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This note was originally published in our Guestbook, but it's such a nice, refreshing message, we just had to put it on our home page.

A Mother's Message in Support of the Right to Keep And Bear Arms

by Charlene Sanders


I'd like to take a moment and thank Angel for taking the initiative to put this wonderful site up! What a wonderful venue we have for sharing information and supporting each other.

I am the mother of 4 (ages 24, 23, 19 and 13) and I AM VERY PROUD TO SAY ALL VALUE AND RECOGNIZE THEIR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. My 24 y/o son recently returned from the Navy where he was stationed at Pearl on a destroyer, the USS HOPPER identical to the USS Cole. I am proud to have children to know how important it is to be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. We go to the range on a regular basis.

I recently took my 2 year old grandson, Cody to the range and watched him sit in his mother's lap, (my daughter Betsy) his hands on the outside of hers (she was holding it) and he got to shoot his great, great grandfather's Scout single action .22 pistol. I almost cried. I got plenty of pictures of him grinning from ear to ear. When he comes to my house he comes to the (locked) gun cabinet and points up and says, "gun" and smiles. His Daddy's dad will be taking him deer hunting the first real opportunity that presents itself.

In reference to the latest letter I read posted by Angel by the woman who in essence said she'd rather be raped... this is a sad commentary on America. We must not let this be the legacy we leave to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. By not doing everything we can to secure their rights, we will not be doing them any favors. We have a clear responsibility to do everything we possibly can to make sure we leave them a FREE country.

Ladies, go shooting with your husbands. Yes, I'm talking about going duck hunting; deer hunting; quail, squirrel etc...I'm sure they'd be surprised if not delighted you'd like to go. Besides it will give you some needed practice in case you ever NEED to preserve your own life.

I take my kids to the range as often as I can. I want my 13 y/o to be familiar with a weapon. I do not want her to be at some man's mercy should she ever be in the unfortunate position of having to defend herself and no one else around. God himself couldn't help the man who would ever try anything with her mother close at hand!!!

Thanks Angel for the forum.




Charlene, you are welcome. Please tell us more about what it's like to raise smart kids in a world of victim-minded people. Please tell us your experiences raising your younguns with some good American sense -- and pride. Use our Article Submission Form, and let's hear some more from you. We LIKE publishing new people, the more the merrier.


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[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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