. Department of Agriculture Internet space. No word on whether that violates the separation of church and state.  [ Response: Adolf Hitler filmed human experiments, too. So what. Come get our guns, any time you like.] -- click on “what’s new.”

** Pax USA provides link to Parents magazine article promoting Pax’s “Ask Campaign” which urges parents to grill neighbors about guns in homes and to demand that those neighbors “safely store” their guns. Article connects failure to ask to accidental child shootings.  [ Response: Any neighbor that listens to Pax USA is the same kind of neighbor that would call the police on you for yelling too loud when arguing, and telling them you're "a gun nut."] 


** California Department of Justice Firearms Division gives 23-day deadline extension for “AK and AR series assault weapons” to Jan. 23, 2001. All other “assault weapons” still subject to Dec. 31, 2000 deadline.  [ Response: Why I Will Not Obey California's Gun Registration Edict  by Brian Puckett] 

** California Department of Justice Firearms Division adds 3 Walther semi-autos to list of handguns meeting state’s safety testing requirements, raising tally to 81. After New Year’s Day, no handguns may be sold, imported or made in the state without safety certifications. Some private or antique sales are exempt.  [ Response: We support full scale refusal to comply by all dealers and gun owners and hearty American resistance when the ATF and any other non-American gun grabbers come to do the King's dirty work.] 

** Colorado Million Mom March adds link to SFGate (San Francisco) article explaining that despite e-Bay having banned sale of guns on its site, many still are “slipping through,” although examples given are a gun barrel, a BB gun and a mock Glock.  [ Response: You can sell guns on our website any old time you like, for free. We have Auctions and Classified sections to let you do it, too. Screw eBay and to Hell with the Forth Thousand Mom March, too.] 

Do you have an item I should include or a group I should watch? Email me at  

Sean Oberle is a featured writer with whose archive is kept here:  Distribution permitted and encouraged. Please say you saw it first on


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A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson, Encyclopedia of T. Jefferson, 318, Foley, Ed., reissued 1967.

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