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The Second Amendment IS Our Equal Rights Amendment!

The Second Amendment IS Our Equal Rights Amendment!

By Nancy Herrington
Women Against Gun Control (main site, Georgia site)
Executive Vice President

We Need More Pro Self-Defense / Pro Freedom Ladies To Speak Up For Freedom and For the 2nd Amendment

I wish women would get away from the idea that it's the men’s responsibility to "take care of them". Freedom isn't just for men, it's for EVERY human being. It's everybody's responsibility to protect it and it's everybody's responsibility to protect themselves.

Ladies (and Gentlemen), The Second Amendment, our basic fundamental human RIGHT to defend our lives, property AND liberty, IS our equal rights amendment.

At a gun shows, We try to get folks to sign prewritten post cards to help us get a pro gun bill passed or anti freedom bills killed.... It's hard enough getting the male gun owners to stop and take a minute :-) , but to get women to sign one (speak up) is next to impossible. When a couple stops by it is usually takes some persuading to get the female half to sign one. At a gun show in Mesa AZ a couple yrs. ago, I was called a feminist by one young lady who stated that women had no business defending our rights; that we should just stay home and "let our men take care of us". She was there with her Dad. She came out of the show following her Dad and carrying his purchases.

If a feminist is a woman who is willing and able to stand up and defend her family and country then so be it.

It is the anti self-defense women who are going to try/ ARE TRYING to take away our basic fundamental human right to defend our lives, property and liberty -- and they are doing it using female emotion and lies. Nothing else can fight that and win except MORE "female emotion" and TRUTH from Pro self-defense ladies. If you know a pro self-defense female who hasn't joined in the fight, you might want to remind them of this. It's their fight too!

Men can't protect us if they are unarmed, nor can we protect ourselves if they are hurt and we are unarmed....

It’s going to take an all out grassroots effort to win this war, and that is EXACTLY what we are in. There are more women joining the ladies' pro gun organizations, but still not enough who are willing to get PHYSICALLY active. We do not just need names, Ladies, we need VOICES! We need ACTIVISTS!

We need EACH AND EVERY ONE of YOU to get up off the couch. Stop waiting for others to defend you and your freedom. Your Safety AND your freedom are YOUR responsibility.

For me it's been about freedom, not guns, since day one.....

Stay Safe, Stay Free, Stay Armed,

Nancy Herrington
Women Against Gun Control
Executive Vice President

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.

"Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est" ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands.") Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

Nancy Herrington, WAGC EVP
20-year GunRights Activist. RKBA includes NRA, CSG, GOA, WAGC, SAS, MothersArms, 2AMPD, SAF, CCRKBA, , JPFO and KABA

See Also: Armed Females of America

Other Articles from or About Women & Guns:


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Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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